Magical Awakening of Latent Power

Following the guidance of Miss Gloria, Eidiri's veins pulsated a wild blue.

The flow of energy circulating through his veins, Eidiri's face twisting into a grimace from the pain of his magical system being awakened.

Miss Gloria's voice chanted on in the background, fading into white noise.

Eidiri didn't notice though, far too fascinated at the changes occurring in his body.

Strangely enough, while to the outside, it looked like as if a blue liquid fire was being forcefully injected into Eidiri's veins, the process didn't hurt at all.

Rather, it was enlightening in a spiritual fashion.

While before he had only been existing in the most basic of realms, Eidiri could now sense a myriad of colors all around him.

It was as if a colorblind person wore those special glasses for the first time.

Whole new magical elements appeared before Eidiri's eyes, the strange new sights just tempting for him to touch.

And so he grasped forward with his hands, reaching out to grab the little spots of light.

But they passed through seamlessly, slipping through his skin.

Miss Gloria's chanting was slowly coming to a halt, not quite finished, but the pace at which she spoke had significantly slowed.

When the chanting finished, Miss Gloria went to the kitchen, fetching herself a glass of water to soothe her dry mouth.

Carrying her glass with her, she went back out, watching Eidiri make a fool of himself as he grabbed at the air.

Content to watch the free entertainment, Miss Gloria simply dried her hands off on her apron before leaning against the wall, taking sips from her glass every now and then.

Eidiri, not forlorn from the lack of success continued to run forwards, chasing after the little wisps of light.

But they continuously evaded his grasp, just when he was able to catch them, they danced around his hands.

Eidiri was so close, but so far.

As he kept chasing the wisps, the tunnel vision kicked in, Eidiri ignoring the rest of his surroundings in favor of the neat little lights that were now floating around.

As he kept chasing and chasing, he was bound to harm himself eventually, and with his reckless chasing, he bumped into a table corner, the wind getting knocked from his lungs.

He then proceeded to trip over a chair leg, falling into a heap on the floor.

Like cold water being thrown onto a sleeping person, Eidiir was startled back into reality, the look of wonder in his eyes fading away.

Rubbing his head, he stood up, "What exactly happened?" he asked in a daze.

Chucking to herself, Miss Gloria answered with an exaggerated smile, "You got drunk off of your first magical experience, congratulations!"

Eidirii shuffled his feet in place, "Did I?" he looked around, "Oh my bad, I'll clean this up right away."

Eidiri busied himself, rearranging the tables and chairs back to the way they had been before prior to his magical stupor.

Pushing herself off the wall, Miss Gloria asked, "So how was your experience?"

Eidiri chatted back while setting the chairs back up, a light red dusting still in his cheeks, "It really was quite, dare I say, magical."

"Well yea," Miss Gloria snarked back, "It is magic after all. What did you see?"

"What do you mean what did I see? I just saw bright beautiful lights. Is that what everyone's supposed to see or not?" Eidiri answered before tossing a question of his own.

"Everyone's experience is different. The experience we have normally tells us a lot about who they are as a person."

"For instance, a snake could be cunning, vicious, cruel, whatever. It's best not to linger on it though, for each awakening there is an infinite number of interpretations as to the vision they receive," Miss Gloria elaborated.

"But enough of all that scholarly mumbo-jumbo. You're not here for that after all. You want to use the magic you just saw don't you?"

Eidiri nodded eagerly back in response.

"Well, you remember the state you were just in. All you gotta do is achieve that by yourself. I can't always be there to perform the chant. In order to progress your understanding of the arcane arts, you first must be able to maintain that state solely with your own abilities," Miss Gloria said.

"Outside of that, I really have no clue. I'm a chef, not a wizard."

Eager to explore the magical elements, Eidiri closed his eyes, focusing inwards on the feeling he had just experienced, trying to replicate it.

Very quickly, Eidiri found his magic core, drawing out a small trickle of the mana and bringing it through his veins and to his fist.

From there, he activated the Fiery Fist skill, his hand being set ablaze with illusory fire.

The flames emitting from the hand licked at its surrounding, stretching its hungry maw to the finely furnished, wooden interior.

But it didn't burn anything at all, the fire being controlled within the confines of Eidiri's hand.

Without even checking the stats, Eidiri instantly knew that because his understanding of magic had progressed, the potential he was able to squeeze out from Fiery Fist would be far more than before.

Yearning to test it out, Eidiri shouted out a quick thanks to Miss Gloria and saying his goodbyes before running out the door.

With a heavy thud, the door slammed behind him, Eidiri wincing at the loud noise it had made.

But that wasn't important now, what was important was how Eidiri's combat power should've risen by a large margin thanks to the awakening of the latent magical power.

'The rats would be too fragile a target, and the spiderlings have been cleared out already," Eidiri thought to himself, trying to figure out the right location to test the new power.

'Why don't we just get revenge on the kobolds? Finally, give them their just desserts and all that?'

And just like that, Eidiri ran out of the village entrance, headed towards the familiar forest where he had engaged in his first combat.

But this time, he was prepared.