CH 81: A Milf Slut

{[Last Time in Tainted Desire]}

So, whenever her crop landed on my skin, I alternated between begging for more and complimenting her.

The dismissive arrogance in her eyes was extremely frustrating, and I only managed to keep my wits by imagining her crawling underneath me.








As the effects of the spell started to register, Appoline started to act more and more aroused. First, she started caressing her breasts between hits, creating a beautiful sight.

She was like an ancient statue, her perfection carved from marble, and watching her play with herself was extremely arousing. I wanted to delve deep into those milky tits, sucking, biting, and abusing until they were covered in red welts.

The temptation she created only intensified when her empty hand dragged down her body until it landed between her legs, teasing her core continuously, her moans rising to accompany it.

"Oh, honey, I love it when you play with yourself," I said, which made Appoline aware of what she had been doing. She looked annoyed, but not annoyed enough to actually stop, so she chose to increase the strength behind her strikes.

I was lucky that she was physically weak, otherwise, resisting the situation would have been a true challenge.

"Don't talk!" Appoline ordered, her voice rising enough to regain her distinctive tone, but between anger, arousal, and allure's dizzying effect, she failed to realize it.

I just nodded, once again playing with her insulting demeanor just to receive the reward at the end of the game. But her annoyance gave me the perfect opportunity to intensify the effect even further, allowing her arousal to reach the critical point.

I knew it was working when she threw away the crop in favor of wrapping her fingers around my shaft, dancing back and forth with great skill.

Even that was enough to reveal her identity, because while enthusiastic, Fleur didn't have anything near her skill level when it came to handjobs.

A genuine moan escaped my lips inadvertently as I received possibly the best handjob of my life, showing her impressive skills.

I was glad that I had charmed my blindfold to be transparent, otherwise, I would have missed the amazing scene of her fingers disappearing repeatedly into her puffy lips, making the situation even more interesting.

Meanwhile, her tiny hand was clamped around my girth, giving me an amazing sensation through the alternating pressure. I felt my heartbeat intensifying as I saw her leaning forward, her tongue out.

I couldn't help but anticipate amazing pleasure considering how effective a simple handjob had been.

Unfortunately, she managed to exert a dash of rationality at the last moment and pulled back, a frustrated expression on her face as she realized the humiliation she had almost gone through, starting with a vision to finish me only to end up almost sucking my cock.

Naturally, she wanted to fix the situation. "Lick me," she ordered as she stepped on the couch, her core just an inch away from my lips.

If it was any other situation, I would have enthusiastically treated her to lip service. However, she had managed to anger me with her plays of dominance, and more importantly, her body was already saturated with the effects of her own allure.

It was time to take the next step.

With a flick, I dispelled the handcuffs that were keeping my arms behind my back. I grabbed her waist, shocking her enough that she failed to react when I pushed her down, mercilessly skewering her with my shaft.

She was lucky that she had been playing with her slit, because otherwise, she would have been hurt badly. Still, it didn't prevent her from moaning with total shock while I maintained my grip.

Despite her amazing curves, Appoline was very light, so it had been extremely easy to shift position so that her back was on the seat while I was standing up.

"Wait-" she tried to say, but that was the only word that she had been able to utter before I started drilling her mercilessly, robbing her of any more words.

When she opened her mouth once more, the solution had been even easier. I grabbed and pulled her nightie, easily ripping a large piece off and stuffed her mouth with it.

The shock and frustration on her face were almost as delicious as the way her core wrapped snugly around my shaft as I drilled her mercilessly, her moans muffled with the remains of her nightie.

Even better, my facemask was still on, so she had no idea her ploy had been discovered. Not that it gave her a benefit, because I could feel her allure intensifying with each push, which meant the amount being reflected her was increasing as well.

The fact that she was able to maintain a coherent expression under my merciless drilling and the effects of her own allure was very impressive, so I decided to push a bit more.

I pulled her legs to my shoulders, effectively pressing her between the couch and my body, locked helplessly as I assaulted her again and again… Under the circumstances, it wasn't surprising for us to climax after a short but intense period, though a panicked expression appeared on her face when I started pumping her insides.

I decided to give her a bigger problem. I pulled the blindfold off and looked at her without surprise. "Does your daughter know just how much of a slut you are?" I added as I examined her shocked expression with great delight, my mind already focused on the next stage of my plan.

"W-what?! How?!" Appoline stuttered after I pulled off my blindfold and locked my eyes with hers, trying to process the sudden reversal, only to fail spectacularly because of the three critical details.

The first was the shock she felt from the reversal. The second was her own allure, reflected by my spell enough to slow down her thoughts.

The third was the presence of my shaft deep inside her, continuing to impale her mercilessly, not giving her a moment to recover.

"Answer the question!" I said as I slapped her breast mercilessly, forcing her to cry in pain. After her little game with the crop, I wasn't feeling merciful.

"Who do you think-" she started, only for her voice to be cut with another spank to her spectacular breasts, making them jiggle in a way that begged me to cum. Somehow, I managed to hold myself back. "Stop-" she tried to say, only to receive yet another spank.