Circus play..........

Red Moon Country, Metaculous Continent.

Blue Moon Crown City

Joshua's Palace

And Joshua, who heard Adrian snorted in reply, "Like hell, he wants to. No matter how stupid he is, he won't do something like that. Especially when Adam is in Metaculous Continent. With that person here, who would dare to do something so insane?"

"But one thing is for sure, he will complete the ceremony tomorrow, cuz tomorrow is the night of the full moon. Moreover, tomorrow is the day of the bloody moon which only shines once in hundred years. And that night is the most important part of the ceremony."

"So, whatever he wants to do, tomorrow is the time."

Adrian jumped, hearing that, "Then, we need to stop him."

Joshua harrumphed, "WE?! Like hell, we do! Your aim are those three Soul orbs, aren't they? Stop saying we we, like you truly give a damn about me."