Red Moon Country, Metaculous Continent.

Capital City- Red Moon Crown City,

Ezra's Palace,

Time: 11:39 pm,

"The old 7 died, huh?" Ezra mumbled, but hearing that mumble, Christopher felt his whole body shuddering.

One by one, all the seven Tier-3 vampires under Ezra died. They were Tier-3, not some fucking cabbages.

They were the peak power of this world, and in one day, seven of them died. He just couldn't believe it.

But he still braved his heart and spoke, "M-M-My lord, there are only 6 minutes left before the completion of the ceremony. Please control yourself."

Hearing him, Ezra laughed, "Why won't I? Don't worry, I know my priorities."

But the more Ezra behaved like this, the more fearful Christopher went. But he could do nothing and wait, wait until the ceremony ended and Ezra obtained the power to destroy this whole world.