Slaughtering Goblins

Noah stayed in the same position for a while not knowing what to do.

Finally able to pace himself a bit he got up and walked out of the house. Down the streets of a small town, lit by street lamps with crystal bulbs emitting light, Noah thought about everything.

He walked past the training ground directly into the forest.

The moment he felt that he was hidden behind trees he started sprinting. As fast as he could.

With no direction in mind, Noah just ran to clear his mind and calm down. He wanted to forget everything and just fight.

A wolf came in his way, keeping the pace he activated his skill Four season Style. His world slowed for a moment allowing him to make a clear cut with his sword on the side of the wolf's neck, killing it. He grabbed the copper coins not stopping for a moment.

In the forest Noah swerved around the trees, grabbing branches to swing himself forward.

Running into another wolf Noah simply ignored and jumped over it with the help of a tree, he ran further into the forest than he had ever done.

He was going to run until he exhausted himself completely.


Thirty minutes later Noah collapsed to the ground with his back against a tree.

"What's the point of trying if I can't be with her?!" Noah shouted.

He stood up with the help of the tree. He looked at it then punched it.

"Why did I take so long?!" He punched again but harder.

"I should've gone to see her no matter the cost!" His other hand hit the tree with all its strength.

Noah's hands had turned bloodied as he continually punched.

"Damnit! Why did things end up like this?" Noah softly said as he bumped his forehead to the tree and slowly fell to his knees.

"Why... it was supposed to be a happy reunion..."

Noah stopped talking and calmed down. As he stuck to the tree he could sense something approaching through his spatial sense.

His hands on the tree pushed as he jumped back to a roll. Three arrows hit the spot he had been sitting in.

Noah looked at where the arrow came from. Three humanoid figures half his size, with scrawny arms and legs held bows and arrows. They had large heads and green skins. They wore rags made of animal skin.

[Green Goblin]

F Class

Level 1

The goblins shot arrows at Noah. Now having seen them, it was easier for Noah to dodge.

Noah was able to get cover from a tree.

The goblins seeing this split up to surround him and shoot at him from all directions. With his spatial sense, Noah was able to keep a track of the three goblins at once.

Noah unsheathed his sword and ran at the goblin on his left. He dodged an arrow coming at him and sliced down. The attack quickly killed the goblin. Greenish blood poured out as it fell.

He then rolled to the side taking cover behind another tree. After the arrows hit he ran out at the goblin closes to him. A sweep with his sword ended it.

The other goblin shot at him, Noah used his sword to deflect the arrow and ran at it. Killing it as well.

Noah looked around and scanned for more enemies, after not seeing any nearby, he flicked his sword splattering the blood on it on the ground, sheathing it again.

Three goblin corpses were on the ground each had dropped 3 copper. The corpses did have a resemblance to humans however Noah was unfeeling, he had killed humans before, so killing goblins wasn't much.

"They were a bit weaker than a wolf in strength." Collecting the copper, Noah walked in the direction the goblins had come from.

He hadn't noticed since it was dark but in the distance, there was a smoke trail of smoke rising into the air. He wanted to investigate. Opening his map, he was able to see that some kind of village was there.

He ran in the direction of the smoke, as he got closer he could see the light from the fire. With it, he saw a wooden fence.

Noah climbed up the tree and got a better visual of the village. It was small. It had a few houses, all made of dirt and leaves. In the centre was a large bonfire with many goblins sitting around, each had some type of stone weapon. While near the wooden fence there were archer towers, with a goblin archer on each.

Noah looked around and spotted an old goblin with a white beard. He sat on a decorated chair higher than the other goblins.

"He should be the leader of this village, also the strongest."

Noah continued to look around until he saw a goblin on an archer tower with what seemed like binoculars. He was looking around in his direction.

"I have counted a total of 36 goblins..." Noah looked at the goblin with the binoculars and it was at this moment he was sure they had made eye contact.

The goblin drooped the binoculars and took out what seemed to be some type of bell and started waving it and shouting something.


Noah seeing the whole village alarmed didn't care much. At the moment he was still feeling like trash, and just wanted to forget everything. He wanted to just kill monsters, a darker part of his personality had started to seep out.

The goblin archers pointed their bows at Noah as goblins holding stone swords went to protect the gate.

Noah charged at the gate holding his sword. He moved in a zigzag manner to dodge arrows and reached the gate. Two goblins jumped at him. With a large slash, Noah cut both at their necks.

He activated 'Four Season Style: Winter', his mind cooled and the world slowed. Continuing the movement of his sword his body twisted allowing two arrows to swoop by. One went between his ear and shoulder scratching his earlobe before it hit the ground, the other slid past his waist.

Noah turned that twist into a spin kick sending a third goblin flying back.

Using his sword Noah killed another and entered the village. He first ran to the archer tower on the left. These towers were built out of wooden sticks and rope. He used his sword to cut at a point that seemed like a weakness and continued moving while being chased by goblins.

The tower started to shake and then collapsed sending a cloud of dust into the air. Using this as a smokescreen Noah quickly had his sword slash 5 goblins as he reached the next tower. He slashed at this tower as well and had it fall as well.

At this point Noah paused. Similar to hearing a loud sound, now as a being that could sense mana he sensed mana condensing. He turned to see the white-bearded goblin holding a staff chanting.

[Goblin Leader] (Elite)

F Class

Level 1

Fire started to come out of his staff and formed a fireball. The old goblin pointed his staff at Noah launching it.

Noah ducked behind a house. The fireball hit the mud wall breaking the house down completely, even giving Noah some first degree burns.

Noah got up and saw the old goblin start chanting again, he killed the nearby goblins first as he found another house to take cover. The goblins were quite easy to kill as they had no armour and their stone weapons were nothing against an iron sword.

Another fireball came and blew up another house.

"It took him 12 seconds to cast the spell, more than enough time." Noah got up from behind the house and ran towards the old goblin. In his mind started getting ready to use 'Flash Step'.

The old goblin seeing Noah running at him, smiled and started chanting faster, in almost half the time he was done, he then sent the fireball at Noah.

Noah fearlessly ran at the fireball, the moment it got close he used 'Flash Step' to disappear from where he was.

The old goblin, expecting Noah to burn into a crisp saw nothing was left. He knew was something was wrong but before he could react, the sky started to grow distant; his head fell to the ground.

Flicking and sheathing his sword, Noah looked at the now empty village. The rest of the goblins had run away as he started fighting the old goblin. The village was now nothing of what it was a few minutes ago. Its houses were demolished, towers collapsed, corpses and pools of green blood littered around it.

Noah sat on the ground to rest. He felt a lot better, he had completely forgotten about what Alice had said when he had been fighting. Now they came back to him, he felt awful again.

He laid back on the stone ground, "F***! F***! F***!" Noah shouted as he pulled his head forward.

"How could my parents break the engagement without telling me?!"

"And they broke it on the day of Alice's parents' funeral?!"

"Am I F***ing dreaming? I must be."

"First, Alice's parents are dead, my parents broke the engagement and I've somehow entered this magical world? I am sure I am still on the aeroplane to country S." Noah laughed as loudly as he could.

[Warning, you are in a highly unstable mental state, rest to recover]

Hearing the system Noah stopped and took a deep breath.

"Nothing matters except Alice at the moment, I need to properly talk to her."

"She still loves me, I know. But she doesn't want to be with me, and I can't understand why. Why is it to a point that she isn't even willing to listen to me?"

She decided that she didn't want to be with him because she felt inferior, he was sure that wasn't the reason. Their relationship was like that of soul mates, she might feel it but she wouldn't want to never see him again.

Breaking the engagement, he had taken no part in that and didn't even know.

"Was it the bullying? How extreme was it?" Noah could tell that Alice was being bullied in her school from what he had heard from the old lady at the flower shop on his first day at country S and what he had seen.

He wanted to help her but she was pushing him away.

Noah got up.

"I should be patient for now, I am not leaving soon anyway, I'll have to see the whole situation after going back to earth than decide what to do."

Noah paused and looked in the distance.

"If she will be happier without me, I guess I'll leave."

Noah went around and collected the copper coins. He had killed 15 goblins from the 36 in the village. He had earned a total of 64 copper including the three who he had killed outside the village.

While collecting the copper Noah also found a skill book.

[Lv.1 Strength Boost] (F-Class)

A support skill that increases strength by 3 for 1 minute.

Cost: 1 mana

Cast time: 5 seconds

Cooldown: 5 minutes

"It's good, around a 30% increase to my current strength attribute."

Noah learned the skill.

He started making his way back to town.