Humph! Humph!! Yum! Yum!!

Sector- X, Block- A.

Inside Adrian's Space,


Hearing the blinking noise, Elijah woke up, as he felt a warm breath hitting on his neck.

Looking at his cutie pie sleeping on top of him, he lovingly rubbed his head, as he then closed the blinking noise that only he could hear in his mind.

Hugging his cutie pie lightly, Elijah tried to sleep again, just the hear the blinking noise again, making him annoyed.

But he knew, it was time to go, otherwise, this noise would keep disturbing him till he reached back to the headquarters.

As lightly lifting his body, he tried to put his cutie pie on the bed, just to get hugged tightly.

Helplessly he could only pick his cutie pie alongside him and sat.

Feeling his cutie pie's warm naked body on his body just made his already hard dick even harder, but he controlled himself and gently shook his cutie pie to wake him up.