*Title at the end of the chapter*

Red Moon Country, Metaculous Continent.

Capital City- Red Moon Crown City

Grande Auction House.

The moment the sound fell, all the heads turned to look at the guest whose sound was so melodic that it nearly hypnotized half of the guests, and some of them even have now tents on their pants.

Adrian especially checked and pressed thousands of times his butt on his Eli's dick to verify if it was standing or not, only when he found that it wasn't that he was satisfied and gave his Eli a loveful peck on his lips.

Making Elijah helpless, it was already a big miracle that his dick didn't stand when his Ady rubbed his butt, not to say when he rubbed again and again to confirm. So, how would he be satisfied with just a peck, but he made do with it for now, when he felt Princess Abigail smirking at them mischievously.

This bitch was truly wasn't good for their health.