Angry Adrian... Despaired Beast Kings...

In terror, Owen looked at the sight. Adrian's body was split into two halves, his heart was shattered which was still in the claw of the Peacock King.

But that wasn't what made him afraid, what made him afraid was Adam, whose anger somehow he could feel from all the way where the Ape King had died.

That anger made him somewhat fearful and anxious. He knew this anger was because of Adrian getting split in two, but he was immortal no.

At the very least he was immortal until Adam was alive, so why show of such anger?

And then it happened, the proud monsters who were glaring at Owen, as if asking for him to come and attack them, suddenly became stunned, as the Peacock King who was holding the warm heart on its claw suddenly felt its claw burning.

It wanted to leave the heart, but as if some kind of power binding it, it couldn't leave it.