Chapter 43 - Purple Sea 5

"Gemini? "Wait a minute, you're not Sundae." Cola was taken aback.

"..." Memao was speechless when he realized Yssa BB had discovered Sundae and Sunday's secret.

"Gemini is a one-of-a-kind type of system knowledge. Sundae is the female counterpart, while Sunday is the male counterpart. They are as different as night and day." Yssa BB elaborates

"The day was Sundae, and the night was Sunday. So, since it is now nighttime, Mr. Sunday has joined us." Yssa BB continues

"Can you answer my question?" Sunday inquires.

"I am related to the Dark Twins." Yssa BB Yssa BB Yssa BB

"Oh, you're that baby cousin they're always bragging about," Sunday explained.

This resulted in an awkward smile from Yssa BB.

"What exactly is infected?" Memao inquires as to whether she wishes to learn why Yssa BB was so terrified of it.

"Infected is the first stage of corruption," Yssa BB explained.

"Does that mean it's the same as a Mutated beast?" Memao inquires.

Yssa BB was completely befuddled. Librarian systems, such as Memao, are unaware of this information.

It was basic knowledge for him because it was taught to him by his father.

Cola noticed that he was frowning.

"Memao is a member of the Red Tiger Clan. It was unusual for her to have this level of system knowledge, to begin with." Cola elaborated.

Memao can't help but express his dissatisfaction with the Cola statement.

"No surprise," Yssa BB observed.

"Do you know what I'm talking about?" Memao couldn't yell, so she said it in a higher tone.

"Have you ever heard of System Dark Link?" Yssa BB inquired.

"Do you mean it's true and not a legend?" Cola was taken aback.

"Yes, it is, so it also means one thing," Yssa BB said, but she had no intention of continuing the statement and was waiting for someone to respond.

"Corrupted System, that lost control and was banished in System Dark Link, because it was well known that our system can die, and we are only reborn again and again," Sunday explained, but he had no plans to say anything else.

Knowing that Cola is still unaware of it, Yssa offered to send him a file about it after the Survival Marathon.

Memao, on the other hand, was taken aback and grateful that the monster beast that attacked them was infected.

They have a high chance of becoming infected if they stay for an extended period of time.

Fortunately, she was able to persuade Yssa BB to send her a copy of the corrupted file.

"Are you certain you have permission to share this information?" On Sunday, inquire.

"Of what I was given by my father, he said I can share it with people I know who need it, do you want a copy too, it's pretty detailed compared to the version available in public," Yssa BB explained.

"Okay, send me a copy; do you want to trade?" Sunday response

"Would you like to trade?" "Sure, send me a link or trade after this." Yssa BB Yssa BB Yssa BB

"I'd like to trade with," Cola stated.

"OK," says Yssa BB.

"What kind of business are you in? Can I participate? "Memao inquires

"No!" exclaimed Sunday.

"Why not?" Memao ask

Yssa BB and Cola paid no attention to the lovebirds' squabble.


It was a strange love story that almost all of the Newborns were aware of.

But they had no idea Sunday and Sundae were the same systems. They are aware of a portion of the story.

Sunday was Memao's childhood friend, and they used to be best friends.

Sundae existed before Sundae.

Sunday was the main character, and Sundae was the supporting one.

Meanwhile, Sunday was madly in love with Memao.

Sundae exists as a result of Memao's rejection of him in the past.

Memao, unfortunately, had no recollection of that fateful event.

So what happens when Memao finally meets Sundae?

She was always protecting and babysitting Sundae after that.

In contrast to the public perception that Memao and Sunday were a couple.

Sunday was a nagging brother.

Sunday is now a favorite of the memo. Unlike before, she was too young to comprehend the concept of love.

Unfortunately, she was too late. Sunday decided to let go of his emotions.

Sundae must exist because he awakens Gemini's knowledge system.

As a result, Sunday was able to easily let go of his emotions. He no longer considers Memao to be anything more than his younger sister.



The four agree to divide the dragging of the speed boat into two shifts so that they can rest and restore the system's energy.

Memao and Yssa BB worked the day shift.

Sunday and Cola worked the night shifts.