You doubted me, you deserved it...

Sector- X, Block- A.

Inside Adrian's Room.

"Have you lost it? How could you kiss me out there? Everybody was there." Adrian whispery screamed the moment he reached his room.

While Elijah being Elijah, picked his cutie pie on his hug and again gave him a loud peck on his lips "You doubted me, you deserved it." As he again kissed his cutie pie, nearly shoving his tongue inside his mouth, just to get his kiss ruined by his cutie pie, so he stuffed his face on Ady's neck, to get his sweet scent which he missed for days.

God, he missed this so much.

In the past ten days, he felt like dying.

His Ady was nowhere near him, only he knows how he dealt with all that loneliness, especially when it was time to sleep, how he just wanted to fly towards Sector-X and get into his cutie pie's hug and sleep like a baby.