Mechanic Systems was respected within the System Link. They have a good reputation between systems.
Cola Mechanic was one of the youngest Newborns of his generation. Being the son of both best mechanic systems at System Link.
Most of the systems will think that he has to live a good life.
Sadly he was not. He was too young compared to his older cousins. He was the only son and child of his parents.
So he was surrounded by an older system ever since he was young.
It made him grow up as a lonely and silent system compared to bright and adventurous newborn systems.
When he was at the age that he can good to school to train his system knowledge.
He was hopeful to make friends so he can play with them.
*Only native systems can go to system schools to train.
Cola was disappointed again that the systems are only wanted to be closed with him due to his family background.
One day his father was talking about a child of his one friend. He remembers that Alexion de Forger was his uncle and he was just adapting a Blank system.
It made him curious so he ask his father about Yssa BB more. After he met Yssa BB in a first Survival Maraton at the Virtual Olympics it made him happy.
Yssa BB was a tricker but he was smart and it made him happy that he notice Yssa BB did not care about his background at all.
He met Sunday that had a split personality. Cola's impression that Sunday was too lucky made him envy.
And Memao the clueless little girl. That is the nickname that Yssa BB give and he adapt it since he found it funny.
Cola's impression of Memao was smart but she can be naive at times.
The new member Valdemar was too silent. Cola found him reliable and fun to be with.
He even invites Val to join VO just the two of them. Val on the other hand was happy to play with Cola.
Just a few weeks ago Paolo and Mehlis contact him to make a special item. At first, he was shocked it was a big order and a newborn system couldn't have this bis order.
But after he learn the real reason why he got the order it made him smile. It made him remember what his father said to him.
"Friends are one of the best assets anyone can have."
It was like a buy one and get all free. He once met Yssa BB then he met a lot of systems as his new friends.
Plus he got more orders too. It helps him to practice his skills as a mechanic system.
At first, he was not good at fighting. But meeting his new friends he was forced to adapt he dont want to be the burden of the squad.
He was a genius mechanic but he did not realize it due to the fact he was always with older mechanics.
So his standard in making items was ahead of his peers.
He also trains with Yssa BB either if making weapons or random items to close combat fighting.
It made him amazed that Yssa BB system knowledge was too wide and had a lot of application.
It also made him realize that he was not like his father or any other mechanic system at all.
So it made him think outside of the box. His goal was to be the best Mechanic just like his father became the most fun mechanic.
He will make and do anything he thinks will be fun.
Cola from a silent and lonely newborn system turns into a hyper and energetic Newborn system.
He even pranks clothes more worst than Yssa BB pranks in the past.
If Yssa BB pranks are just level 1 and Cola pranks was level 20. A thin line to commit a crime on System Link.
But Yssa BB found it was too interesting so he support Cola in whatever he did. So Yssa BB and Cola sometimes organized squad bonding activities.
More or less they just causing trouble around the System Link.
The System police had no choice to let the newborn system go with violations.
Since they never violent any rule it was just they are super annoying prankers in the System.
The System Police had a headache to know another troublemaker group as the form just like the famous dark twins Mehlis and Paolo.
*This title is not connected with Dark Twins Order. Orders are uniques systems organization that is independent of the System government.
At present.
Cola was busy making his candy bombs. It was mini bombs it will explode as liquid candies to the target.
Ting! Ting!
Dark Twin Order Announcement: [Creator Collector System issue a squad mission. The details will be sent shortly to you Mechanic System]