Finally gotten the array...

Sector- X, Block- A.

Inside Adrian's Room.


Eyes wide open, Adrian looked towards his father's meeting room, where millions and millions of souls were gathered.

Just the smell of theirs made his breath quicken, as he couldn't help but get up from his seat and walk towards where all these souls were gathered.

Opening his father's meeting room, there he saw his father, brother, and Kane sitting and in the middle, there were close to fifty soul orbs filled to the brim.

"My Adu, come here, sit with brother," Adam spoke as he patted the seat beside him, nodding Adrian walked and sat on the seat.

"Finally, everyone is here," Adriel spoke as he took out a black ball.

The ball was so black that it shined with a great luster, yet marked in that ball were millions and millions of lines.

So small, so complex, that they could barely be seen with the naked eye.