Let's try again later

The two entered the dungeon.

Alice led the front as she fought with her dagger. Noah supported her from the back, making sure she always had Strength Boost cast on her.

The dagger sliced down onto the wolf. The moment it tried to bite Alice, bullets came firing in the direction it wanted to move, causing it to change action. This led to another opening for Alice to slash and kill the Black wolf.

"Nicely done! This dungeon is a lot harder, so let's keep a slow and steady pace."

Alice flicked off the blood on her dagger as she nodded, the two moved.

Staying true to their word the two moved slowly, killing one wolf at a time and at most taking on two. Noah didn't want to overburden Alice with fighting too many. Unlike himself, Alice had recently picked up using a weapon and was still quite new to combat. She was fine fighting weaker monsters in number but these wolves were not something she could handle with her current equipment and skill.

Noah also made it a point to not use his sword with Alice, when he fought with her he wanted to support her as much as he could. He would get the pleasure of watching her fight and Alice was also able to learn faster. It was a win-win.

The couple went through the dungeon and reached the Dungeon Lord's room. Luckily, they didn't run into the Alpha black wolf.

[You have entered the Dungeon Lord's Lair]

[Black Werewolf] (Dungeon Lord)

F+ Class

Level 11

Intimidation Howl!

The werewolf howled as the two walked in.

[You have been cursed: all attributes -5 {59s}]

Noah started shooting at the dungeon lord and grabbed its attention he then started leading it around.

Alice sneaked up to the Werewolf and attacked leaving cuts. Noah tried his best to keep the dungeon lord's attention. He would constantly move closer and then escape further. He needed to make sure Alice wasn't targeted.

Alice who was attacking suddenly felt a chill. The werewolf had changed targets to her. Noah who had just retreated panicked. It opened its mouth wind burst out.

Black Wind Burst!

Alice was sent flying back by the strong wind.

Noah used sonic leap and then followed with Flash Step and teleported behind Alice. He caught her as she was pushed to the wall, cushioning her with his body.

The werewolf followed with an ear-shattering Howl.

Full Moon Howl!

It buffed itself up.

"We'll attack from a distance," Noah said as he quickly distracted the werewolf.

Alice got up and started chanting. The Fireball skill she had learned was coming to use much faster than she had anticipated.

She chanted and formed a fireball in her left hand then launched it at the Black Werewolf. Keeping the distance, she moved away and started to cast another fireball. Unlike Noah whose talent allowed him to move while casting, Alice had to stay in the same spot.

Noah kept the werewolf busy, however, he wasn't doing much damage, each of his hits would quickly heal. The only way to kill the werewolf was with a weapon or attack that stopped its healing.

'Will I have to take out the Black Estoc.' The sword had already shown that it could slay the dungeon lord. As Noah thought this one of the fireballs Alice cast burst on the werewolf's back.

He noticed the burn wound wasn't healing as fast. He gained hope in killing it.

Alice who had shot the fireball also noticed its effect, she understood that it was the way to complete the dungeon.

She stood in place and lightly chanted then aimed the fireball. She had to make sure each fireball counted as she only had enough mana for two more after this.

Noah brought the wolf in front but couldn't keep it still.

He changed plans, he opened up his status page as he fought. He looked down to skills and saw [Firearm Mastery] reached level 5. He took out a bag from his inventory that held enhancers as he still shot at the werewolf.

He chose three, restrictive Hit (Iron), Bullet Rebound (Silver). Precise Hit (Bronze) was the one he had gotten yesterday clearing the other two dungeons.

[Would you like to learn Enhancer?]

He said yes to all three. The three books in his arm disintegrated. As he felt himself change. Firearm Mastery had been upgraded to E class.

(E Class)

You have gained proficiency in using firearms allowing the mana in your body to connect with it.

Increase damage of Firearms by 10%

Increase accuracy of Firearms by 10%

*Bullets have a weak restrictive effect

*Bullets can rebound once

Enhancers {3/6}

[Restrictive Hit (Iron)]

[Bullet Rebound (Silver)]

[Precise Hit (Bronze)]

Noah was in combat so he could feel the change happening in real-time. He felt lighter and his eyes move quicker. Jumping back he shot three times at the werewolf in quick succession.

Three bullets all missed the werewolf passing by its side, but as they did they seemed to have hit a plate of air causing ripples in the air as they reflected and hit the werewolf in its blind spot. The bullets of mana lodged in and caused the werewolf to stiffen for a moment.

Noah noticed the new effect of the enhancers, restrictive hit made it so his bullets would stiffen the werewolf if his bullets hit certain points on its body. It was only an iron rank enhancer so it just caused the dungeon lord to stiffen.

Alice hadn't been blocked by the large body of the werewolf so she hadn't seen Noah learn the skills. She did however notice, his bullets bending and the Werewolf standing completely still.

Bang! Another successful hit, she started chanting again.

'Yes! Just a few more hits.' They both thought in unison. Keeping the pace Noah continued his control over the werewolf. His bullets forming almost a cage as they bounced around it.

Alice was able to get another two shots in, after which she had to wait for her mana to regenerate. In that time Noah played with the werewolf, controlling its movement and had fun with the movement of his bullets. He was using his spatial sense to watch every bullet hit perfectly where he wanted to, this allowed him to constantly restrict its movement.

Just when Alice started chanting a final time after another successful hit. The werewolf retreated back, it noticed that it was being cornered so it howled again. This Howl was much louder and had the whole room shake by the vibrations it made.

Super Full Moon Howl!

Noah felt his ears ring and lose his balance momentarily. He quickly regained balance and saw what was happening.

Its body growing larger, its eyes turned red as it seemed like a completely different monster from when they started.

Noah was surprised, he hadn't seen the werewolf use the buff on itself twice, he had killed it before it could. As he got ready to shoot, the werewolf turned a little to the side looking in his direction.

Noah felt alarm bells ring as he looked into those crimson red eyes.

'This isn't something we can handle.'

He turned to look at Alice and how far the door was. She had regained balance but she failed in casting the fireball. Her mana had run out.

He didn't lose a moment, using the remaining of his mana, he concentrated it into his legs and used Sonic Leap in Alice's direction. He covered the distance as fast as he could and picked Alice up.

He then leapt towards the door with Alice. The dungeon lord saw this and sprinted towards him.

In a matter of seconds, it caught up to them. Noah threw Alice out of the open entrance while he tried to dodge the claw.

Noah couldn't completely dodge as the claw slashed his back. But taking the injury he was able to roll out the entrance.

The Dungeon Lord watched the two but didn't leave the lair, it gave them a final look then turned back. The entrance behind it, closing.

"Noah, quick drink this." Alice ran to Noah and helped him up, she took out a potion for him to drink.

Noah downed the potion then downed another. The wound on his back closed up. He then hugged the concerned Alice.

"I'm fine now, it wasn't that bad."

Alice hugged him back. As she was thrown out by him she saw the werewolf 4 meters tall buffed werewolf about claw Noah in half from behind. She had thought he wouldn't survive.

"Never do that again." Alice said, "Don't save me at the cost of your life."

"Don't worry it wasn't as dangerous as you think, I was sure I would survive."

"Promise me you won't ever sacrifice yourself for me." Alice put out her pinky while looking at Noah.

Noah silently looked at Alice, he didn't want to make a promise with Alice he wouldn't be able to keep. If he could protect her he would, no matter the cost.

But seeing Alice clear purple eyes looking at him waiting for him to promise. He couldn't say no. He wrapped his pinky around her.

"I promise. "

Alice smiled and hugged him again.

"Let's back now, we'll back when we're stronger." The two then stood up and made their way back to town.


They arrived back in town. They didn't see anyone knew as they walked along. From the 100,000 people that had entered no one had appeared in their town.

As they went back home they stopped at the teleportation hall along the way.

The teleportation hall was a large pillared building with no walls. It was made of marble and had a white ancient aesthetic. The pillars had carvings on them. As you walked in you would enter a large magic circle and a system screen would pop up.

[Where would you like to go?]

Underneath the message was a map of the entire super-continent, that was the world they were currently in. In it, you could choose to teleport to multiple locations.

Alice chose one of the capital cities, Immortal Cloud City. It was the closest one of the three.

[Cost 20 Gold]

"Way too expensive, how about something closer?" Alice selected the closest city to the town they were currently in. It was a city called Royal Cloud City.

[Cost 1 Gold]

"Still can't afford it. It looks like we can only teleport to nearby towns." Noah said as he stood next to Alice,

The cities were way too far to travel with a horse and too expensive to go through teleportation,

"Let's go back for now and decide where to go tomorrow."