Crazy World, Crazy People Birth...

Sector- V, Arora Continent.


This was crazy, but a simple truth, the world they were living in now was as crazy as a person could come out with.

No, it was even more crazier than anyone's comprehension, and this was just a start.

Today someone had awakened a talent that could bring people back to life, maybe tomorrow someone would come, who would be able to turn life into death just with a mere touch or sight.

Everything was possible in this crazy world, and he had learned all this with firsthand experience.

But what made him curious was, where the hell this person was, who had used their talent to bring back three of his teammate's family come back to life.

Truthfully whoever that person was, they had a personal vendetta against him. 

And why he thought that was because Alex and others before meeting him were ordinary people.