
Noah walked into the Ancient Water Serpent cave and sat down. He took out a box and opened it up. In it sat 22 bullets, each golden in colour with a red magic circle engraved on them. Their shapes were similar to .50 Caliber bullets used in a Desert Eagle on earth.

Pulling out the empty magazine from the Helleborus, he then started loading it with bullets.

Before coming back here, he stopped at EternalFlame City and bought Magic bullets at the Darwen Blacksmith Association. Only members were allowed to buy them and there was a limited selection. F Class was too weak so he needed E Class, but he could only buy one type- E Class Explosive Bullets. He bought five such boxes. The other four were already loaded into suitable magazines, it was just the first he needed to load into the empty Helleborus.

Skillfully loading all 22 bullets Noah slid the magazine back in and aimed. He could feel the bullets loaded in and would be able to shoot them with a thought. He put the gun down and stood up.

"Time for the Second Round..." Nosh said as he walked into the cave.

The water rippled as the Ancient Water Serpent slowly moved out onto land sensing Noah, then it burst into action.

Martial Combat Qi! Noah activated it under his armour he had the thin red glow. He then burst forward as well. He unsheathed his sword as he neared, the serpent bit down at him, but he slashed with his sword. Shing! Shing! It broke into water and Noah teleported away. Water chains formed out of the ground warping around nothing.

His left hand constantly moved as he shot Cursed Mana bullets nonstop while dodging attacks. He stayed close in and slashed with his sword. The Qi in his body increased his agility so he was able to keep up as he ran backwards while shooting. His bullets didn't do much damage as the Serpent tanked through.

Taking a step Noah twisted as he dodged Water Arrows, slid past the Serpent's head, reaching its neck and slashed. His movements powered with Qi were swift. He was able to cut and leave a shallow cut before the serpent turned to water.

After retreating he noticed the cut was still there after the serpent rematerialised.

'Finally injured it.' Noah thought.


The Serpent was mad. Sensing Mana under him Noah disappeared as a pillar of water sprouted from where he stood. Appearing again he felt the sensation again, he then Flash Stepped above the ground and stood on a Mana Screen.

The Ancient Water Serpent was annoyed seeing Noah run around like a fly, its yellow eyes glowed lightly.

Noah was standing felt his blood circulation disrupt. It was for a moment but the Serpent tried to control the water content of his body. It ended up failing due to Noah's high Willpower and talents resisting the control. However, it just needed Noah to flinch which he did.

The Serpent sped quickly and spiralled around him forming a magic circle in the centre under Noah. A thick pillar of water burst as the serpent continued to spiral around moving up with the water like a dragon.

Defence Up! Halo of Raindrops! A blue halo of water formed above his head as the water attack hit him. The strong pressure hit from the bottom and passed him. It was like small sharp blades passing by. Defence Up, Halo of Raindrops and his armour blocked most of the damage.

The Water Serpent launched off the top, out from around the pillar. The pillar from underneath turned to ice extremely fast. Noah in the water realised the water was pressing on him so he couldn't move. The pillar of water froze in a moment.


The Ice pillar reaching the ceiling shattered completely into small sparkling ice pieces as Noah fell to the ground with injuries all on his body.

'I survived it somehow,' Noah thought, he had used Qi to protect himself as well but he was still severely injured. Low Heal! Simultaneously he pointed the Helleborus at the Ancient Water Serpent as he fell, Bullet Rain, Explosive bullets!

The bullets in the magazine emptied at once. A magic circle formed above and 22 fiery bullets fell at once, they hit the Serpent all around. Each exploding with flames. The Serpent took the force of the attack not transforming into its flowing water body.

'Are fire attacks its weakness?' Just how water put out a fire, fire evaporated water. So it would be more susceptible to evaporation in its other form. Sadly the firepower of the E Class bullets wasn't even close to killing it.

Seeing he had a chance, Noah landed on his feet and rolled, as he stood up pointing his gun he activated a skill. Black Cero!

A thick black beam passed by the Ancient Water Serpent's body destroying a large patch off top layer scales.

The Serpent had moved to the side, so only half off the beam hit. The Serpent was unperturbed by the injuries Noah caused, It looked at Noah as it let out a low hiss. It then moved back and slithered into the pond. SPLASH! It then burst back out completely healed.


Noah felt his sixth sense alert him as he moved to the right, a hole was pierced through his shoulder ignoring his armour. If he was any later it would have gone through his heart. "F*ck," Noah said as he Flash Stepped back and retreated out of its territory.

The Ancient Water Serpent seeing it hadn't been able to kill Noah was disappointed. It then entered the water again.


Noah fell with his back against the rocky cave wall. He gulped down two healing potions, then had his wound heal fast enough.

"What was that attack? it almost killed me..." He hadn't been able to sense anything, even with spatial sense. He had just instinctively moved, in a way he had gotten lucky.

"I don't think it cast it multiple times, or it would have killed me long ago. I'll now have to be careful of it from now on. The Ice Pillar Attack had gotten quite close as well."

"The fact it can instantly heal completely is just the icing on the cake!" He was already barely doing any damage to it, now it was basically immortal.

After resting for a while Noah got up. He thought everything through and decided to try again.

He took out the three staffs from his Spatial Jewel Pouch. He pulled his cloak back and hung them to his back.

He opened his inventory and saw that it only had two items. The Goblin Kings satchel and the Ancient Magic Wood Flintlock. He kept it there since using the inventory was the fastest way to switch weapons.

He activated all his buffs in sequence, he glowed with colours, Strength Boost, Speed Boost, Bulk Up, Wild Swordplay, Curse of Self Harm, Death's Dance and Cold Mind.

He then walked in, Abyssal Fear! His body lit with a black flaming aura as he sent a strong pressure out.

The Ancient Water Serpent saw how Noah had come more serious than before. It saw the pressure he emitted and arrogantly answered in kind. Its body released the pressure it been suppressing. Water mana covered like blue flames. It canceled out the effect of Abyssal Fear.

"Hmph," Noah snorted, Gravitational Field! The rocky staff on his back controlled by mana reattached and hit the ground. The force fell on the serpent, Noah immediately activated Anti Gravity on himself as he used Blind, Evil Glare, Curse of Weakness on the Ancient Water Serpent.

His hand touched his sword, Silent Screech, Insanity Venom, Dark Descent! His calves burst with power as he launched off, as he made the best use of his agility attribute with Qi.

He streaked past the disoriented Serpent. Its body was wide but at such speed, it would be hard to leave many attacks. He twisted his body so after his first slash he was able to a full turn and leave another by the time he passed by.

Two deep black wounds in a compressed cross were left on the Serpent's right side. The wound was now deep enough for the Corruption to affect it.

It was his repayment for the lesson it gave him earlier. Noah landed on the back wall and disappeared.

The Ancient Water Serpent quickly recovered from the mental attack. But by the time it did, Noah had hit the back wall and Flashed Step to stand on the ground in front of it.

The True Wood Staff floated out, "Overgrowth, Root Control, Roots of Binding!"

Three green vinyl disk sized magic circles formed above the True Wood Staff. They spun as they cast the magic.

Noah moved his hands, Giant brown roots grew from around the pool and wrapped around the Serpent.

The Serpent transformed into water and moved out from the hold. Seeing that it was out of the pool of water Noah raised his hand in its direction, Roots grew around following it. He deactivated and reactivated the Gravitaioal field to mess with its movements and allow the roots to reach it.

His other hand towards the pool. A large amount of roots grew and formed a covering over the whole pool to block the Serpent from entering.

Noah sped the Mana Circuit in him to recover Mana. However, he couldn't speed up too much so he then took out a mana potion and drank it. His hands started moving as if he was conducting an orchestra, the roots grew to Noah's movements. It attacked with water magic but the roots grew back quickly because of Overgrowth.

The Serpent was now chased, their places had been reversed. The corruption was spreading on it so he just needed to hold out. The gun in his left hand started black cursed bullets.

The Serpent finally had enough, it formed a large mana circle under it. Drowning Wave!

A wave of water as tall as the ceiling broke down and filled the whole room. Noah on the ground stuck his sword into the ground, Phase Shift! Defence Up, Halo of Raindrops!

The water passed through him quickly because of Phase Shift by the time it ended he had switched to his defensive skills and the speed of the water had decreased.

The roots that had been surrounding the Serpent had been destroyed. As well as the ones covering the pool.

Not wasting a second he instantly covered it again as he chewed on Mana Stones to recover mana. He then disappeared and appeared in front of it. His gun instantly switched to the Anceint Magic Wood Flintlock in his inventory.

Ancient Solar Ray! The beam of energy shot out.

Ice Mirror! The Serpent seeing the attack formed a shield of Ice.

Noah Flashed Step away seeing his attack fail. The Ancient Solar Ray reflected off the silver ice circular screen the Ancient Water Serpent created.

The two stared each other down. The wounds on the Serpents neck had spread quite a bit now. It was also weakened quite a bit.

Seed Bullets! Noah shot multiple bullets but the Serpent transformed to water causing them to all pass through, he then switched to Explosive bullets he had reloaded. Steam burst off its body but it wasn't able to do much damage.

The Serpent slithered towards the pond in its flowing water form and passed through the roots tight net of roots blocking it and entering the water underneath. In its water body form, it came out and reformed back on the roots completely healed.

He had only wanted to check if the roots could block it from entering, he felt like it would have been unlikely and his hunch was right. Other than some type of airtight seal he couldn't think of any other way to block the pool.

With the serpents speed, it didn't matter where it was in the room, he wouldn't be able to hold it long enough to kill it. It would be able to quickly reach the pool of water and completely heal.

This basically meant it was unkillable. Seeing this Noah couldn't help but finally understand the horror of S Class monsters.

"You might be unkillable, but I guess I'm the same," Noah said as he drank a healing and mana potion completely healing. He had almost a limitless supply.

"Let's continue," he was going to learn as much as he could about it.


The two fiercely erupted towards each other!