Chapter 52: Squirrel

I woke up.

I don't have much to say about that. I woke up. Apparently, more, matter-of-factly. I woke up and my eyes were still open, but I couldn't move. I mumbled as if I was sleep talking.

Beulah prepared a bath for me and hoped to God it fixed my sleep paralysis. "Alright, get yo butt in there." I walked to the tub and the orange liquid was clean. I was naked and climbed in the bath. Beulah guided my head down and I opened my mouth and let the fluid in.




I was out and my arm grew back. When I woke up, I got myself out the bath and searched for a towel. I kept squeezing my arm and like my leg, it there again. I found a jacket but I found no pants.

The barn house was quiet. I hurried to the rooms and there I found a blue starry blanket and wrapped my legs with it.

I shouldn't but I did. I went to the backyard, unable to find anyone. Outside the rest of congregation was shouting trying to help somebody in the tree. I squinted trying to understand who it could be. I walked slowly and th face came into view.

Air left me.

"Lucant, what the fuck is wrong with you!" Karolina rammed into the werewolf's chest, punching him in the face. Lucant took her arm and swung her to the ground. He kicked her, I ran to his back and sat on Karolina. He snatched me by my hair and swung me away. "Karolina."

"I swear to God this is the real you." she chewed out. "You a wicked son of a bitch!"

Lucant's head was a wolf, a tail swished behind him. I got to my feet and bolted to Karolina. "What is wrong with you!"

"Cuttah..." he spoke. "You." In his hands, an axe shaped by the word formed. He snatched me by my hair again. Karolina held me tight and clenched her fingers around Lucant's. "Let me go."

"You let this child go!" she hissed. "What in the fuck are you doing? You hung fucking Beulah, hit Zita in the face with a five iron. How you lost yo mind?"

"Terribly no."

I pulled bits of skin from his fingers. I refuse to scream even though it hurts like fuck. "Let me go!"

"Goddamn it Lu!" I heard Ferness and a bang in the air. He let me go. My head looked at the tree with bodies. My lip trembled. My eyes traveled to the grass and gazed up at Raquel's body under the base of the tree. I didn't care, I just wanted to understand.

"Karolina get the kids. Hustle inside."

Karolina picked me up like a baby and we ran inside the barn. As we were going inside. I saw a gruesome beast come from the ditch. "Don't look at him!" Karolina warned. The beast rose it's top lip and kept coming to the door. Karolina closed and locked it. The monster hit the glass and kept staring.

We went to the backrooms. She put me on the mattress. "If one child dies. I won't let it be you."

Why bother?

She smacked my arm. "I can hear you!"

I should feel ashamed. "What was that?" I hate how low my voice is. I'm not scared I'm just confused. I keep getting beat up, I didn't do anything.

"His name is Yoc. It's a mangle..."

"I feel dizzy." How long was I in the bath? "What's in the bath?"

"Sweetie that's stolen stem cells. With the magic we have a lot but..."

I didn't ask no more. "You didn't see anything." she said. That's a lie. I saw a man with a pig's head in knightly armor and a business suit. Beulah's dead. She is dead and nothing can tell me otherwise.

She died today. Somebody else died, I hope Uma dies. Her and Corrie. They probably had something to do with it.

Everybody in this house is crazy. I live with vampires. I hope Uma dies, I'm happy Raquel's dead. I hope they never come back. I hope I leave. I hope...

I hope...

I hope I make it to twenty...




"So... I was touching myself and I had an orgasm so strong--"

"CLAY!" Uma shouted. "What--Why?"

"I don't wanna think about Beulah in the tab. She's gonna be in there for months." he necessitates. "Lucant's doing it again. Because Adoni is gone."

"Did y'all see that fat cow outside?" she picks her nose. "It was so scary."

"It was." said Janna. He looks at Raquel, "You wanna make out again?"

"Sure!" she beams. This is so nasty. Pregnancy is done when sperm leaves the testicles of a male and transports into a woman's virgina. It goes up the highway of a woman's inners and sometimes she gets two or more.

The sperms race to be the fastest sperm and go into the O. The O is what a woman says when she gets pregnant by a man. But also if two women rub each. It makes their Os get bigger so they can carry more babies.

My Os won't get bigger because Raquel has stolen my man and I asked. How did I get him first then. And she told me, I ran away.

I asked, what did I run away from.

This bitch crossed her arms and lifted her head up to say, I ran from Jesus.

I didn't ask no more questions.

"Janna baby, we gotta find a way to get this money." said Raquel, and I'm wondering what money because we in kindergarten not making it to the first fucking grade. "I know how." he leans on his elbow. "You gon help?"

"Yeah, Imma help you baby."

"What if I get shot doing it."

"Pray." said Clayton. "Pray for comfort."

Janna niggles, "Imma kill yo ass."


"You heard me." Janna taunts. "Yo mama dead."

"She ain't my mama!"

"You look like her."

"Janna, don't play with me."

"I must be gay then. Or you a female. If little boys play, they play with with themselves or they mama pussy. Now what?"

Lord have mercy. "I want water." I get up and leave. I ask Zita for a glass and I get one. Outside Ferness was smoking. I finished my glass and he came into the kitchen. He smiled at me, fangs and all. "You feel ok?"

I nodded. "They being nasty in the room."




Beulah was in the baths.

I thought about the dream I had last night. I saw a woman and a man with three legs. I saw the burning outside. A snake crawled inside me.

I couldn't fathom what was in store behind it. Honestly, I didn't care. I was on fire in the dream. Am I going to hell?

I would rather think about my own bullshit then pay attention to kids trying to makeout with each other. I didn't have anything to do but sit down and listen to Raquel and Janna smack at each other's faces.

"You gon be queen some day." I heard from Janna. "You gon help build a coven?"

"We can have a whole dinner." said Raquel. I bit my lip to hold laughter. "You mean dynasty." said Janna.


I was in fear of my life. I so tired of saying I don't understand anything. The only reason I remember Torielle is because she's a pain. I think she had a muscle disease. Tori was so annoying growing up, I was drawing on the floor because Davea let me have a picture book and Tori got up and hit me in the head with her fist. It was dull as if her arms were made of cotton or a dust mop.

I was so concerned with Torielle that now. I'm happy she's gone. On the streets she always had a tendency to run off. Surprisingly, her mind was in the right place. Then Mr. Ingram showed up dead. I've yet to find an answer to that.

Why would he have to die?

Davea and Mr. Ingram were close, in terms of, my grandma was a hoe, and he gave her twenty dollars, so she could go to the store. It sounds so unrealistic but Mr, Ingram and Davea used to be all over each other in the house. I went into the kitchen once, and she kept fanning her dress while on the phone.

I didn't think anything of it then we moved to the other house.

She didn't even look the same. My granny was old in the face. It was so loose around the eye plus I think she had something called Ptosis. Granny used to be so slow around the house and she went to the pawnshop a lot. We were young and she got drunk a couple of times and one day stopped drinking.

She whooped Tori a lot. I didn't always get in trouble. Her face was full of cracks, she had this mysterious crease in her folds that looked like a scar. I heard Tori go, "Grandma's melting!" she got a beating.

"Y'all kids come in the kitchen and get these sandwiches." I heard Zanna. I got up with Janna and Raquel acting like desperate lovers.

I got my sandwich on a wooden plate. Ham, mustard, pickles, and half a slice of cheese. I sat by the wall and ate. I noticed we had somebody new. She was light brown with big grey eyes. Her fangs were cute poking outside her lip. "Everybody meet, uh..." Zanna approaches her next to the back door. "What's your name sweetie?"

"Emmanuelle..." her voice was kind of squeaky. "This is Emmanuelle." introduces Zanna. "Where you come from?" asked Wayo with a mouth full. She shrugged. "I like your freckles." I said, she looked so nervous. "Thank you."

"You a vampire? A witch? An imp? A werewolf?" questioned Janna next to his queen dumb ass. "Janna, don't ask people questions like that." disciplined Karolina. "What are you?"

"I'm a fucking vamp! Why is it rude to ask?"

"I wish you would get hot with me. You shut the fuck up." she drilled.

He scorned. "When my daddy come back. You in trouble." he ate his sandwich.

"Can I ask?" I said. I looked at Emmanuelle, "I'm a vampire."

"I'm not here." she said. How can somebody be here and also not? "Are you a ghost baby?" asked Mackie. She nodded. "Where did you come from?"

"The Hood." she answered. "The big street in the projects."

"The Big Street...?"

"I hope to God she ain't talking about that house on Epping." complained Adley. "I doubt she is." said Wixuc. "I think the house is abandoned. "Not Epping." she shook her head. "I lived on Cuttisp Yard."

"The Yard?" Zita covered her mouth. "Don't nobody live there in the Hood."

"Some people might be around." added Karolina.

"Saint John shot it up" she said. "You know what I heard about The Yard? Zombies." she pursed her lips. "You a zombie, honey?"

"No." Emmanuelle ate with her finger in her mouth. "I have no body."

"I hope to shit she ain't looking for one..." gasped Mundo. I looked up from my plate and dropped it. Emmanuelle had turned her head and screamed. She ran to my side and gripped me. Yoc stood outside the glass double door with his teeth chattering.

She hand racked the glass as his tongue looked it in a circle. "What the fuck is that thing doing out?"

"He probably wanna fuck." said Ferness. He went towards the glass, "What you want?" Yoc kissed the glass. "Girl." the beast asked in a shrill tone. "See I told you."

"Where is--nevermind." said Zita.

"Die..." the pigman said. "You will die."

"Me?" said Ferness. "No..."

"Yes. Tonight." his voice hoarse. "And her."


He look in the direction of Raquel. "You." the pig pointed.

"What does he want?" Raquel seemed so unbothered by it. Janna gripped her arm. "Don't worry Rapunzel. He won't do anything."

"Rapunzel!" I fumed. The audacity shook my very core, Cause her hair not that long. "She is... empty."

"I'm a person."

"Bad kids." uttered Yoc. "Timeout."