The Underground Maze...

Sector- X, Block- A.

Inside the meeting Room.


"Let's start then." Adriel Marshall spoke as all of them stood up and started walking.

Soon they all reached a giant circle, which went so deep that there was no end to it, yet inside were the thousands of paths that led to every corner of Sector X.

With the expansion of the world, these passages expanded alongside them and still covered the entire Sector X.

These underground paths were created a long time ago by the Judges, when, nobody knows, but Sector X had been passed down for ages from hand to hand to Judges.

And these passages had always been a way out and in for Judges. Using these passages, inside Sector X they became invincible.

Nobody except soul consumers knows where these pathways leads to, and if someone thinking they could use these pathways to exploit the biggest strength of Judge's got inside, their only end would be death.