Hellebrous and Umbral Armour Set

Noah looked at the time. Seven days had passed since he had last met Albert.

The days had gone by quickly. He had been busy with the Storm Trial and thinking about how to get Beyond Perfect. He didn't try again just thinking about possibilities. Then he spent his time going to the Floating Holy Library to read up on whatever he could.

Noah arrived in EternalFlame City. The only place he had visited here was the Dwarven Blacksmith Association. So he followed the path he usually took and entered.

He showed his membership token.

"You can see the Chief now."

Noah walked into Alberts office expectantly.

"You're here!" Albert pulled up two cases from under the table and put them on it. "What do you want to see first the weapons or the armour."

"The weapons," Noah answered.

Albert opened the one on the left. "I poured my heart into making weapons these weapons for you. So when you praise me don't be stingy with your words."

A long sword and a pistol lay inside the case.

Noah picked them both up.

He felt the connection with the sword reform and his attributes increase.

The sword hadn't changed much design-wise but gave a completely different feel now. The engravings on the sheath were now purple instead of the light black they were before and seemed like veins covering it, the sheath near the sword hilt had one of the abyssal shards embedded in, which was where the colour came from.

The sword hilt was still a spherical chamber made of rods, the bloodstone inside was no longer held by two needles in place, it now floated slowly spinning. It had also changed colour, it now gave a purple glow instead. The Diamond of Darkness attached the hilt like a pommel. It was lighter in colour than the rest of the sword and gave more depth to it.


He unsheathed again, the blade looked the same as before, it was just more dominating if the weapon was a king before it was now emperor.

[Cursed Requiem] (D Class) (Blood Weapon)

Strength +130, Agility +130, Physique +30, Intelligence +100, Willpower +30, Sense +30, Mana +70

Passive skill 1: [Lv.10 Armour Piercing] The blade of the sword can pierce through most armours.

Passive Skill 2: [Curse Boost] Increase the effect of curse magic by 25%

Passive skill 3: [Severe Corruption] Strong curse energy courses through the blade and will infect anyone who touches it. The energy will spread through them and weaken the being affected, ultimately causing death.

Active Skill 1: [Darkness Descent] Increase the attack power of the sword by 100% for 30 seconds.

cooldown: 12 hours

It had improved all around. The biggest change was the new active skill.

"A few questions, the abyssal crystal shard, why did you attach it to the sheath instead of the sword?"

"The sheath is also part of a magic sword," Albert answered. "Your swords now a complete magic sword. One way to do this is by making the sword and sheath into one weapon. This allows a weapon to exceed its normal limits of attributes the sword, allowing the sword to give attributes into all seven."

Noah then looked at the gun. It was sleek and thin. Thinner than most pistols. Its chamber was taller. Its jet black smooth surface gave it a minimalistic look. On its side, it had six purple crystals near the back above the handle forming a flower. Overall it was like a piece from the future.

Noah looked onto the black mirror that was the gun and saw his reflection. Under it, he could see intricate purple lines, which was the magic circle of the pistol.

[Helleborus] (D Class)

Strength +30, Agility +50, Intelligence +110, Willpower +90, Sense +60, Mana +110

25% increase in magic damage

150% increase in Cursed magic damage

100% increase in the effect of curse magic

50% decrease in mana usage

75% decrease in cast time

*Able to load Magic Bullets (Currently empty)

Passive Skill: [Lv.7 Cursed Mana Bullets] strong mana bullets filled with cursed energy that do high damage and increase the effect of curses on the enemy

Active Skill: [Black Cero] An all-out attack that releases all the dark energy stored in the weapon to do a tremendous amount of damage.

cooldown: 12 hours

Noah unequipped the True Wood Staff and equipped the Helleborus.

The system had a screen pop up.

[The Cursed Requiem and Helleborus have formed a Synergy Effect]

[Weapon Synergy Effect]

Effect 1: [Curse Super Boost] Increase the effect of curse magic by an additional 30%

Effect 2: [Attribute Increase] Increase all attributes by 20

Effect 3: [Abyssal Fear] Release a strong aura from your body that will intimidate enemies. Weak mind enemies will not be able to move while strong ones will be under pressure making them run out of energy faster.

'Amazing,' Noah thought as he looked down on himself. The aura around him had changed. It was similar to the Abyssal Abomination just weaker. The darkness he emitted was purer made him seem more mysterious.

"What do you think? Impressive, right?" Albert asked seeing Noah lost in the weapons.

"Very, I'm glad I trusted you. You've done phenomenal work with these weapons. They're better than I could have ever imagined."

Albert nodded, "Now the other box." Albert opened it up.

Noah took them all out one by one, looking at their attributes. First was the Black Crystal Mask and Ghost's Shadow. Both were the same as before.

[Ghost's Shadow] (D Class)

Agility +200, Physique +50, Sense +90, Mana +40

Passive skill 1: [Presence Control] Able to scale the amount of presence you release, increasing or decreasing it.

Active Skill 1: [Disappearance] Turn invisible, constantly uses mana. Deactivates when mana runs out.

Active Skill 2: [Phase Shift] You're able to momentarily pass through physical objects like a ghost.

cooldown: 1 hour

[Black Crystal Mask] (D Class)

Strength +188, Physique +99, Willpower +60, Sense +70

Active Skill: [Invincible] will not take any form of damage for 5 seconds.

cooldown: 24 hours

Active Skill: [Crystal Shield] form a strong shield of crystals that will protect you

cooldown: 5 minutes

He then looked at the D Class Chestplate. It was black in colour and had etchings on it.

[Umbral Chestplate] (D Class)

Strength +50, Agility +40, Physique +50, Intelligence +110, Sense +140, Mana +110

Passive Skill: [Damage Reduction] Decrease damage taken by 10%

Passive Skill; [Magic Resistence] Increase resistance to magic, decreasing the damage taken by them by 10%.

He then looked at the leggings, boots, and armguards and gloves. They all had the same skills as the chestplate just weaker.

[Umbral Leggings] (E Class)

Physique +40, Willpower +40, Mana +20

Passive Skill: [Damage Reduction] Decrease damage taken by 4%

Passive Skill; [Magic Resistence] Increase resistance to magic, decreasing the damage taken by them by 4%.

[Umbral Boots] (E Class)

Agility +10, Intelegince+20, Willpower +40, Mana +30

Passive Skill: [Damage Reduction] Decrease damage taken by 4%

Passive Skill; [Magic Resistence] Increase resistance to magic, decreasing the damage taken by them by 4%.

[Umbral Armguards] (E Class)

Strength +10, Intelligence +40, Willpower +50

Passive Skill: [Damage Reduction] Decrease damage taken by 4%

Passive Skill; [Magic Resistence] Increase resistance to magic, decreasing the damage taken by them by 4%.

[Umbral gloves] (E Class)

Intelligence +40, Willpower +40, Mana +20

Passive Skill: [Damage Reduction] Decrease damage taken by 4%

Passive Skill; [Magic Resistence] Increase resistance to magic, decreasing the damage taken by them by 4%.

"For the set effect, you'll have to wear it," Albert said.

Noah nodded, he moved back and started stripping. He put the Spatial Jewel Pouch on the table. He then put all the equipment he was wearing into the pouch from his mask, then staffs. He took off his gloves, armguard then his chestplate. Revealing his body underneath. He then took off his boots and leggings.

In his underwear, he picked up the Umbral leggings and wore them. Then the Umbral chestplate. He put on all the equipment. The mask and cloak were on as well.

The armour tightly fit his body, it had been made specifically for him so all sizes were perfect. The armguards were metallic braces that locked around his forearm leading to the silky black gloves. The overall design of the rest of the armour was black with violet patterns engraved on it. The chestplate stood out as it gave off a much stronger aura.

The moment he put on the mask he felt a boost in attributes. Then with the cloak on all the intimidating aura, he gave disappeared.

He looked at the screen in front of him

[Umbral Armour Set]

7 piece equipment set

Strength +248, Agility +250, Physique +239, Intelligence +210, Willpower +230, Sense +300, Mana +220

Passive Skill: [Damage Reduction] Decrease damage taken by 26%

Passive Skill; [Magic Resistence] Increase resistance to magic, decreasing the damage taken by them by 26%.

Complete Set Effect (4 pieces):

Passive Skill: [High Damage Reduction] Decrease damage taken by an additional 8%

Complete Set Effect (5 pieces):

Passive Skill; [Great Magic Resistence] Increase resistance to magic, decreasing the damage taken by them by an additional 8%.

Complete Set Effect (6 pieces):

Effect: [Attribute Increase] Increase all attributes by 30

Complete Set Effect (7 pieces):

Passive Skill: [Intimidation Immunity] You are immune to the pressure monsters stronger than you emit.

Just wearing this armour he would have a third of the reduced. With it he even Magic Resistance which seemed to work on top of Damage reduction reducing magic damage further by another third.

The seven price equipment effect was nice, it would help him escape situations like the Devil Incarnate appearing where he could barely move. He would still be able to fight strong opponents and not be easily suppressed.

Noah hung the Cursed Requiem to the left of his waist. He then holstered the Helleborus under his right armpit for a quick draw. It was hidden by the cloak so no one could see it, and he could draw it secretly if he needed to.

He then opened his status page.



Name: Noah Sinfero

Age: 18

Race: Human


[Strength 719(26)] [Agility 605(17)] [Physique 451(24)] [Intelligence 651(19)] [Willpower 538(19)] [Sense 705(16)] [Mana 733(11)]

(Bonus Attribute Points: 12)

Awakened Talents-

Guardian of Love (C++ Class)

Blessed Mind (A+ Class)

Truth Seeker (E Class)

Spatial Sense (A Class)

Genius Martial Combat Body (D+ Class)


[Ambidextrous] [Insomnia] [Explorer]


[Lv.1 Flash Step (B+ Class)]

[Lv.1 Secret of the Four Seasons: Winter Style (D++ Class)]

[Lv.5 Death's Dance (D++ Class}]

[Lv.2 Curse of Self Harm (D+ Class)]

[Lv.1 Insanity Venom (D+ Class)]

[Lv.3 Curse of Weakness (D Class)]

[Lv.1 Wild Sworday (D Class)]

[Lv.5 Mana Sheild (D Class)]

[Lv.1 Silent Screech (D Class)]

[Lv.5 Evil Glare (D Class)]

[Lv.5 Roots of binding (E Class)]

[Lv.5 Defence Up (E Class)]

[Lv.5 Bulk Up (E Class)]

[Lv.5 Blind (E Class)]

[Lv.5 Mana Screen (F Class)]

[Lv.5 Strength Boost (F Class)]

[Lv.5 Speed Boost (F Class)]

(Skill Points: 0)


Wearing everything, he felt reborn. It was exactly how he wanted it. His physical attributes were almost three times what they were previously. While his other attributes also increased and were reaching a balance.

He was now aiming for balanced attributes. More than 700 mana was already in excess. He could use all skills as much as he wanted. So he now needed the other attributes that could utilise the mana.

His Intelligence attribute and Willpower were needed for mana control and spell casting. As he got more into casting curses he needed them to be higher. He hadn't gotten attacking spells yet but he would get them eventually.

Strength and Agility needed to be higher. His main way of dealing damage was through his sword and that heavily relied on his strength to deal damage. Agility needed to be high as well, although he could move around with Flash Step he still needed a fast reaction time to use it in time and keep up with monsters.

Then there was Sense. He wanted Sense to be as high as it could. It would increase the performance of his Spatial Sense, this would help in range and close combat. As monsters got faster, their attacks also got more unpredictable so he needed high sense attributes to catch them before they came to close.

Noah wore the Spatial Jewel Pouch again.

"Thank you, Albert. How much do I need to pay?"

"It'll cost 1500 gold. You can pay it on your way out. Make sure to come again!" Albert said as Noah left.

Noah paid the gold and walked out. With the effect of his earrings and the cloak, he was able to walk unnoticed.

"Time to look for S Class Monsters," Noah whispered as he entered the Teleportation Hall.