Coming of the dreading time...

Sector- X, Block- A.

Inside Adrian's Room,


Slowly noon came, and dread filled the room, no one had spoken since Adrian sat on the sofa.

The silence had stayed in the room for hours, yet as more time was passing, the more everyone felt fear seeping into them.

Especially, Evan, he had clenched his fist so tight that blood was ready to seep out of his palm, but he did not care.

He just did not want that time to come, but the moment Adrian raised his head, he knew, the time had truly come, and the dread that he was feeling had come to ruin him.

"It's time, who wants to come with me." Asked Adrian as he looked at everyone.

His face was void of any expression, he truly did not care about Hailey and whatnot, for him, whether they were real or not, alive or dead, nothing mattered.