Time to bring everyone home...

Sector- X, Block- A.

Inside Adrian's Space,


Inside his space, Adrian laid on his bed as he watched one of the most famous shows and his favorite one too, as he was lost in his own world.

He had no work to do. His clones were busy doing all the work for him, searching for all the things they could all over the Arora Continent.

Going to places where others would not even think of going, while he enjoyed himself in his paradise.

As the next moment, like always his alarm clock rang, yawning he shut the alarm, and stood up to wash his face.

It was time to bring everyone back, he had especially sanctioned a curfew for everyone at 4 pm.

Cuz after that night creatures start to hunt, while the day creatures return back from the hunt.

All and all, after 4 pm danger increases close to ten times, and he, who was always careful, did not want his teammates to take any unnecessary risk.