Bitter Adrian; Sorrowful Others...

Sector- X, Block- A.

Inside Adrian's Room,


"Anyway, there is a simple method to find out whether all this is true or not," Adrian spoke slowly as everyone looked at him, and they knew what method Adrian was talking about.

"It is to wait and go to the place according to the time that the memory tells us, going there we can see whether they are real or not," Adrian spoke, and hearing him, Alex, Hannah, and Evan felt their stomach churning.

They did not want to go there, there was a reason why she was retorting this much, why they were letting Hannah retort this much.

They truly did not care whether these memories were real or not, they just wanted them to go away, and be done with them all.

Nothing was good in those memories, even if there was something good for Evan, he knew in his heart that Hailey had really died.