
"Having been heartless, I think it might have just been better to have died," Chanty admitted as she finished her tea.

Satin bit her lip.

"Then, what kept you going?" She asked, finally picking up the teapot. It felt extra warm under her frozen fingers. She filled Chanty's empty mug with tea leaving room for sugar and milk.

Chanty chuckled, making Satin's ears perk up. It was rare she saw Chanty smile, but the grin she was given made the hair on the back of her neck stand on end. For the first time, she noticed something about her friend.

Chanty's teeth here pointed like Nori's had been. She had really been heartless before. No wonder she didn't smile.

"I want revenge on the person who made me heartless. I want to destroy them." Chanty explained and fixed her tea, adding only milk and sipping it.

Satin softened. What did she want?

She just wanted her heart back.

"What do we do now?" she finally asked, looking back at the bloody trail that had followed them inside. It would be dawn soon and more than noticeable.

"We leave," Chanty said and finished her tea in two chugs. She set the cup down on the saucer and grabbed her cane.

"What, leave! This is my home!" Satin protested.

"If you are found here, the townspeople will destroy you. You know people don't take kindly to Heartless and look, the changes are already starting." Chanty pointed to Satin's legs. They're just along her hooves were strange jelly-like black growths. Satin felt her stomach flip and swallowed hard, finally being brave enough to touch them. One popped, and a small newly birthed tentacle floated out along her hoof. Satin gagged.

"Get over it, they will go back into your body soon enough, and you will be able to use them at will as Nori did," Chanty explained, pulling herself up with her cane.

"Wait, how do you know her name," Satin asked, slowly stumbling to her hooves.

Chanty said nothing and hobbled out.

"Hey, ah wait, I need to bring stuff! Like clothing! And work!" Satin looked at the dress she had now smeared with fresh blood. She could wash it, she told herself.

"Hurry up then. When the sun comes up, there is going to be a heartless hunt, I am sure." Chanty called and headed outside.

Satin grabbed what little she could, three dresses, her sewing kit, and a small bundle of bread, cheese, and vegetables. She paused, looking at the bundle. It would all taste like lemons. After a moment, she decided Chanty could eat it and rushed out the door. Azuki leaped onto her back, riding along with her. Her cat ears were still low and distress on her face.

Satin had to canter to catch up with Chanty, who had gotten to the spot Satin had been slain. The blood was slowly starting to disappear, and Chanty grimaced.

"This is worse than I thought." Chanty pointed to the blood as it disappeared.

"Come on; we need to get you a new heart. And I know just where to get one." She smiled again, making Satin shiver as she followed her friend at a distance.

It didn't take long till they were out of town, and just as the sun was cresting over the small mountainside, they came to Chanty's ship.

In the middle of a wooded clearing sat a full double masted pirate ship. The sails were rolled up tightly, but it didn't look like the ship could go anywhere without water under it. It was well out of sea range.

Satin lingered back from the ship, looking at Chanty.

"What?" she barked, pulling down a rope that released a ramp.

The ramp hit the ground and dug in as Chanty hobbled up it with ease.

"How are we going to get anywhere? How did you park a ship in the middle of the woods?" Satin slowly followed with wonder. Chanty huffed as she got aboard.

"I never stay in one place very long; you know that." She explained and, with that, pulled a crank making the ramp shoot back into the ship's hull with a bang.

"She can fly," Chanty said with a nod as if everyone in the world should have been able to guess.

"Come on. I will show you your room." Chanty hobbled over to the stair leaving below and tossed her cane down the steps. She hopped onto the banister and slipped down. Satin followed carefully, going down the stairs. It was much harder with four legs. Chanty scooped up her cane and seemed to relax.

After a few hobbling steps, a huge rotund orange cat waddled out with a chuckle. Like his owner, he too had a mechanical back leg and several scars along his chest.

"What happened cap, did you lose your leg in another poker game?" the cat purred up at Chanty, who rolled her eyes.

"Oh shut it, tart. You were too lazy to even get off the ship this time. It got crushed. Again." Chanty huffed.

Satin gave a weak smile and glanced at Azuki. Her cat had gone stiff, and her face had flushed to her ears. She quickly looked off with her whiskered fluffed out, trying to ignore the huge orange feline rubbing along Chanty's leg. Chanty reached down and heaved him up with one arm getting purred at louder.

"Is that really Tart? He got so big." Satin commented.

"Nah, only fat. He is still the same size as he used to be," Chanty corrected and hopped into her captain's room.

The room was lavish and covered in maps. Sparkling bandages and gold doubloons were strung around.

Chanty flopped into her chair and opened a cabinet. She pulled out a simple wooden peg leg and strapped it on.

"There, that should be okay for now." She looked at Satin, whose eyes widened as she suddenly could see thread after thread connecting all the different maps, treasures, and gold.

"You can eat the ones connected to the treasure but not the maps. I am still trying to find a few things." Chanty warned, making Satin look at her. Suddenly her friend was covered in strings, all pulling outwardly from her mechanical heart.

"So, what do we do now? You said something about a heart before." Satin felt her mouth salivate at the word again, or maybe it was the amount of delicious-looking strings all around her.