I am John, then I am night......

Sector W, Arora Continent,


Finishing his work, the man indifferently raised his head as he directly stared at Scarlet, and the next moment he became astonished, then puzzled, and then what was left on his face was confusion.

The same confusion that he could see in Scarlet's face, both of them stared at each other as if trying to recall where they had seen each other, but the more they watched, the more they realized, how unfamiliar, the familiar face felt.

And they were sure they had never met each other, yet the faces, both of their faces, it was as if they were molded from the same mud.

And the next moment, the man moved, no, it was better to say, he directly vanished, but when he reappeared, he found himself at the place where Scarlet had stood, but the person he wanted to face had already moved away, and their distance was as large as before.