*Title at the end of the chapter*

Dasos Continent, East Side Forest…..

At early in the morning...

Time: 11:58 pm 

(Flashback: 2 minutes before the Shadow King's backward countdown.)

Elijah stood with Witch Queen Avery, as behind him stood ten different types of human-shaped creatures.

The creatures had no skin, but their body looked exactly like Elijah's. The only difference all the ten creatures had was that they were all brimming with different types of elementals.

It was said that this world has five common elementals: Earth, Wind, Water, Fire, Metal.

But besides these five elementals, there were five more rare elementals, which were Wood, Thunder, Light, Darkness, and Ice.

And behind Elijah, precisely all these ten elementals types of humans stood, which were known as 'Ten Elementals of Creation.'

Elijah's one of the two talents.