Truthful Edwin; Teary Alex...

Sector- X, Block- A.

Inside Adrian's Room,


"Seriously Ad, you want Alex to learn something like this?" Hannah said as she pointed at the book "Even I can't do that."

"Forget you, sister Scarlet. Even I, who is called walking library, cannot do it." Edwin added "As the pages will pass by, the context will start to become even vaguer. Plus, remembering all this is one side, comprehending it another."

"It took me three months to remember all the context, without comprehending anything, even though I directly possessed the True Art, not copy."

"After that, it took me years to comprehend and become as proficient as I am right now."

"And even for that mom helped me in every block that I faced. She is best in military's art, but this….."

"This art is not Arora's at all. This belongs to Koraki Continent, only they possess the True Mental Art."