Day 7, The End?

Day 6 and the morning of 7 went the same.

Noah started training the sword in the morning and continued training the gun after. He avoided Alice completely.

Similar to yesterday they entered the forest separately and hunted separately on day 6.

On the night of day 6, Noah went out and hunted more silver wolves and was able to earn 210 copper and one basic agility stone had dropped which he used gaining 1 point in agility. He was able to travel faster with a horse which allowed him to earn more.

After finishing his morning training on day 7 Noah looked at his status page. Today was the last day they would be trapped in the eternal battlefield and they would be allowed to go back to earth after midnight.



Name: Noah Sinfero

Age: 18

Race: Human


[Strength 16(2+14)] [Agility 13(2+11)] [Physique 9] [Intelligence 10] [Willpower 10] [Sense 10] [Mana 1]

(Bonus Attribute Points: 0)

Awakened Talents-

Guardian of Love (C++ Class)

Blessed Mind (A+ Class)

Truth Seeker (E Class)

Spatial Sense (A Class)

Genius Martial Combat Body (D+ Class)


[Ambidextrous] [Insomnia] [Explorer]


[Lv.1 Flash Step (B+ Class)]

[Lv.1 Four Season Style: Winter (D++ Class)]

[Lv.1 Strength Boost (F Class)]

(Skill Points: 0)


He had already gained the 5 points he could get from the basic strength stone. He also got an extra point from using the agility stone in agility. With the pistol equipped he had extra 2 points in both strength and agility.

Other than that he had gained one more skill during the days here, 'Strength Boost'. It was an active skill that increased his strength by 3 for 5 minutes. It was useful but used all his mana when he had tried it. This meant he wouldn't be able to use 'Flash Step' so he was avoiding using it.

With the little mana he had, he tried using [Mana Slash] with his sword. He was able to completely chop a tree half in one stroke. It had great power but completely drained him afterwards. He couldn't however even use [Sonic Leap] with his amount of mana.

Noah had collected over 300 copper but hadn't used it yet.

Edward soon arrived at the training field and saw Noah resting.

"Noah, you've come early today as well. Let's start training then, tomorrow will be your final day of training for [Firearm Mastery]. You'll be able to gain the Mastery skill soon."


Around sunset, Noah finished training, went out to the forest again.

He had only gotten glimpses of Alice today as well and he started feeling impatient and agitated.

Alice had finally come back into his life and she was already out of it again. He was trying his best to distance himself from her, but it was difficult. He had watched her get injured multiple times, she would overwork herself and barely ate anything. She wasn't taking care of herself and was immersed in training.

He didn't watch Alice today, he had seen her train yesterday and she saw how strong she was now. Now with healing potions, she didn't need his protection at all.

Noah went out to kill silver wolves. He found they were the best monsters to farm from at the moment for him. They moved in packs with each being fast and strong, this made them great training partners. He had gotten better at using 'Flash Step' with their help.

After killing a few packs Noah stopped and drank a healing potion, He had just fought a large pack that had 13 of them and had gotten injured on his back. He downed the entire tube in a sip.

The wound on his back itched as it quickly healed up.

"How does this even work?" He got up completely fine and he had used it for the first yesterday and had been shocked by how well it worked.

Noah soon found another silver wolf pack and they had found him as well.


Somewhere else in the forest Alice sliced down killing a grey wolf.

"With this, I have 200 copper." As Alice bent down to pick up the copper dropped she heard wolf howls from close by.


She got up to see a pack of grey wolves, more than ten of them running towards her. The pack separated and quickly surrounded her and slowed down. The wolves watched Alice getting into formation to attack.

Alice looked for an escape route and found. Just as she was about to run she saw another wolf block the route. This one was larger than the other grey wolves. Its claws sharper and presence threatening.

[Alpha Grey Wolf]

E Class

Level 3

Seeing it block her route Alice, panicked and took a step back. Her foot landed the wolf corpse she had just killed and tripped her back falling against a tree.

The wolves saw the opening, they attacked together.

The adrenaline kicked in as Alice rolled to the side to dodge the first wolf and stood up. She then ran to the closest tree, using her dagger to block the attacks as much as she could. As she climbed up but a wolf bit her feet, she pulled up strongly and had her shoe and parts of her skin ripped off.

On the tree, Alice climbed higher up. The wolves at the bottom barking up and clawing at the tree.

Alice took out a healing potion and drank it while holding tightly to the shaking tree. The injuries she had gotten from earlier fights and right now healed.

On the tree Alice, Alice didn't have an escape route. The wolves had surrounded the area, making it a death trap.

"If they don't give up, I might have to hold out to midnight on this tree, I'll be able to go back to earth after that." She found a stable spot on the shaking tree and held on.

A while later the wolves stopped attacking and moved back.

Alice saw this and thought about breaking through, 'If I jump off the tree here, I should be able to escape in that direction.'

The direction she would escape to would be deeper in the forest, it was better than being trapped on this unstable tree for hours.

Just as she was about to jump the Alpha Grey wolf came forward. It lifted its claw and scratched at the tree. The tree had a deep claw mark in it, the wolf strikes again.

"I'm screwed."

Alice jumped off the tree in the direction with the least amount of wolves, behind the Alpha's claw hit and the tree fell.

Her body ran and jumped over a wolf like an Olympic hurdler. She had made it out of the entanglement but now had wolves on her tail. The wolves targeted her like homing missiles as Alice ran past them. Each in a frenzy to get a bite of her.

Alice looked to the side and saw the Alpha wolf speed up and catch up to her, it then chomped at her. Sprinting with all her might, Alice still wasn't able to avoid the wolf. It bit on to her right hand and dragged her to a stop. Alice's arm locked with the wolves behind her catching up.

Alice grabbed the dagger with her left hand attacked the Alpha grey wolf's face. It reacted and let Alice's arm go, but the dagger missed.

Alice got up and spasmed, the wolf had pierced deep into her arm starting to crush her bones. The Alpha wolf used this moment to attack tackle her and hurling her to a tree trunk. Her body hit like a rag doll and fell.

Even at this moment, she didn't want to die. She didn't know where this strength came from but she wanted to survive. She turned to the side and pushed her body to the tree. Holding her dagger in her left hand waving it.

"It's over now." Alice thought, cornered and injured she wouldn't survive this.

The wolves jumped on their prey.

[Guarded by Love activated}


[Guardian of Love activated]


Noah who was currently fighting silver wolves paused for a second and felt the world flash.



Noah appeared in front of Alice as the wolves attacked. He slashed out, the silver blade of his sword cutting the wolves down. He shot with his gun at the other wolves causing them to retreat.

Noah looked around for Alice and saw the horrible condition she was in, she was looking at him in surprise. He picked up Alice and used 'Flash Step' to pass the encirclement of wolves.

Running while carrying Alice, Noah noticed that he was much faster than normal. He looked at his status page.



Name: Noah Sinfero

Age: 18

Race: Human


[Strength 32] [Agility 26] [Physique 18] [Intelligence 20] [Willpower 20] [Sense 20] [Mana 2]

(Guardian of Love: +100% in all attributes) {13s}


All his attributes were doubled at the moment, it allowed him to break away from the wolves chasing him. But it didn't last long, it had a timer and only had 13 seconds left of the buff.

"Let me go, I told you to stay away from me! Just let me die!" Alice said in Noah's arms.

Ignoring her, Noah looked back and saw the Alpha grey wolf still chasing after him. It kept on speeding up with him and catching up to them.

Noah shot at it while running trying to slow it down. Since he couldn't aim properly none of the bullets hit any vital areas. The wolf tanked through the hits and chased after, it howled in pain but was still able to run at full speed.

The buff only had 5 seconds, Noah found a spot and put Alice down. He activated 'Four Season Style: Winter'.

His mind in overdrive he attacked with his sword and gun. His sword slashed towards the wolves neck at high speed. But the Alpha grey wolf moved its head and bit down on the sword with strength, breaking it.

Noah pulled up his gun right at the wolf's forehead and shot three times in quick succession at the wolf.

*Bang* *Bang* *Bang*

As he tried a fourth time, his gun was out of ammo.

The wolf had three bullets go right in its head, no matter how strong it was it couldn't survive. It fell to the ground and died.

Noah looked around and saw no one near. He went to Alice and took out a healing potion and popped it open.

"Alice, hurry and drink it," Noah said holding it to her mouth.

Alice didn't she turned her head to the side and said, "I told you not to save me. Just let me die."

Noah wasn't in the mood for this at the moment, he poured the healing potion in his mouth and kissed her.

Alice had her eye widen, while Noah squeezed his shut. As Noah kissed he forced Alice to drink the healing potion. A thin stream of the red healing potion spilt out.

Noah had wanted their first real kiss to be a magical moment for both of them. Till now they had only touched lips at most. But at the moment he just wanted her to drink the potion.

Even after he had her swallow the potion he didn't stop he continued. All the feelings he had held back for 6 years, were being expressed. His hands held her closer as he locked her in his embrace.

Alice tried to break free but couldn't, she bit down on Noah's lips forcing him out of his trance.

Noah recoiled back and looked at Alice, her injury had healed, she was fine now.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that," Noah said as he got up and moved back.

Alice now freed stood up and slapped Noah.

She then turned and walked away. At that moment she felt worthless. It had barely been a week and Noah had saved her 4 times at least.

She was nothing without him, so how could she have the right to be with him?