Creation After Destruction: Rise Of The Seven Warriors Part-II

In Metaculous Continent, Joshua stood up feeling the sudden pain all over his body, but instead of crying in fear, he laughed "FINALLY, IT'S STARTING… Oh, Mother Earth; your child was waiting for your grace. Give me all the power you want. This vassal has no limit. NO LIMITTTTTTTTTTTT…."

Joshua bellowed as he felt his bloodline getting devoured by the power of chaos. The pain assaulting his body was so much that he wanted to roar in pain, but he just smiled and waited.

Let the pain assault him however much it wanted. As finally, the pain turned into a burning fire, as his blood itself started boiling, but feeling the boiling blood, Joshua laughed "FINALLYYYYYYYYYYYYY….. FINALLY, I CAN GO BACK TO BEING WHO I WASSSSSSS…."

"Now the only thing remaining to do is to kill Aaron and destroying 'Moon Stone'. But no worries, sooner or later those things will happen too. They surely will."