Isekai [#8]

The yellow light of the sun's rays illuminated the yellow sand dunes that extended forward, dry bushes and trees could be occasionally seen, but the most predominant thing to be seen in this desert were the occasional boulders and rocks. Yoichi and his group traveled together, although their number brought them a mark on their back, it also granted them opportunity to grow stronger by slaying monsters. It wasn't safer at day, it was less dangerous at day because most of the boulders near the dungeon, accordingly to Bür, were a monster called [Rock Spider].

Arachnids that have a boulder-like carapace slash exoskeleton that protected them from the sunlight, because they are weak against sunlight, makes them dizzy and slow, easy prey. So most boulders on their was an opportunity, the just had to flip the boulder while the spider was asleep inside because they are nocturnal, and then kill the weakened spider, getting easy experience. They are poisonous, they have a special gland on their body that produces poison and their boulders are removable, some nomads makes homes out of these the things as well! And that information made Yoichi want to unite all nomads because these things shells are disgusting. There are several littles holes on the interior of their shells, making a weird second defense line and triggering Yoichi's Tripofobia.

(A/N: I think that's the name? Fear or Disgust from several holes close together. I have that.)

He hated it so fucking much he went as far as trying to set the thing on fire, but they weren't exactly flammable and he couldn't exactly create fire nor control it, and neither could Xėgu, Bür, and the 104 Gnolls that followed them... Magic is something rare to find among the Cursed Lands...

"So how long till we get there?" Yoichi could see the wind blowing at a distance, they had to hide from bigger monsters that would not be an issue if they were alone since they would've been ignored, but the giant larva couldn't ignore a appetizing looking human, orc, lycanthrope, 3 baby Gnolls, and 101 Adult Gnolls! And why didn't they fight it? Because that larva was just a larva... A baby. It was bigger than a fucking elephant and was only a baby... Also, they saw the mother of the larva flying above them, a giant purple moth with a red patter forming a nice pair of evil eyes. They were [Savage Larva] and [Savage Cursed Moth] respectively, while the larva was a lvl [89] the moth was at lvl [195]. Oh, also, the moth died!

Bür used that moment that monsters are also ranked.

Gnolls, Goblins, Minotaurs, Orcs, every single species that are the basic from, or are yet to evolve, are [Rank 1], after your first evolution you become a [Rank 2] creature and to evolve again you have to reach max level, that from [Rank 3] till [Rank 5] is Lvl 200, from [Rank 6] to [Rank 8] it is lvl 400, from [Rank 9] to [Rank 10] is 500. And your racial stat points also get upgraded after every single evolution, so you just get stronger and stronger. There is only one creature that is known to be at [Rank 10], and that creature is a dragon that lives on the mountain range that divides the Cursed Lands from the rest of the continent.

There is not much known about the dragon since it is known because every single God has talked about it to their followers to warn them to not get to the top of them mountain range... Some did, but never came back, so there is no proof the creature does exist, but believers don't doubt their Gods! Now that Yoichi learned that monsters had Rankings, why are they limited to evolution? He soon learned that only the sentient monster species are limited by the "system"... Probably the Three Bitches that are doing this.

"It shouldn't take much longer..." Bür answered his Loyal's question, making the man scoff and mutter under his breath like a small child that was scolded: "You said that hours ago..." Bür looked at how covered in sweat and some bits of sand from the random sandstorm that simply happened in front of them out of nowhere, and the injuries he got from the sandstorm. What? Imagine small pebbles are flying around at high speeds and his your skin, of course it will bruise and hurt, most monsters there didn't care because they had: A) a sturdy skin, capable of easily taking the little sand bullets and be fine, or B) had thick fur that protected them from the sand. And what does Yoichi has? That's right, soft skin.

But due to his Status.

Name: Yoichi Matsumoto

Species: Human (Gets +1 to every stats every 1 Level)


[Dungeon Explorer]: You've been to a dungeon, you get the skill [Minimap] due to your title [Reincarnated]. Skill [Minimap] is blocked by [Curse of Everia]

[Cursed by the Goddesses]: People from the Church of the Three Sisters will consider you a heretic that should be burned on sight.

[Reincarnated]: You get extra reward and a Unique Skill of your own.

[Disaster Slayer]: You've slain a monster 100+ Levels Above you, +100 to every stats when fighting a opponent that out levels you.

[Natural Born Leader]: You have successfully commanded more than 10 creatures into doing something you wanted, you are born for leadership, your reputation is increased among those under you.

[Disaster Protector]: You protected those important to you from a disaster-level threat, you are amazing. You automatically knows when something is stronger or weaker than you, not in a level-way, but in a "I can kill this" way. Levels don't matter]

Class: N/A

Lvl: 100 (+5 Unused Stat Point per Level)

[Hp: (5× Vit): 580/580]

[Sp: (5× End): 575/575]

[Mp: (5× Int): 650/650]

[Loyals: Bür Umur Setur, Xėgu Orshunik Emer (+104 Gnolls)


Str: 112

End: 115


Agi: 115

Vit: 120

Int: 130

Wis: 125

Will: 130

Char: 110

Unused Stat Points: 500


[Storage(?) lvl 6:

Use mana to create a place to store things (lvl 1)

You can now also store/take out things without opening the storage, by simply touching them and wishing to store/take (them) out! (lvl 2)

You can now directly see and manipulate things you store inside your storage, costs mana (lvl 3)

Increases size by double the actual size (lvl 4)

Increases size by five times the actual size (Lvl 5)

Increases size by 10 times the actual size (level 6)]

[Item Manipulation lvl 1: Uses mana to manipulate items in range]


[Curse of Evernus: Unable to get any existing Class]

[Curse of Everia: Unable to learn existing Skills]

[Curse of Evandra: Unable to communicate with Humans. No entity of the [Human] Race will understand what you say, no matter which language you speak.]


[Orksha's Blessing: All Orcs now deeply respect you, and will declare their loyalty to you if you ask them to. Orksha can now visit your dreams and speak directly to you.

You can now borrow part of his [Monster] domain and command any monster weaker (mentally) than you to obey your orders.]

[Gnarl's Blessing: All Gnolls now are deeply interested in you, and will declare their desire to you if you ask them to. Gnarl can now visit your dreams and speak directly to you... Which may be or not a good thing.

You can borrow his [Desire] domain and look at what others deeply desire.]

They kept walking and soon as the sun was setting, in the distance, Yoichi could see a small hill where a cave could be seen, Bür smiled at that and went at front to guide them all! As soon as they were close enough to the hill, Yoichi could see it shimmer for a second and disappear from sight, all the Gnolls began to cackle lile hyenas or whimper like dogs, Bür stepped forward and when his hand raised, a low, grumbling sound echoed through the air. It was a horn, a low, deep horn that vibrated the ground beneath their feet, and not exploded in a loud noise to attract attention to their Orc settlement.

Soon Yoichi could see a group of 4 Orcs walk towards them, they were all wearing close to no armor but their weapons looked very intimidating. In front of the group was a Orc with a sharp and thick horn on his forehead, growing on the left side of his head, the man had tribal tattoos on his arms and legs, they were red in color, beside him another Orc had a tattoo on his left shoulder with the symbol that Yoichi assumed was Orksha's symbol because that was the symbol he saw when he met the God... A circle inside a sharp shield with a pointy end, like a spear in a shield!

The Oni had sharp big tusks, while the Orc beside him had smaller tusks, it was clear that they were proud of their tusks because it shined with the torch being carried by the Orc guard on the right side of Oni. The other two Orcs were seemingly only guards, because they carried a shield with them, albeit Orcs can't use armors, they can usw shields which is a relief to Yoichi! "We've been informed of your arrival, son, and... Chosen of Orksha and Gnarl." The voice of the Oni vibrated with a deep tone, making Yoichi surprised for a second, the Oni was a few inches taller than the other orcs present, and he had a deep leader aura as well... "Hey brat, to think YOU would be the First Sworn of the FUCKING future Emperor to all Monsters... I am very impressed, annoyed, and pissed at the same time! I hope ypu enjoy being his first to swear your loyalty- Wait, did you finish the ritual~?"

The orc beside the Oni was who asked and changed the tone of his voice from fake annoyed to teasing, a tsundere it seems, his voice was not as deep as the Oni's voice, but it still was very masculine and... husky. "Shut up Rür!" Bür had a deep red blush on his green face, making his brother Rür smirk and extend his hand forward, an invisible filter suddenly went down, like a thin layer of a waterfall that was almost invisible to the naked eyes, Bür walked forward and passed through the gap in the barrier that was made for them, soon Yoichi followed and came the whole Gnoll group after Xėgu followed Yoichi. After they all went through, the hole on the barrier was closed and they all were inside...

There were some tents made out of dry wood and the leather of snakes, some used the boulders of [Rock Spiders] as residence, but most of the "houses" he were held together with this black mixture of dry sand, clay, water from [Water Beetles] and ash trom their burned dry wood. This paste held together the tents and mediocre houses, this was really bad... How did they have books here, how did Bür learned?

Well, there wasn't paper, but there was clay to make clay tablets with all the information about everything the Orcs knew. Yoichi began to make some plans on his head while he thought about the idea that was given to him by the Gods, literally! His [Storage] was different, it was enormous, it was already a whole entire different dimension at lvl 1, now that it is higher level, it was even bigger than the realms of both Gnarl and Orksha together! He was gicen the idea to make his [Storage] a Divine Realm, a different dimension where life could grow, and because he could see everything inside his space, he would be able to known about everything inside his skill...

But to do that, he would need his skill to be stronger and the help of the Gods, to create a Paradise for their races.