Days Passed

Alice ran forward running towards a group of goblins in another E Class dungeon. Her body pivoting on her feet to dodge as she struck.

Alice fighting with the goblins had head-sized square ana Screens form around her, like a smart protective shield, it blocked all attacks from touching her allowing her to go on a frenzy.

A goblin next to her had its head burst as it fell to the ground.

Noah at a distance sat on the Levitation Staff shooting with Black Wind. His bullets were not aimed at the goblins rather around them, which then bounced off the air hitting the goblins. He noticed arrows being fired at Alice, he instantly cast Mana Screen. A large screen light blue screen formed above Alice, tilting diagonally to block all the arrows.

Aiming with Black Wind, Noah rose a bit higher to get a better view and shot at the archers.

While doing this his mind continued to cast Mana Screen around Alice protecting her.

Equipping the Levitation Staff and learning Mana Screen allowed him to show a completely new level of support. He didn't have to be frugal with casting Strength Boost constantly putting it on Alice, sadly the skill couldn't be stacked on it could only be cast once on one person.

Mana Screen mixed in with his talents made it seem like a completely new type of skill. His talent Blessed Mind had a Dual Processing effect and Limit Break effect. Dual Processing allowed him to constantly used Mana Screen even when he was shooting with his gun and using other skills. Limit Break removed its cool and fixed size, allowing him instantly cast it in any size he wanted.

Spatial Sense gave him a clear look at Alice's battle so he knew exactly when to form the screen. He minimised mana usage by normally making them small and strong enough to just block one attack. this meant he was barely using any mana.

They soon found the boss and killed it as well. Collecting all the loot they came out of the dungeon and got back on their horses.

Noah looked at Alice as they galloped, "Did anything good drop?"

"Nothing special."

They moved on to the next dungeon. They complete three more E Class dungeons during their travel before they came to a stop and set up camp. Alice had her head dripping as she almost dozed off as she ate. Noah woke up early and then had her fight and travel till nighttime.

She finally finished the food and rest her head on Noah's shoulder falling asleep. Noah got up and carried her into the tent. He then finished eating and opened his inventory.

A black bar made off a row of five squares. All five of them had bags in them. The first one held money and extra healing potions that he bought for the trip. He had stocked up a lot of them. The next bag had daily necessities and clothes. The third was filled with all the books that had dropped, the fourth was for other things that dropped such as equipment and materials. The fifth held a large cooler that was even larger than a fridge on earth. It was what held all the food and water they would need during the trip.

Food was actually the hardest to manage for the trip since monster meat could not be eaten. As for vegetation, they couldn't just pick up and eat stuff in the forest since it could be poisonous.

He took out the large cooler having had land on the ground with a thud, He then opened up the cover. The inside was filled with canned, readymade and compressed food he had bought from the store. Other that were jars and lunchboxes he had made before leaving. There was also some ingredients he had kept.

Finally on the side was bottles of water. He took out a bottle and drank some water putting it back. Then kept the whole cooler back in his inventory.

He then got back on his horse and went to clear nearby dungeons they had skipped.


The journey to GreenCloud Town took longer than the week they expected. Completing E class dungeons put them off schedule as they took longer to complete than F Class. Taking ten days instead.

Each day they would complete four dungeons together. While Noah would separately go out and do three to four more while Alice slept. Noah would also fight D Class monsters to prepare for D Class dungeons.

The whole process was immensely draining for Alice. If she didn't have Noah constantly pushing her or his smile to rejuvenate her she would have quit. She would immediately asleep when they would camp. Noah would even carry her as she slept while riding his horse to complete the distance they had to travel for the day.

The dungeons came in variety but were mostly goblin dungeons. Each Goblins dungeon's Dungeon Lord would have some new type of ability, one of the strongest ones they fought had the ability to summon a giant undead skeleton.

Their bags were filled with loot from the Dungeon Lord's they had killed. They had bought the largest bags the store in GreenCloud Town had to offer but they still couldn't hold onto everything. They had to throw away all the Iron rank and some of the bronze rank enhancers that dropped.

While on earth Noah had kept track of what was happening in PurpleCloud Town. The merchants there were willing to buy all types of items. Which was why they tried to keep as much of the loot as possible, even the things they didn't find valuble.

Equipment wise, they made sure to keep everything that dropped since it could be sold at a high price. Weapons of all kinds had dropped. But most were F Class. Only two were E Class weapons, one was a wand and the other was a dagger. The wand wasn't great and was kept for selling. While Alice switched out her Sharp Wolf Fang for the new dagger, Old Spell Blade.

Other than weapons two pieces of armour had dropped from all the dungeons that Noah and Alice had done together. One was a chest plate and the other was boots, both were F Class. Noah gave both to Alice, giving her an increase in attributes.

All Skill books were kept as well. From the few that had dropped Noah and Alice only four were useful. The rest were kept to be sold.

Most of the enhancers that dropped were Iron or Bronze rank. But they had actually gotten very lucky having three gold rank enhancers that were usable drop.

As for materials they just kept what they could carry, anything too large or they didn't have space for they left behind.

Other than Loot, they had gained a lot more experience in fighting monsters. Alice had shown exponential growth. She would train with Noah in building D after school on earth then fight monsters under Noah's support. She was a tiger with wings with the new equipment and skills.

Noah hadn't stagnated either, he and learned more support skills and had gotten much better at playing the battlefield. He decided that he would walk down the path of a supporter. Supporting Alice as she fought was something he loved doing.


Sunday, 14th February 2049, 10:21 PM

Noah galloped on his horse in the Eternal Battlefield towards a D Class dungeon. He was finally going to attempt one. Today was the last day of their trip, they would be able to reach GreenCloud Town by tomorrow morning and then teleport to PurpleCloud Town.

Stopping near the entrance Noah decided to do some final preparations before he walked in.