5.Done talking

Narrator: Grey Zoria

"What?" I said as my eyes widened in surprise at the mayor's words.

"You will be fighting Thomas, who is one of my personal guards." The mayor points at the scarred man with his open palm "If you win you will prove yourself worthy and I will spare your lives, but if you fail the sword will be given to a worthy warrior and all of you will die." Although he is threatening us, he is still smirking.

"Damn it." For the first time Bo intercepts at the conversation "GERRARD, DO NOT OJECT! In this kind of situation, you object you die." At Bo's statement, Gerrard bit his upper lip as he stared at the ground, while clenching his fists tight.

"Of course, you can forfeit now. If you did, you will be considered unworthy, but we will spare your lives in exchange for saving our time." The mayor stated, looking at my widened eyes.

I lower my face idly for a moment, as I begins thinking. I cannot put Gerrard and Nuri in danger, but at the same time I can't afford to lose Bo. All three of them are important to me and there is only one way to get out of here without any loses.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath, mustering all the confidence I have. Raising my head, I opened my eyes and look at the mayor with confident eyes. After we locked eyes for a second, I broke the silence that filled the room as I finally spoke "I will win and get out of here with everyone."

"Ohh, what a brave proclamation." The woman with weird smile smiled even wider showing her teeth, as she leaned forward towards me, until her became very near to my face. I began to feel embarrassed, but fortunately she was interrupted.

"Don't get arrogant, brat. You will die before even realizing it." The scarred man looked at me with the side of his eyes, but I could see his frowned expressions.

At his words, the woman to move away from me and look at him "Don't overreact, Tom. He is an interesting child." For some reason, her voice was high and clear as if she is praising her own son in front of her friends.

Tom switches his gaze towards her. He looks at her with one eyebrow lowered and other raised. A chuckle escapes my lips at the name Tom. "What's so funny, kid." The frowned expressions returned to Tom's face as he returned his gaze towards me. This time with his full face, as he moved toward me.

"Enough for now, Thomas, Adelphia." The mayor's gazed at Tom, before turning his gaze to Adelphia. Adelphia raised her hands high as she looked at the mayor "Ok ok I surrender."

Tom clenched his fists as wrinkles began to appear between his eyes "I will make sure to make your death a slow and painful one." He threatened me, before switching his gaze towards the mayor.

"Arthur." The mayor looked at the hooded guy next to him. The hooded guy responded with a nod. Then, he turned his back to us and raised his right arm in front of him.

The wall behind the mayor's throne was decorated by some sort of strange symbols like the symbols that the young kid from before used. These symbols were arranged in a circle that covered the whole wall, two smaller circles inside it, a diamond inside the circles and larger symbols inside the diamond.

When the hooded guy raised his arm, these symbols began to glow white faintly. Then, typical shapes emerged from the wall in similar arrangement. Unlike that on the wall, these shapes where entirely white. The glow of the newly made shapes became very strong that I closed my eyes immediately and covered it with my hands.

After a couple of seconds, I felt the glowing disappearing, so I opened my eyes to find myself looking at a vast green area that contains nothing but green grass in sight. My eyes widened in shock and surprise, and I immediately look at my surroundings. I'm still at the throne room. When I look in front of me again, I find the same vast green area, but this time I could see the whole picture. There is a huge circle the same size as the shape made of strange symbols. That circle is showing us that green area. What is that thing? Is it some type of monitor?

"Looks like someone is not as high and mighty as he acts." The corners of Tom's mouth moved up in a sinister smirk that I thought it would reach his ears, but I smiled too and responded immediately "And looks like someone here can uses his face in smiling like normal people."

Tom's eyebrows lowered as wrinkles began to show between them and the corners of his mouth switched from up to down in just a second. He hold me from my shirt, but Adelphia hold his hand immediately "You better don't cause yourself trouble, Tom. The mayor already told us to stop?" Adelphia smile became surprisingly small as she talked, but it didn't disappear.

Tom looked at her for a moment, before letting go of me.

"Stop acting stupid, Grey. Anyone here can kill all of you at an instant." Bo warned me, so I decided to stop mocking Tom for now.

When I looked to my right, I found Gerrard looking at me with his mouth open slightly and eyelids pulled up, but I gaze away when I find the mayor talking.

"You may stand up now." At the mayor words the three of us stand up. The mayor then turned to the Adelphia "Adelphia, take care of the handcuffs and the hostages."

I could feel my blood boiling and began to clench my fists at the word hostages, but I stay silent. He didn't say anything wrong. For him Nuri and Gerrard are just hostages.

Adelphia came to me first "Raise your hands a little."

When I raised my hands as told, she put her hand on the handcuffs and a magic symbol, I will call it like that from now on, appear on it. The handcuffs that were made of ice began to disappear bit by bit, until it disappeared completely after seconds.

Rubbing my hand, I look at Gerrard and Nuri. Gerrard is staring at the mayor, while he sank deep into thinking and is thinking deeply about something. Nuri on the other hand is bending his back forward and staring at the ground idly. She looks much shorter now than when she was standing normally at the park about 90 minutes ago.

Looking forward, I could see the mayor standing "First, lets go to an area more suitable for a fight." Turning to the magic circle, he stood next to the hooded guy, before walking in its direction.

Adelphia put her arms on Gerrard's and Nuri's shoulders leans with his head between their heads, before talking "Lets go, kids." Nuri jumps away with her eyes wide with fear, but Adelphia arm stops her, while Gerrard looked at her with his eyebrows raised in surprise.

Ignoring them Adelphia moves with her arms still on their shoulders, forcing them to move forward too.

Seeing that everyone is moving towards the magical circle, I begin moving.

Walking up the stairs and by the throne, I reached the magical circle. When I stepped into it, I could feel huge amount of power flowing through my body and something pushing me from the behind with massive force and speed that I thought my bones is going to break and my muscles is going to be torn apart.

After seconds, this power and pain both stopped completely like if they didn't exist in the first place.

I begin to study my surrounding immediately to find myself standing in the green area I saw in the magical circle. To my right there was a forest that wasn't much thick. There was a place for a group of people to move between each of its trees. To our right there was a small river about 20 meters wide. When I look froward or behind I can see nothing but green grass everywhere.

I move toward the mayor who is looking at me right now and raise my arm in front of me opening my palm "The White Sun."

"You are indeed impatient, kid." The mayor talks without changing his expressions as always, but I don't care since he gave me Bo.

"Now please take your positions." The mayor stated with his arms raised next to him. A mayor saying "please" is strange, but I gave up in trying to understand him already.

I waited to see where Tom is going to stand and stood in front of him. I am standing with the forest to my right and the river to my left. About 25 meres away from each.

The mayor said loudly :Now the fight starts