Locator Mirror...

Sector- X, Block- B.

Inside Adrian's Chaos Space...


Yawning, Adrian woke up as he totally and utterly ignored the pervert beneath him, who was squeezing his butt, with his eyes tight close, as if what he was doing was subconsciously, not consciously.

"Stop it and start explaining what I saw yesterday, Mr. Pervert." Asked Adrian as he threw his Eli's hand away from his butt and looked straight at Mr. Pervert's closed eyes.

"What? What did you see yesterday, Ady? I don't understand." Mumbled Elijah as he hugged his cutie pie from his back, ahhhhhhhhhhhh..... this was what heaven must feel like, wasn't it?

"My underwear, what were you doing with it?" Asked Adrian again as he tried so hard not to beat this fucker.

The first night he opened his bag, he knew most of the stuff from inside was missing and also knew where it must've been.