Start of the party.....

Red Moon Country, Metaculous Continent.

Capital City- Red Moon Crown City,

Ezra's Palace,

Unlike other emperors who would come wearing their emperor clothes, expensive to the brim, Ezra was wearing tight black pants, a bloody red long coat, with a black t-shirt from inside, and expensive black shiny shoes.

The only thing that made him look like an Emperor was the crown on his head, which was embedded with tiny red diamonds, giving his already devilish look, even deadlier devil aura.

Everyone had to say that Ezra looked hot, too hot to even describe. His temperament, charm, and personality looked nearly otherworldly.

Only the word handsome could do justice to him.

As behind him stood five princes and three princesses, his kin, his sons, and daughters.

And in front of him stood his one and only attendant Christopher.