Characters Info For Blood Prince Xly Night (Revealed Spoilers)

Princess Claudia Strike the 1st Princess of Yli kingdom.

Physical Description

White hair with long and wavy, with sexy physic and gold eyes.

Current age 22 years old

Had twins both girls, Claire Strike and Celine Strike both 7 years old.

Princess Fate Hernia was the 3rd Princess of the Lion Kingdom.

Physical Description

Has Deep blue Hair, straight and medium height. With Ocean blue eyes.

The current age is 20 years

Had one son, Flex 5 years old.

Princess Julia Cero the 1st Princess of the Ember Stone Alliance.

Physical Description

Red hair short, it was like a fire, with purple eyes.

The current age is 35 years old.

Had a son 13 years old, named June Cero.

Princess Dana Mera the only Princess of the Finn Kingdom.

Physical Description

Blonde long-haired, with green eyes.

The current age is 24 years old.

Had a son named Dev Xle Mera his 8 years old.

Xeon Night is the eldest of the siblings, aged 13 years. His mother's name is unnamed.