Flames of Emotions

With a Flash, they appeared.

"We'll go to the Inn first, we have a few friends waiting for us, we want to introduce then we'll show you around," Alice said as she dragged Kira along.

At the Inn, the other members of the Rose Foxes had gathered at the dining area. Noah and Alice had told them they were going to introduce a new friend.

Alice waved her hand as she entered, bringing Kira, "This is my best friend from earth I wanted you all to meet, her name is Kira. She recently came to the Eternal Battlefield so she's a beginner, but she's amazing at martial arts on earth, she'll catch up to us in no time. So can she join?"

Leona stared at Kira and then looked at Tasha and Sofia, "Are you two okay with her joining?"

Tasha nodded, "I don't mind."

Sofia agreed with her as well.

"Since no one disagrees she can join, but has she gotten the mastery skill yet?"

"Not yet, she hasn't really done much in the Eternal Battlefield." Alice acted as if Kira came here through the mana wave at the beginning of April. "She'll join us after she completes it. I'll go show her around ImmortalCloud City now as for dungeon running..."

"It's no problem, we'll start later today than normal, will you be done by twelve?" Leona asked.

"Sure, we'll meet then."

Alice and Noah brought Kira all the way to the Titan Training Ground, showing her the city along the way.

Inside they brought her to choose a Mastery Skill.

Weapon Mastery skills-

[Sword Mastery]

[Shield Mastery]

[Spear Mastery]

[Dagger Mastery]

[Staff Mastery]

[Wand Mastery]

[Bow Mastery]

[Firearm Mastery]

Looking at the options Kira couldn't decide. She hadn't used a weapon before, her fists were her weapons, so picking up a sword or gun would feel weird to her. Staff and spear seemed interesting to her compared to the others, but she would choose just because she had to choose something.

"Is there no option for martial arts or hand to hand combat?" Kira asked the robot.

Noah standing by was interested as well. He would have also like to learn such a mastery. He had trained in martial arts as long as Kira had, although not as diligently.

"The skill does exist, but humans do not have access to it." The robot answered.

"How do I get access to it?" Kira asked.

"Impossible at the moment. The humans have lost the Martial Arts Mastery skill to the Asura race in the Eternal Battlefield and so no longer have the rights to own such a skill." The robot answered.

The three didn't know who the Asura race was but it looked like the Eternal Battlefield was complicated if you could even remove an entire skill from a race.

"Then which of the mastery skills allow the use of my fists?" Kira then asked, a bit disappointed.

"Wand Mastery allows the use of such weapons as the gloves you are wearing. As well as other types of armour and accessories turned into weapons." The robot gave its systematic response.

"I'll learn it," Kira said. Wand Mastery was probably the best from the options she had.

"Would you like regular training or Extreme training?" The robot inquired.

"The difference?"

"Regular will take 7 days to complete, extreme will compress the training into 3.5 days. We recommend not to choose extreme training unless you are physically fit."

Kira looked at Alice and Noah, they said it was her choice, "Extreme training."

Noah paid the money for the lessons.

"Come with me." The robot then led them.

At this point, they separated, Alice went with Kira to answer all the questions Kira had related to the situation. Noah went to the Gravity Room to train until twelve, which was when they had to meet up.


At night time Noah and Alice came back to ImmortalCloud City and stopped at the Titan's Training Ground. Kira's training was about to end soon. They reached and saw Kira sitting on the floor breathing heavily as she drank water.

Seeing the two, Kira smiled "You two will have to carry me back, I'm too tired to move."

With an arm each around their shoulders, Noah and Alice carried Kira to the Inn. They had rented a room for her where they dropped her off. She immediately fell asleep.

The two then went back to their room.


On Earth Noah and Alice each had a can of soda as they laid back on a comfortable couch watching a large television. They were still on the superyacht, sailing the ocean close to the island.

They had decided they were going to take a week off from school. They could have gone back and come back later but this was their chance to spent a week on a yacht together, why would they give up that to go to school?

"Kira is going to finish her training today, she'll finally be able to join us in dungeons. Should we do an easier dungeon today?"

Noah thought about it, "I don't think it'll be necessary, the equipment we gave her is good enough. I think you just should stick to her side until she completely adapts to the situation."

Alice nodded, she didn't mind doing that. With how Kira was, it probably wouldn't even take long. She pulled Noah closer remembering something she had wanted to ask for a while.

"Did you ever find out why your parents separated us?"

"Not really, no. Why do you ask?" Noah awkwardly said. He still had the letter from Alice from her parents. Thinking about it for a long time, he decided that giving it now would do no good, he would wait until Alice's 19th birthday like her parents had said.

"It's just Kira told me my parents got on the bad side of some powerful people which was why her parents separated her from me. Do you think your parents did the same?" Alice asked, Noah had never lied before so she wasn't suspicious.

"They probably did, these people must be really powerful that even my parents needed to avoid them," Noah said as he sweated bullets. His internal consciousness dying from having to lie to Alice.

"I see, you aren't hiding anything from me?" Alice asked, Noah's reaction was obvious to her, but she still believed him.

"I am...not"


Kira finished the final test to gain the Wand Mastery skill. After wearing all the equipment she had taken for the training. The gloves she wore, felt like they were part of her body now that she had the Wand Mastery skill. She looked at her status page.



Name: Kira Lancer

Age: 18

Race: Human


[Strength 94 (14)] [Agility 65 (15)] [Physique 55(15)] [Intelligence 35 (12)] [Willpower 37(14)] [Sense 13(13)] [Mana 36(6)]

(Bonus Attribute Points: 0)

Awakened Talents-

[Flames of Emotions (A+ Class)]


[Super Body] [Valiant] [Passionate]


[Lv.1 Fiery Fists (D Class)]

[Lv.3 Fireball (F Class)]

[Lv.2 Fiery Shot (F Class)]

[Lv.1 Flame Wheel (E Class)]

[Lv.1 Flaming Javelin (D Class)]

[Lv.1 Incinerate (D Class)]

(Skill Points: 0)


The last few days had been hell level training even for a training manic like her.

Her status page had gone through a complete transformation. Noah and Alice had also given her a few skills to learn. She had learned all of them and had started using the F Class skills. They were easy to use and levelled up quickly, the E and D Class skills were harder to use, it took a few tries before she could use them.

Other than the equipment increasing her attributes, she had gotten a large number of basic attribute stones from Alice as well as the training ground which helped her increase all her attributes by 5.

Ready for entering dungeons she walked out from the Wand Mastery training center and saw Noah and Alice outside, she waved happily, "I passed, we can go now."


In the back of a large carriage, all six members of the Rose Foxes sat. The carriage was newly bought at ImmortalCloud City and was driven by a mechanical puppet.

The three girls looked at the new member, they had met her before but only said hello, now they were properly meeting. Kira's Aura was fierce like a tiger which contrasted her delicate looks.

"I'm the team captain, Leona. Nice to meet you, the Rose Foxes welcomes you with open arms." Leona said shaking hands with Kira.

Tasha and Sofia greeted her as well.

"We were supposed to be doing C Class dungeons today, since Kira has joined we might want to do an E or D Class instead, is that alright?" Leona spoke to all of them.

"No, we should stick to doing C Class dungeons, I'll be with Kira until she can handle monsters on her own," Alice answered, seeing they weren't convinced Noah explained further, "Kira has similar equipment to us, and is a great martial artist. We don't need to hold back for her."

Kira nodded, "You don't need to worry, I'll stick close to Alice. I saw some people fighting level 7 puppets in the strength testing area, I should be able to handle that much."


Walking into the dungeon the group of six were greeted by a lush forest. The team walked in deeper in formation as looked around, Noah on his Levitation Staff saw a society of goblins. It was a large one with a stone tower in the middle and treehouses surrounding it.

[Forest Soldier Goblins]

C Class

Level 44

[Forest Mage Goblin]

C Class

Level 45

[Forest Scout Goblin]

C Class

Level 43

[Forest Archer Goblin]

C Class

Level 46

The group was immediately noticed as it got close, the stone tower in the center started ringing.

Armoured goblins moved out of the gate ready for battle as archers stood on trees and stone walls.

Seeing the enemy approach everyone got ready, Alice looked at Kira one last time to confirm she was fine.

Noah set down the Gravitational Staff. He then followed with casting Anti-Gravity on the four girls in the front. Sofia cast Water Wave, a wave of water pushed the goblins back into the Gravitational Zone, giving Noah enough time to buff everyone there.

Alice moved first, she passed through Forest Goblins like a shadow. Her two daggers, one black and one golden taking life after life.

Kira stayed close, she followed behind the path Alice was clearing. She had activated Fiery Fists and punched a goblin who had escaped Alice's blades. The Forest Goblin fell to the ground, squealing in pain as its skin burned off. Kira pulled back and looked at it. It was still alive, its mouth moved as it cast a spell.

A bullet came and killed it, splashing all the green blood around, Noah flew down close to Kira, "Finish it off or it would have killed you."

Alice who had cleared the nearby Forest Goblins came close and hugged the stunned Kira.

"It isn't a pleasant experience, but you have to get used to it. I still get queasy sometimes even now. Just don't think about it too much and move on."

Kira hugged Alice back and thought about what she should do. It was the reaction of the monster that overwhelmed her, she didn't think it would have such human-like emotions. She finally understood what they meant by needing time to adapt.

Kira pulled Alice away, "I'm fine now, thanks."

Seeing that she looked better Alice then left to clear out more Forest Goblins.

Standing in place, Kira steadied her legs and lowered her center of mass. With her hands out turned into fists, burning with an orange flame. She closed her eyes. In the darkness, she remembered why she was doing this. Taking three deep breaths. With each breath the flame on her fists fluctuated, turning lower as she took in air and brighter as she breathed out.

Pushing out the air from the third breath, her eyes opened. The flames on her fists blew up with strength as they gained a red tint.

She pushed off her feet using all her agility, launching herself like a rocket. She came to a Forest Goblin and twisted her leg sending all the momentum into a kick. The Goblin was thrown back, but it wasn't too injured it got up to attack, Kira's hand went out and grabbed its head, "Flame Charge, Incinerate."

Blazing hot flames burst out from her hand, the Forest Goblin turned to charcoal under the heat. She dropped the corpse and ran forward, her eyes resolute. She had used the ability of her E Class armour, Flame Chare, to upgrade Incinerate. This was her strongest attack, killing a C Class monster instantly.

[Burning Iron Chestplate] (E Class)

Strength +30, Agility +30, Physique +30

Active Skill: [Flame Charge] powers up one fire element attack

cooldown: 10 minutes

Joining Alice, Kira moved through the goblins like a fierce tiger, her burning hands killing one goblin after the other. Her flame gaining more red as time went by. She was like an awakened warrior with no remorse, she had stoned her heart with only one goal.

Running towards a Forest Mage Goblin, Kira ducked as a Green Mana ball passed by her hair. Close in, she punched once, followed by a kick. Then had her hand stop its chest, "Incinerate."

Another Goblin was unrecognisable as its body was boiled by the flames.

Kira had released that she was able to use the Fire spells as she pleased because of her talent. They not only had reduced mana cost, but she was also able to cast them almost instantly. Looking at a Goblin far away she cast, "Flaming Javelin."

The thin javelin made of flames came out from the magic circle she formed, it shot at the Goblin.

Noah in the air, watching over the fight focused on Kira, she had picked herself instantly. What he found interesting was the flames Kira was released from her hands were brighter and burned more furiously, before they just coated her hands now they were like orbs of flame around them. Even their colour had changed to a fearsome red.

As the fight continued, everyone in the group noticed Kira's flame turn redder as she fought. it was impossible to not notice the brightness and heat they released.

The fight continued as Kira grew more brutal with her kills.

Finally, the Dungeon Lord walked out.

[Forest Guardian Goblin]

C Class

Level 49

A three-meter tall goblin covered in silver armour wielding a large sword walked out. It slammed its sword sending out vines to grow out and attack

Noah on the Levitation Staff started shooting faster killing as many goblins as he could, clearing the goblin mobs so the girls could fight the Dungeon Lord. He then shot at the Dungeon Lord, holding it back giving the girls some time to reach it.

Leona came to its front and sent a Loud Roar attracting the Dungeon Lord's attention, she then used her broad sword to defend from its sword attack,

Alice and Tasha swung their daggers leaving wounds around. While Sofia continued to cast spell after spell, sending one attack after the other.

Kira ran towards it and punched it. She left a strong burn mark on its armour almost melting it but was thrown back with a roar. She landed on the ground sliding back. Stopping she cast Flaming Javelin with Flame Charge, the javelin burned with red flames as it was larger and stronger than before.

It pierced through the armour and into the goblin setting it aflame. The Forest Guardian Goblin took the flame out using a water spell and turned to Kira in Fury.

Leona ran forward, shouting again and taking its attention again.

The Dungeon Lord soon died.