“And Ace... I am not weak, you fucker.......”

Inside Adrian's Chaos Space...


Coughing Adrian woke up, as he felt his entire body aching, while running Elijah and Adam came, "Adyyyyyyyyy....." "Aduuuuuuu...."

Together they nearly screamed as one hugged Adrian, other threw Elijah, just to gently pull Adrian into his hug.

Not minding being thrown away, Elijah stood rushing and held Adrian's hand "Ady, how are you feeling? Your health deteriorated all of a sudden. Even when I fed you Tier 3 Healing Potion, you did not wake up. You are fine, right, Ady?" In concern, Elijah asked.

Wryly Adrian smiled as he nodded his head, and gently rubbed Elijah's face, as he looked at his brother, who just kept looking at him without saying anything.

"I am fine, brother. Just feeling an ache all over my body. I should've used the Judge's prestige without getting used to it." Adrian smiled gently.