CH 51: No Name [12]

{[Last Time in Tainted Desire]}

"Quicker you follow my directions, easier we could move onto more important topics, such as finding the best way to get rid of our Dark Lord infestation," I said, but my attention was more on the beautiful view that appeared in front of me as Hermione raised herself to sit on my desk. Her short skirt failed to cover her fully under the challenge of her pose, revealing her panties, a lacy black piece matching with her bra, and if my eyes weren't lying, also slightly damp on the core. It was good to have confirmation that, despite her apparent reluctance, she was quite excited for what was about to follow. I had trained her well.







She noticed where my gaze was focused, and pressed her legs together for concealment. "Let's talk about the resistance," she said, trying to spit out angrily, but the tremble in her voice ruined the effect. She was feeling frustrated, so she reached for the water pitcher and filled a glass for herself. A big mistake, I thought with a smirk as I watched her gulp down the water. I had laced the water with a potion that would increase her arousal and sensitivity, the ones that worked perfectly when I was training Fleur.

"Sure," I said even as I put my hand on her leg. She looked at me, but before she could say anything, I followed up with my excuse. "Just to make sure nothing looks suspicious if someone walks in," I explained. She nodded. "Now, what do you want to know?"

"What's the general status," Hermione asked. "We're trying to stay away from the rest of the Order, so it has been a while since we got any news."

"It's rather dark," I started explaining even as my hand climbed her leg, reaching upwards. "After the ministry takeover, the resistance fractured badly, with only a few pockets remaining, and they are flailing uselessly. There are a few counter-attacks, and several rescues, but no damage to anything vital."

"Have you done anything to help them?" she asked.

"Other than letting go a few people that I suspected being Order members? Unfortunately, no," I said, and the movement of my hand stopped for a moment.

"Why not? Aren't you supposed to be on our side?" she asked in an accusatory manner, but it was not a genuine question, but an angry one aimed to distract herself from the sensation of my touch.

"How exactly I was going to help them openly?" I asked, doing my best Snape impression for a moment. She was taken back by my response, and I used the opportunity to slide higher on her leg, my hand disappearing under her skirt. "Not only I don't know their identity to get any help, but also I don't think any of them would tell me, a Malfoy, what they need. For example, you would never trust me if I hadn't saved you from prison, and didn't do anything despite I have access to your hiding spot."

"I guess so," she murmured, missing the significance of my finger, drawing ever closer to her panties. "Sorry, I'm just frustrated that I can't do more," she murmured.

"Don't worry, I understand. We're just two young people, trying to clean up the mess our elders had created in their incompetence," I said in false compassion, using my free hand to pat her leg in comradeship, the other driving ever closer to her most sensitive spot, slowly massaging on the way, driving up the pleasure she was feeling. "We're doing our best, but it's hard. We lack knowledge, and we don't know who to trust."

Before she could answer, a knock reached to my ears, the first scheduled visit from the programmed guards. "Try to sound convincing," I ordered her in a hurry even as I forced her legs wide, giving me a view of her slit, restricted only by her moist panties.

"What-" she tried to say, but it was cut short when I leaned forward. On the way, I tugged her panties harshly, and ripped them off her body. Then, I pressed my lips on her naked slit, my tongue joining the fray in an instant. Her sweet taste blossomed on my tongue as it started to beat her knob with a hurried insistence. A moan escaped her lips instantly, surprised by the sudden rush of pleasure, enhanced under the combination of her own anticipation and the effects of the potion she unknowingly imbibed.

I continued licking her even as the door opened, and I ignored the first call the guard made for me. I only raised my head after an insistent cough from him. "What!" I said as I pulled my head away from between her, trying to sound cross.

"There are a few documents that you need to sign, sir," the guard said.

"Sure, drop them on the desk, and I'll do them as soon as I'm done with my current 'work'. It shouldn't take more than an hour," I explained, wiggling my eyebrows suggestively, trying to put a convincing show for Hermione.

"I'm afraid that's not possible, sir. The request is from Rockwood, and he asks them as soon as possible. You know how he is," the guard said, following his next programmed response.

"I see," I murmured with a sigh. I reached for my belt. After a moment of fumbling, my shaft was free from the oppression of my pants, breathing freely. Hermione was doubly shocked, first by the sudden entrance of the guard and my method of deflecting his attention, and now, my new measure. "Come on, sweetie, you have a lot of work to do," I said even as I wrapped my fingers around her wrist. I pulled her closer, harsh, and when she was in front of me, I grabbed her shoulder and forced her to her knees, not trying particularly hard to look nice. And beset by the shock of the situation, she failed to react until she was on her knees, inches away from my erection.

"Pass me the paperwork," I said even as I used my right hand to reach for a quill, while my left hand slid into Hermione's bushy hair, forcing her to lean closer. "Play along," I whispered, trying to pack as much as urgency to my voice as I can manage. But she was too shocked to move, so I pressed my hand over her head, pulling her closer. I could have repeated my words, hoping for her to hear, but with my hand already in such a favorable position, I preferred to a more direct approach. I pulled her head down, forcing her to swallow the tip of my shaft.

"Here they are, sir," said the mind controlled guard as he placed the files on the table. With his task complete, he turned to leave, but I stopped him with a silent gesture, ordering him to delay his departure. "I better wait until they are finished, sir, to make sure they are completed despite your distraction."

"Whatever," I murmured dismissively as I reached for the pen, and started scribbling nonsense words over the papers the guard provided, my attention fully on the sexy bookworm between my legs. Hermione flinched with the words, and tried to pull back, surprised by our surprised voyeur, but my iron grip didn't allow her to pull back. She was stiff around my shaft, but it wasn't something that would stop me. I pressed at the back of her head even harder, forcing her to swallow more of my shaft. She still didn't react more, so I dropped my pen for a moment, and slapped her breast, my left hand still over her head to prevent her from pulling back.