Princess Abigail

Red Moon Country, Metaculous Continent.

Capital City- Red Moon Crown City

Grande Auction House.

Adrian felt like crying, but no tears came out. It was not his fault that this all bullshit happened. It was just his overexcitement fault that lead him to such an unforgivable situation.

So, he did what he was best at. Coxing. Hugged his Eli tightly, kissed him even more harshly, and spoke, "Eli, my Eli, you must save me. Aren't we two bodies, one soul.? Die together, live together. If Kiel killed me in anger, you would die too.. saveeee meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...…"

Elijah felt his heart tightening, seeing his cutie pie nearly on the verge of crying, "Don't worry, Adyyyyy... my cutie pie….. my lovely pie….. No one can touch you until your Eli is with you. I will protect you."