My safe haven.
This cafe was the only place where I spend most of my time when I had no classes for the day.
My workplace.
But it was not just a random place I worked to only get paid. No, I loved this place. The ambience, people and Kasa's hot milk cake.
I was pretty convinced that the customers kept coming back only for her cake, otherwise, this small cafe with its modest decor and a simple menu didn't have much to offer.
The rich brown-tinted tables occupying both inside and outside space complemented the honeyed wooden finish on the walls and the rustic detailing, bring a sense of warmth and comfort to the place.
The main attraction of this place was the beautiful forest backdrop. The cafe nestled only a few miles away from the woods so nature splayed in its back, offering a stunning view and providing a sense of seclusion to its customers and still, not that very far from the main street.
I liked to be here. Simple, cozy, less crowded and free of our memories. Clyde and I.
I didn't want to visit places and keep thinking of us being there when we were together. It was a kind of relief when I learned about this place, from where I didn't remember. Most likely, overheard somewhere or someone might have thrown it casually while we were having a conversation. But I was glad I found it. And it took me by surprise when Liana, Kasa's daughter, asked me if I liked to work there. Mostly helping her arranging the display and taking the orders.
There were not many staffs, only Kasa and Liana. Kasa only did the baking and it would be easy for her if she had an extra pair of hands to help her. And from time to time Liana had to go back into the kitchen, bring the order out so often the counter remained vacant.
Lack of staff didn't cause Kasa's business any problems. Many who visited the cafe were locals. They knew each other, greeted them like family members and often indulged in a friendly chat. So, I found it quite odd when Liana offered me the job because they didn't need me here obviously. But I didn't say anything. Most likely I needed to take my mind off and worked somewhere I looked forward to coming to every day.
"If you want, you can take the day off tomorrow."
I was so indulged in wrapping the muffins and putting them into the paper bag that I didn't notice when Liana stepped out of the kitchen and stood beside me.
She was of medium height. Too thin that her appearance could fool anyone thinking she was fragile. But I had seen her restocking supplies, carrying big bags of flour from the back door to the storeroom.
"I am free tomorrow."
"On the weekend?"
Her question made me pause into thinking that I tossed the answer so casually that I might have sounded awkward and lonely. Liana was quick to see the reaction on my face so instead of waiting for an answer, she shrugged, "Tomorrow the locals are going to camp in the mountains. So, there will be less crowd."
"Oh. Aren't you going?" I didn't ask to come, not that I wanted to but the locals preferred to keep things between themselves. They were not rude by any definition. When they visited the cafe, they acknowledged my presence, sometimes gave me a polite smile in passing but kept their interactions to me minimum.
" After I close the shop. Jamie will give me a lift."
I nodded.
It seemed how far I tried to get away from Clyde, he kept coming back. More than before. It was like suddenly he was everywhere.
Jamie belonged to Clyde's social circle of friends and always hung out together. And after I started working here, I came to know about Clyde. He was among the locals here. His parents were in good relations with Kasa.
Clyde never mentioned this place. But I was glad that not once he stepped foot into the cafe. I didn't know what I would do. Though it had been months since we broke up still the wound was fresh.
Now, recalling the past I gathered I had feelings for Clyde, maybe I still had. I liked him a lot but I guessed I never loved him. He was the first person who cared for me in years and I easily got attached to him. Craving for a scrap of affection and that was what he offered from day one and I got hooked.
So we being together didn't make much sense, still, it hurt. Clyde could have said to me what had happened that he suddenly broke up with me. Instead, he said what he came to say and took off without giving me a chance to even conclude what just happened.
After waving goodbye to Liana, I made my way to the campus. I enjoyed these moments when I walked the distance stretching between the campus and the cafe. The trees were scattered on both sides of the road before it ran deeper, blending into the denser part.
The sky was dark and the moon glowing, showing me the path, would be in her full glory tomorrow. The quietness always lulled me into a sense of comfort and peace.
But today, there was a tremor of unease tickling down my spine and with every passing second it only grew. Somehow the stillness in the air had shifted and turned into more watchful gazes.
The trees suddenly feel taller, towering over my head, stretching out their necks to jab their claws onto the passersby. The darkness gaping out its mouth between the spaces of the trees feels sinister, impenetrable.
And my own shadow did not feel mine anymore, someone else's. Watching me, following me around, never too far, never too close. I could feel their presence in my bones but I couldn't see them, touch them, or maybe it was just my paranoia.
When I reached the building, I was glad to see Liza, my roommate, on the side of the building near the entrance. Coming closer when I noticed she was not alone and with Diello, my mood instantly turned sour.
They hardly paid any attention to their surroundings as they were both heavily engrossed in each other. Sticking their tongue down each other's throats.
I ducked my head and walked quietly, thinking they wouldn't notice me. I didn't want to interrupt them and had an awkward conversation when they obviously seemed busy.
Noticing my presence, Diello quickly straightened and put a distance between them. Liza's eyes instantly fell on me and she greeted me with a playful smile and a wink.
"I thought you were already inside."
"Um…no I was busy. Didn't look into the time." Without much argument to Liana, I took the day off but before I left, I helped her as much as I could. Wiped the counter and the tables and put the trays into the kitchen.
I mentioned nothing about my suspicion of having someone stalking me. It would sound ridiculous and it could be only my paranoia and with Diello's presence, it was better I didn't go into many details.
"…also the distance from that coffee place, adds to the time." I shrugged.
"You can always go to the cafe on the campus. It's close and safe."
It took me a moment to realise Diello had spoken. It was the first time he spoke to me, even when we used to hang out together he never said a word to me.
I knew Diello as long as I know Clyde, he was one of the members of Clyde's social knit circle. Despite being in each other's presence all the time, we had never spoken. And suddenly it struck me, it was the same with all Clyde's friends.
Jamie. Diello. Everyone. They always kept their distance from me and hardly interacted with me. An exchange of pleasantries here and there, nothing much.
It took me by surprise when after a week Clyde broke up with me, Liza started dating Diello. I won't deny I had my doubts at first, more like suspicion. It seemed sudden and out of nowhere and I thought it couldn't be a coincidence with Diello's sudden interest in Liza when they already knew each other maybe not as great friends but they weren't strangers either.
And it certainly didn't help to be Clyde's friend. At first, I wanted to warn Liza, didn't want her heart to get broken. But knowing Liza, she was flirting with Diello. She wasn't serious and I was being ridiculous.
Clyde and Diello were two different persons and I couldn't judge Diello based on how things ended between Clyde and me. After a few weeks when they were still together, I let the matter slid and never thought about it.
I didn't give a reply to Diello, more like a simple nod to gesture an understanding to his words and tried to divert their attention off me.
"I should go. See you later." I told Liza and tried to get inside as quickly as possible. But Liza called me out, "No, wait. I'm coming with you. Diello is trying to say goodbye to me for a while and I keep…" She didn't get to finish her words and they both engaged in another makeout session.
Diello grasped her hips and pulled her close to him and whispered something in her ear and Liza started giggling and all the while, I stood there awkwardly thinking about what should I do.
Should I wait or, just go. They would hardly notice my absence. Before I even took a step towards the entrance, Diello spoke out to Liza, "Let me walk you to your dorm.
I didn't wait to see whether they were following or not, I climbed up the stairs and soon, their voices followed behind me. I felt like somehow this was all Clyde's doing unless why his friends were suddenly popping in everywhere. As if this was all planned and they were trying to make it seemed natural.
I didn't know what to conclude. I felt more confused. If there was even a slight possibility of what I was thinking was right. Why now? Why was Clyde doing this? What did he want?
Our room was on the first floor, the far end on the left side of the corridor. My steps were quick and easy to stretch the distance between us and get inside as quickly as possible.
Reaching our room, I fished out the keys from my bag and turned the lock. Before I opened the door, something crashed onto the floor echoed off and I quickly pulled the door open and stepped in and walking straight to the cause of the noise.
The mirror was shattered, scattered onto the floor. How could this happen?
I didn't realise I had said it out loud when Liza answered my question.
"It could be the wind. You left after me so you must have forgotten to close the window."
"Maybe, I don't remember. It crashed just before I entered. Isn't it seems odd? Is someone…"
"That's what we call coincidence." Liza took off her heels and flopped down on her bed. She moaned a sigh of relief as she massaged her feet, closing her eyes.
"Are you alright?"
Diello concerned tone threw me off. He must have noticed the shocked expression on my face as he masked a smile on his face. He walked to the window, poked his head out then shut the window and turned the lock. Checked twice, trying to see if the window could be pulled open by force. When he seemed satisfied, he stepped away and assessed the mess on the floor.
His inspection didn't end there. He seemed wary. His eyes were sharp as he scanned the room and even I think I saw him sniffing once. He had a weird look on his face. His eyebrows scrunched up, too focused on something. He pulled open the bathroom door, crouched onto the floor to see under our beds which seemed ridiculous as if he was searching for a monster and I thought I noticed traces of disappointment in him when he found nothing.
What struck me the most. Before Diello left, he didn't spare Liza a glance, nor did she noticed. Liza was busy with herself texting on her phone and smiling seeing something on her screen.
"Lock the door after I leave. Don't go outside." Diello eyes grew concerned, mouth tight as if he was hiding something. Before I asked something, he left.
What just happened?
There was only one person Diello would definitely share tonight's events and certainly, that person could give me some answers but I wasn't going to ask him.
I wasn't going to contact Clyde.