Inside Adrian's Chaos Space...
Within 1 km restriction...
The green lake boiled such as if the magma was boiling. Yet not even a smoke could rise from it.
No space was left for the smoke, as the restriction was suffocated such that it would give chills to whoever saw it.
As the next moment, everything exploded. The green lake evaporated without leaving even a trace of it, as in the middle the small fire started to grow.
A purple figure was created out of the fire, as the large wing grew behind the purple figure.
Slowly, the purple light swept away, as there now stood Adrian in the middle with purple wings and purple armor on his upper body.
His head looking down as if he was dead. Not even his breathing could be heard, as the next moment a black light shone in front of him.
The light grew brighter and brighter as again it turned into the Saboteur.