My Mother Clancy would have been 45 years old this year 2000. Despite the fact that she's dead, we still lit a candle for her each year as a Memorial. Father and I would eat her favourite meal— fried fish and eggs, her songs too were sung on that day. That night, we'd have smiles on our faces while sleeping.

It was the same for Father's birthday and mine. He'd buy me a new dress anytime he could and for his birthday, I'd just sing him a song he loves. We were really simple and quiet, I was always cheerful and ready for the world. I had big dreams for my Father Philip and I.


December was usually cold here in Callington town. The green fields would loose its colour, hills would be covered in snow, that was beautiful too, but spring and summer were my all time favourite.

We were a small town of 300 people; more or less. We do have a little brown bridge over river Bremer. We live on the Eastern slopes of Adelaide hills in Australia.

My home wasn't so faraway from this Bremer river, I would sometimes go over there— over the bridge and enjoy the sun and grasses to my heart's content. I had time for such things since my Father left home early and came back in the evenings, though he was always home on Sundays.

If I wasn't indoors, I'd be outdoors working on my garden or selling my farm produce in the market or I could just take a long walk through the beautiful hills of Callington Adelaide alone or with David or Stella, my life was wonderful, don't you think?

I heard that there's an Adelaide-Wolseley railway line, but as much as I know, no trains stopped at the station for many years.

Callington has been a home of the Bremer Callington Cricket club that plays in the Alexandria and Eastern hills Cricket Association since the merge of the Bremer Cricket club in 1970 which is 10 years before I was born; I never did watch any of these matches.

There's a kindergarten and a primary school, but if you want a high school, you'd go all the way to Mount Barker.

I was able to complete both kindergarten and primary schools, we never had enough money for high school and it was faraway too, but I'm able to read and write well.

I bought and borrowed novels to read, from Mr Ned's little library. Mr Ned was always so cheerful, his nickname was Mr Sunny, he had a really cute smile.


Winter came and left early in January 2000, frozen grounds had begun cracking and melting. I joined Father to clear up our area— the front and back of the house which was covered in snow, it took some time but it was done. All we had to do was wait for the sun!