Embarrassing!!! So fucking embarrassing!!!

Sector- X, Block- A.

Inside Adrian's Room,


Evening came yet nothing changed. Adrian and Adam were in a coma same as before.

Bella had woken up but even her condition was no better now. But at the very least, she was back to being conscious and was lying in the same room as Adam.

Adriel, Alexander, and Kiel stood in Adrian's room, as Kiel looked at Elijah, who had not left Adrian even for a second and was now glaring at them.

"Why can't you just give him the potion in front of me?" Elijah gritted his teeth in anger.

How could he leave his Ady when he was in this state? 

It was just a potion, then all they needed to do was give it and be done with it, why were they telling him they wanted to take Adrian with them?