Meeting After 6 Years

Sunday, 17th January 2049, 10:19 PM

Noah sharply turned the motorcycle to the right and jumped off. The bike crashed onto the ground, its body streaked across the wet asphalt.

Noah's hands over his head as he rolled on the ground and stopped on his side in front of the sparkle.

He crawled forward as he stumbled up forward to a sprint.

It took a quick look to recognize the locket.

Bronze coloured, with lines etched in around as they abstractly covered it. At its centre, a completely clear 20-carat red diamond was embedded. This relic was completely unique. Only two existed, the one he wore and the one Alice wore.

He untied it, put it around his neck and slipped it under his shirt. With a *ting* it touched the locket he was already wearing.

His hands grabbed the railing and jumped over it without hesitation.

He was diving from a height of over 150 feet.

Noah pierced into the loud crashing of waves and rain. Thunder blasting behind him as he entered the world of silence and force. Noah pushed himself down and looked around underwater.

A girl's body slowly sinking, her hair all straight up as if longing for air. She had lost consciousness and was at the mercy of the current. The river was deep, with the lack of light it looked as if the shadows were dragging her into the abyss.

He swam and pulled her into his arms.

It had been six years, he had yearned for this moment for so long but he couldn't enjoy it.

Holding her from the waist with one arm he used the other to reach for his backpack. His backpack wasn't particularly big but it was of the latest design where it was waterproof and had a life-jacket feature. Located a tag that he could pull, with a tug he pulled on it. The backpack filled with air as it started to rise. Noah kept a grab on Alice and floated up to the surface.

Whoosh, Noah and Alice broke through the surface back into the rain. It was pure chaos as the waves pushed them along and tried to submerge them again.

Noah had a clearer look at Alice now they were outside, he checked and saw that she was breathing.

'It wasn't too late, she was alive.'

That was all that mattered to him at the moment.

He looked around and saw the river banks on either side.

Currently, they were being pushed along the centre of the river, to reach the banks would be difficult.

Noah however still tried his best, he kicked his legs and used one arm to swim towards the side of the river. He knew that was his one chance to get to land or they would be pushed out into the ocean.

This bridge was near the end of the country so the river could quickly push them out to rough water. With the storm raging Noah knew that he would not get a better chance in reaching the river bank.

However, he couldn't make it, it was already difficult to swim in the waters making it basically impossible to carry an unconscious person in these fierce waves. He decided it was better to conserve energy. If they were lucky the storm would pass quickly, he would be able to manage from there.

After determining it would be better to wait he pulled Alice close and put one of the backpack straps onto her. He then put on the other on her other arm and tightened the two straps onto her shoulders. As they rode the waves.

As Noah finished tightening the straps he relaxed a little knowing that Alice would be safe now. It was then a wave splashed on the two breaking his hands away from her. Both were pushed down into the water, however, Alice quickly rose and moved along the waves.

Noah also positioned himself underwater and swam up. Alice had been split from him by the waves. He wouldn't be able to catch up to her even if he tried his hardest. So he went underwater. Near the surface the water was still violent, so he had to go deeper. He then swam in the direction Alice was being pushed in.

It was a moment when Alice had stopped moving as fast, he swam up and hugged her.

With this hand around her again, he secured his hold.

They moved along like driftwood, the waves see-sawed them along: swung them to and forth from the waves, completely at natures whim.

They had already stabilized into a position that stopped them from overturning, now Noah had to wait for the storm to stop.

He just held on to Alice tightly focusing on surviving.

Noah finally saw them being pushed out to the ocean. They would have a more challenging time surviving now.

Before he knew it, he couldn't tell where he was anymore, all directions looked the same as land disappeared and ocean water filled his view. Since they weren't moving in a singular direction he didn't know the way back.

Time passed by, the storm clouds passed leaving them in a much better situation. The waves eventually calmed down and allowed him to swim in them.

In the dark of night, the only source of light was the full moon. It was enough for him to catch a glimpse of a few birds flying in the sky. He noted the direction they were going and started swimming.

But before that, he took off the belt he was wearing with one hand and wrapped it around himself and Alice. With their backs against each other and the backpack in between, he used it to secure Alice to himself. It was like adding reins to himself. Although it pushed him down as he swam it kept Alice out of the water.

As he swam he quickly got into a pace and kept at it. He had the direction where there was land, so he just had to hope it was close enough.

His efforts were rewarded. It hadn't been too long and he saw something in the distance. Although far, just having land insight was enough for him.

The sky grew lighter as shades of blue appeared. The sun was rising as he saw a sandy shoreline. What surprised him was that he didn't see the land get wider as he got closer. It was an island.

Right now he needed to get out of the water somehow, so he charged forward.

Noah felt his foot touch the ground, it was like the first step to heaven. He swam a little further and could finally stand. He then slowly walked forward. As he moved, he removed the belt holding them together. With the water to his hips Noah carried Alice up, he had her lean her head on his shoulder and her legs around him. As he re-wore the backpack.

At this moment he could feel her weight pulling down. Normally he would easily be able to carry her with an arm but now having swum for who knows how long in fierce currents and freezing waters he could barely stand, much less carry a person.

Under the rising sun, Noah made out of the water onto the beach. He couldn't pull out any more energy, he held Alice tightly and fell on his back. His backpack was used as a cushion as he laid on the sand staring at the blue sky.

Alice laid on top of him, he had his arms around her. He used his other hand to move away the hair covering her face.

She was just as he remembered, still extremely charming, now having gotten older she had blossomed into a delicate beauty. Her long lashes, thin lips and adorable nose all made him want to kiss her. He fought the urge back, closed his eyes and hugged her.

His body's craving for rest kicked in as he fell asleep almost instantly.