CH 40: No Name [1]

{[Last Time in Tainted Desire]}

before she could answer, the door to the cells had opened, the marking the second stage of my plan. "Quick," ordered as I pushed my pants down and pulled my cock free, which was already hard thanks to the earlier view. "Start sucking, we need a cover for why I'm spending that much time with you."







She looked at me in shock, unable to process the sudden change. I pushed her shoulder, forcing her to her knees. She opened her mouth to say something, but I leveraged the opportunity to push my cock inside her mouth, my hands strong at the back of her head to prevent her from pulling back. Frozen in indecision, she was unable to react before my puppet arrived at her cell. "Interrogation seems to be going well, sir!" he said, followed by a mechanical laugh before his departure. I kept sliding my shaft into her mouth until I heard the door closing, then pulled. "that went well-" I started, but this time I was the one that was interrupted with a slap. Still, I counted it as a success, as it was a limp slap with no conviction behind, and infinitely better than a knee between my legs, what I would receive if I did it without all that preparation.

"What the hell are you thinking you are doing!" she exclaimed in shock, her jaw wide with shock.

"I was making sure those idiots don't have a reason to suspect why I was staying for so long," I answered, dragging my fingers on my cheek absentminded. It was an interesting development, receiving a crude physical response like that. Normally, it would have sent me to a deep rage, with my plans to make her pay already in place, it only amused me slightly. "Not to mention I will have an excuse to let you go in the morning."

"Morning!" she exclaimed. "No, I need to go now, Ron and Harry would worry sick if I don't go back."

I looked at her sharply. "I don't care, their momentary worry is not worth compromising my position here. A night's worry wouldn't kill anyone, and that's assuming they even notice your disappearance."

"At least let me send a note to them," she begged, grabbing my arm. I was interested to note that her touch lingered comfortably on my biceps.

"And that would work well? Dear Harry, I'm captured by death eaters and currently held in prison, but don't worry, Malfoy is helping me. Sit tight and see you at the breakfast." No answer left her mouth, but her blush was enough to tell me she was well aware of its ridiculousness. "Anyway, it would be best if you get comfortable, we still have hours to kill," I added.

"Why don't you just go and wait in the lobby then," she asked with a blush, her gaze sliding towards my shaft in an increasing repeat.

"I can," I said with a shrug, showing a lack of care. "But if I go, the others will leverage the occasion to visit you. More than one was talking about taming the naughty whore that dared to fight back despite asking for it." Her gaze fell to the ground at the reminder of the exact circumstances she was caught. "But if you would prefer the attention of a bunch of lowlifes that are willing to work as the muscle for the Death Eaters, I can always accommodate," I added, making a show of turning my back, but stopped when I felt her hand wrapping around my biceps, desperation powering her grip.

"I thought so," I said as I turned back, enjoying the way she trembled as she saw my excited expression, even as she struggled to her own excitement.

I didn't even bother hiding the smug expression that spread through my face as I enjoyed the desperate hold her fingers maintained around my arm. It was amusing to watch her trying to regulate her expression, doing her best to look just desperate, but her excitement was too much to obscure. It was a challenge she lost before it even started. Conditioned with the countless dream sequence, her flesh begged for my touch, and there was nothing her mind could do to reject it.

"Are you sure you're prepared for what's about to happen," I asked even as I got rid of my robe, wanting to be able to move easier. "They will be occasionally patrolling the corridor, and it needs to look convincing, which will make me act rougher than I want." My words were complete bogus, of course, as I intended to teach her what rough meant in long-term, but she needed a more training for now.

"Do you have to," she murmured, but that didn't prevent her from looking with a barely hidden hunger as I got rid of my pants and my underwear completely.

"Of course I'm, it wouldn't be convincing otherwise. Now, get rid of your blouse."

"What!" she exclaimed loudly, her voice was still laced with panic despite my own nakedness. But she wasn't able to say anything else, because I pushed her on her knees once more as soon as the first word left her mouth.

My cock was already between her lips, pushing back and forth when the door to the corridor opened, and another mind-controlled guard walked into the corridor. "It looks like the interrogation is going slow, sir," he said cheerfully as the imperius commanded. "Hurry up, the boys have a few questions they want to ask as well."

That comment went a long way to push her closer to a panic attack, which made it even more pleasurable as I subjected her lips to a rough treatment. "Good, but tell that this one might turn out to know more than usual. I decided to interrogate her more thoroughly. I suspect she might have some links to the resistance."

"All night long, sir?" the guard said, much to Hermione's shock, and my enjoyment.

"Probably, so tell them not to be too excited." With that, the guard left, leaving us alone. Even after I heard the door closing, I pumped several more times before pulling back. "You see the problem. They are quite enthusiastic to visit you, and I need to delay them without making it seem suspicious. Your lack of clothes is a must to make it look convincing. You're beautiful, but even you couldn't keep me busy until morning with just your lips."