Gaymer Wolf (#3)

Mortherio bowed, his head almost hitting the floor as he trembled. He was in the presence of his Master, the Nosferatus leader of his Brood, Mepheretir Morputis, leader of the Hemonati Brood, one of the oldest Broods after the famous Dracula Brood. "Milord, i come with... Great news." Mortherio's voice carried his nervousness, making the man sitting on the black throne smile, the surrounding area was completely dark and gloomy, nothing around could be seem expect the two of them. "Tell me... Mortherio... What did you find about the powerful magical aura...?" His voice was ethereal, almost like it came from everywhere around them at the same time, echoing through the darkness and finding its way into Mortherio's ears. "Milord i found the place that the powerful magical aura originates from." The man hummed, making Mortherio's body shiver in fear before he coughed awkwardly.

"Tell me about such place... Why does it have a powerful magical aura that i haven't felt in 500 years?" Mepheretir Morputis was a long haired male, his skin was pale white, his lips blood red, his eyes as red as crimson blood, his body was thin but powerful, he had this powerful aura of royalty around him and the way he spoke was enough to make all the Vampires amd Nosferatus of his Brood kneel on front of him and beg for their lives in a matter of seconds. "Very well Milord... The place is called Void Caffee, and the reason we feel the powerful magical aura is because of the wards around the shop protecting it from inward and outward damage. The same wards were placed by only one person, the owner of the establishment that named himself Void. I do not know anything else about him other than his name, for some reason after i left the shop, memories of his face have vanished from my head Milord..."

"Is that so...?" Mepheretir chuckled, his voice echoing inside Mortherio's head as he held it with his hands, groaning in pain. "I feel like i want to drink... coffee." 

"Milord... I believe it would be best to gather more information first." Mortherio was sweating. "Please... I beg of you Milord, do not anger the owner of that establishment... Do not anger Void."


"He wasn't fucking affected!"

"Waitwaitwaitwaitwait. Rewind a bit. What did you saily again!? From the fucking begging."

Amalithia groaned loudly, holding the bridge between her nose and forehead as she felt the migraine settle into her head. "Okay... Remember when you told me to go check the powerful magical aura we felt? Yeah, i went there and it was a fuckimg coffee shop, the wards there were so fucking powerful I don't even know what they were at all! And i met Mortherio there as well, he was pale as fuck, even more pale than he already was! He later explained to me he entered the shop and saw a human on the counter, he then told me he used his Compulsion and it didn't work! He didn't even reacted, he just stared at Mortherio's eyes and told him if he did that again, he would kick him out and block him from entering the establishment."

A 30-ish years old woman had he hand in her forehead as she looked at Amalithia, her dark skin and beautiful figure made her an eye candy to those who were attracted to her, she was a beauty among beauties. And also a very powerful Blood Witch that was part of Amalithia's Brood, her name was Mercy Mertholy, she was 140 years old and Mate to Morthuvis Merperis, a 1059 years old gorgeous vampire, she was also the leader of Amalithia's Brood and the one who was just before Amalithia. Her tall frame standing st 6'4 was very eye catching, but she also wore a long, red cut dress, that showed her long legs and bare feet. She didn't like to wear shoes!

"Fucking hell..." Morthuvis Merperis couldn't help but curse again, her eyes darting between the two women who were inside her officer. "Do you remember anything else?" Mercy asked with a concerned expression in her face, Amalithia focused, her eyebrows going up in a large arc as she focuses harder. 

"I remember... Not much. I remember that Bartholomew Ergo and his little Druid sister were there as well, i remember the owner, Void calling him a dog, puppy, doggie, and other insults after he threw Mortherio against the counter, damaging it a lot... I remember hanging upside down and not being able to break free from chains made out of... Wood? I don't know, i don't remember his face though, not even the sound of his voice, only what he said." Mercy frowned even deeper, her fingers began to twitch as her eyes glowed red, she kept moving her fingers until she frowned and flinched, coughing as she blinked, her eyes returning to the normal grey. "There's no memories of him beyond what she told us, there's absolutely nothing there." Morthuvis sighed deeply before she nodded, getting up and grabbing Mercy's hand. "Let's go get some coffe, shall we?"

Mercy smiled and nodded.

"I don't think that's a good idea..." Amalithia whispered, making the other two woman stop on their tracks. "Let's take this slow, okay? I don't know why, but I don't want to make Void angry..."

Emerillian Ergo sighed deeply while Bartholomew Ergo, her older and stupid brother talked to his Left Hand: "He may be a threat to our pack, so keep an eye on him." The Left Hand was a tall, dark skinned woman with a miasing eye and a scar on her left arm, her long black hair was smooth as silk in Emerillian's humble gay opinion, her name was Allana, and she was a gorgeous and vicious Werecoyote. "Stop right there, Allana." She couldn't let her brother fuck with that guy, he was much more powerful than any of them! She looked at her older brother with a very serious expression on her face: "I can't let you put our pack in danger, as the Emissary of this pack i must do my job and keep you from being an idiot." 

Bart was really surprised to hear his normally soft spoken sister curse at him, this was the second time already! "Emeril? What are you doing? This is the second time you disrespect your Alpha." She scoffed and sighed, he could smell her frustration at him and her annoyance as she looked back at him, saying: "Listen here, i did everything you ever asked me to do, i did everything to protect this pack, and now I'm asking you to leave that guy the fuck alone! He is way stronger than any of us, we wouldn't be able to win at all if we attack him." Her annoyance slowly vanished, being replaced by the thick scent of fear and terror, making her brother whine as he saw his sister tremble just at the thought.

"What did he do to you!?" His voice took a deep down on the scale, becoming low and growly, like a low roar, rumbling in his chest. "He defended his establishment from a stupid Alpha that threw his costumer on the fucking counter!" Emerillian shouted at her brother, releasing some of her tension as she sighed and looked down at her trembling hands: "I've had my magic ever since i was born, I-i never felt so helpless in my life- When he, when the fucking floor locked us, my magic- I couldn't feel it, couldn't control it, couldn't call it- I felt so broken." At the end of her sentence, tears were rolling down her face, her brother's arms around her as he hugged her tightly, letting her cry her frustration on him. "He is strong. Stronger than me. Stronger than you. Stronger than anyone we ever fought against... He's someone we can't get on the bad side of, and you did just that... And why? Because you couldn't handle seeing your fucking ex."

Bart whined once again, the truth hurts a lot, even more when he knows is true and he was not able to control himself when he saw Mortherio's stupid smile, and even more when he noticed he was smiling at a gorgeous woman- He couldn't... "I'm sorry..." Bart whispered as his hold on his sister got a little bit tighter, he was trying to comfort himself now instead of comforting her. "I know Bart... That's why we'll pay the 1,000 dollars bill he gave us." She smiled at her brother before adding deadpan: "And if we don't, he will know my position at all time, I'll have a cursed rune on my heart that will kill me slowly, and our whole pack will be utterly destroyed." 

"Wait what?"


"Why the fuck did you accept that fucking contract then!?" 

"Well, you see, it's only 1,000 dollars." 

"Oh my fucking Gods..."

"Taylon, can you be a dear and take these to table 6? Thank you."


Taylon, the previous Ghost now Poltergeinst  thanks to Stiles' last adventure at the [Dungeon of Undead: Ghosts lvl 20] where he got a interesting item after defeating the boss [Poltergeinst lvl 20], a small glass-like sphere that could be consumed by a ghost to become a Poltergeinst. Stiles gave the sphere that was named [Pure Ghost Essence] to the shy ghost friend of his who then became a rather powerful Poltergeinst, and due to that, he asked to work with Stiles. Yeah, he used his words! His reasoning was that he was bored of being dead and he wanted to repay what Stiles did for him, so now the Void Caffee has a new staff member! Not much changed about Taylon, he only got the ability to make himself visible, the ability to affect the world of the living, and the ability to make himself tangible. 

So now he could work like a normal human! However, he refused to receive a salary since he couldn't use it, instead he decided to accept burnt food (burned through the ritual to transfer it so he can eat it, essentially making it ghost food, that he could in fact, taste.) as payment for his work. 

It's been another week and a lot of other supernaturals came to the shop, Stiles has yet to hide away the magical aura that acts like a beacon to the supernatural... That acts like a Nemeaton... Shaking his head, Stiles sighs before continuing to work on this order, a simple order from a friendly Gargoyle that came here three days ago extremely curious, so now he comes here often and always asks for the same thing: [Void Coffee], a very dark and bitter coffee that gives you a LOT of energy to burn, practically making you hyperactive and unable to sleep- which is good for Gargoyles apparently, since they don't sleep and need a lot of energy- since then, George has always visited the cafe. 

How Stiles makes the coffee is simple, he uses normal coffee, but he adds one potion he accidentally created when still learning things from Deaton, a potion that gives you energy while taking away your ability to sleep for a 24 hours. It would make you pass out, but for Werewolves and other Supernatural Creatures, it would make them feel tired only... The extra energy would be used to accelerate healing properties as well as weakening a werewolf, so that is written on the description of the [Void Coffee] on the special menu, recommending were creatures to not drink it unless they really want to and have someone else with them that can protect them if necessary or ask for the antidote from the owner.

Of course Stiles created an antidote, that shit almost killed Derek once! 

Oh, thinking about it, this is why Derek stopped drinking black coffee... 

Focus Stiles. Not worthy thinking about how you accidentally pouring a potion on Derek's coffee and blaming it on the coffee! 

"Boss? Bad news." Taylon's voice broke Stiles' train of thought as he opened the door and looked at the entrance to his coffee shop. Taylon was there at the counter with his orange apron and empty silver tray, he just had to look beyond him to see the tension between three groups, a small trio of Werewolves, a duo of Werecats, and another trio of Werefoxes. He sighed and clapped his hands hard, the sound echoed around him like a thunder, no one of the mundane turned to look nor heard the clap as Stiles used [Thunder Clap lvl 10] to get the attention from them, and seeing he got qhat he wanted, he pointed his finger at the door amd said: "I don't fucking care about your little fight, if you want to fight, go fight outside. Here you'll only get broken bones or worse, death. You've been warned." He turned to go back while the others began to tremble in fear.

This was the effect of his [Intimidate lvl 15] skill! Let's take a look at his status, shall we?


[Name: Mieczyslaw Stilinski]

[Age: 22]

[Gender: Male]

[Lvl: 25] (+10 Extra Stats Points per Lvl)

[Race: Human (Spark)]

[Class: Wizard lvl 1]

[Wizard: Int MP Multiplier ×10]

[Titles: [He who runs with Wolves], [Spark], [Survivor]

[He who runs with Wolves: You are a human who has run among Werewolves. (+5 to Agility when running alongside Werewolves)]

[Spark: You are a rare spark, a being of pure magic, trapped within a mortal anchor. (+ [Spark Magic])]

[Survivor: You survived something that you shouldn't have, this makes you stronger than ever before (+10 to Endurance and Will when below 50% HP)]

[Apprentice Fae Slayer: Does +10% Damage to all Fae/Fairy Type Creatures]

[Experienced Undead Slayer: Does +30% Damaga to all Undead Type creatures]

[HP: 150/150 (Vit ×5)]

[MP: 1000/1000 (Int ×10)]

[SP: 150/150 (End ×5)]

[Strength: 15] (Physical strength, physical damage)

[Endurance: 30] (Resistance to damage, pain, and physical ailments such as disease and poison)

[Dexterity: 24] (Flexibility and control over your body)

[Agility: 30] (Moviment speed, reaction speed

[Vitality: 30] (Life force, life span, health)

[Intelligence: 100] (Memorization, gathering of information)

[Wisdom: 50] (Experience, knowing how to use said information)

[Charisma: 50] (Aura, Presence, Beauty)

[Will: 60] (Resistance to Mental ailments such as Confusion and Pain)

[Spirit: 50] (Strength of the soul, ability to sense things beyond human senses)

[Extra Stats Points: 160 (-40 to Intelligence)]

[Skill List:

Passive: [Sharpshooting Mastery lvl 8], [Lying lvl 22], [Hand to Hand Combat lvl 10], [Blunt Weapon Mastery lvl 5], [Reading lvl 60], [Research lvl 60], [Mumble lvl 48], [Driving Mastery lvl 12], [Pain Resistance lvl 29], [Physical Damage Resistance lvl 25], [Magical Damage Resistance lvl 27], [Charismatic lvl 22 (Char +50)], [Iron Will lvl 28 (Will +50)], [Magic Manipulation lvl 35], [Elemental Magic Affinity lvl 35 (Int +50)], [Supernatural Senses lvl 20 (Spirit +50)], [Rune Making lvl 39], [Enchanting lvl 32], [Writing lvl 19], [Cooking/Baking lvl 36], [Bladed Weapon Mastery lvl 10], [Sage Wisdom lvl 10 (Wis +50)], [Intimidate lvl 15], [Elemental Damage Resistance lvl 2], [Crafting lvl 27], [Magical Talent lvl 1 (Int +100)]

Active: [Spark Magic lvl 32], [Run! Lvl 28], [Observe lvl 15], [Summon Fairy lvl 15], [Draining Touch lvl 20], [Ghost Transformation lvl 10]

Class Skills: [Thunder Clap lvl 10], [Telekinesis lvl 10], [Telepathy lvl 10], [Minor Illusion lvl 10], [Magic Missile lvl 10]

Unique: [Gamer Body], [Gamer Mind], [Dungeon Creation/Destruction lvl 8], [Inventory], [Allspeak], [Wizard's Book of Spells]


[Lvl 1: Fairies], [Lvl 10: Zombies], [Lvl 20: Ghosts], [Lvl 30: Forest]


Loot: [Fairy Wings (259×)], [Fairy Glitter (30×)], [Fairy Hair Brush (10×)], [Long Battle Needle-Sword (3×)], [Zombie Teeth (195×)], [Zombie Flesh 107×)], [Zombie Heart (49×)], [Zombie Core (10×)], Ectoplasm (128×)], [Broken Ghost Core (127×)], [Ghost Essence (32×)], [Pure Ghost Essence (2×)], [Pure Ectoplasm (2×)], [Ghost Core (1×)]

Bought on Shop: [Fairy Seeds (30×)], [Spiral Seeds (30×)], [Gook Seeds (30×)], [Peluny Seeds (30×)], [Burum Seeds (30×)], [Holy Water (10×)], [Zombie Venom (10×)], [Steel Long Sword (1×)], [Dust of Deliciousness (999×)], [Ghost Detector (1×)], [Cursed Mirror (1×)], [Ghost Essense Compactor (2×)], [Ectoplasm Compactor (2×)]

Miscellaneous Items: [Water Bottle (2×)], [Condoms (10×)], [Pan (1×)], [Kitchen Knife (3×)], [Paper Sheet (109×)], [Blue Pen (2×)], [Candle (7×)], [Backpack (1×)], [Headache Medicine Pills (2×)], [Butter (1×)], [Plastic Containers Tupperware (10×)], [Important Notes by Mieczyslaw Stilinski (8×)], [Broken Pen, Poorly Fixed by Mieczyslaw Stilinski (1×)], [Poorly Crafted Red Wool Sweater by Mieczyslaw Stilinski (1×)], [Poorly Crafted Clay Pot by Mieczyslaw Stilinski (5×)]


Copper: 99

Silver: 89

Gold: 34

Platinum: 2

Quests: [Wizard's Initiation]

Some things happened... The first one was that when he reached lvl 20, he was able to choose a class, finally! There were several of them, but only the [Wizard] class increased the [MP] multiplier to be 10× instead of 5×, so Stiles did not hesitate and chose the [Wizard] class because not only it increased the multiplier, he would still be able to choose more skills, increase his magic knowledge, and much more. He had to do quests to increase his class lvl, but he first focused on getting the first five skills he got to choose to lvl 10, his new [Unique Skill] called [Wizard's Book of Spells] is a skill that contains every spell he knows as well as the spells from the class that he could learn, but to learn he would need to have his class at least at lvl 2 before starting to do so. There were several spells there, like [Fireball], [Freeze], [Teleport], [Blink], and even [Time Stop] meaning he could learn how to stop time! Isn't that crazy?

After a arduous day of work, Stiles wanted to work on another thing, his leveling up was great yes, but he was going to do the quest to level up his class level. 


[Wizard's Initiation: A wizard is the person that uses their intelectual mind to manipulate and control the chaotic forces of the universe, doing so by the form of words and movements, beimg the components for spells. A wizard needs to learn how to use his magic, which is essential to them. A wizard also needs to be prepared to every situation! 

[Learn 1 Defensive Skill (0/1)]

[Learn 1 Offensive Skill (1/1)]

[Learn 1 Supportive Skill (1/1)]

[Learn 1 Evasive Skill (1/1)]

[Learn 1 Movement Skill (1/1)]

Rewards: 1 Wizard Level, Acess to [Wizard's Book of Spells] Unique Skill]

Stiles hadn't even realized he had completed 4/5 of the quest already! All he has to do is learn a defensive skill and he'll complete the quest without too much of a problem. "What would count as a defensive skill...?" Stiles muttered to himself as he walked to his room on the 2nd floor of his coffee shop, where his house is. "When in doubt, a shield always works i guess." Now how can he learn that? Most of the things he does is through [Spark Magic] which he can't use to make a skill because if he uses it, it will only count as [Spark Magic], so he'll have to do it differently... Has he tried to manipulate his mana itself yet? Thinking back, no he hasn't, he has relied on his [Spark Magic] this whole time! "I need to try it." Stiles opened the door to his new room, it was small but comfortable!

Bed on the corner of the room of course, a bookshelf with a lot of books, some boxes beside the bookshelf filled with books as well! There was also a ceiling fan here, his bed was a little too big but he would always take it all to himself when he starfishes to go to sleep. A little cabinet stands beside the bed with his notes on several different subjects, the most important ones are on his inventory right now too. Sitting down on his bed, he crosses his rather short legs and begins to concentrate deeply, feeling his magic inside his body... He wanted to bring it out without using his [Spark Magic] and surprisingly enough, it was easy to do so. He felt this electric-like current leave his body and when he opened his eyes, there was this light blue formless blob of mist in front of him, which he could tell was his mana.

"Huh." Stiles hummed as he began picturing a shield, a iron shield, a powerful shield that can never break... Then, as he thought about the shield, his formless mana began to move and solidify, cracking could be heard as if two rocks were being hit against each other, and then came a blinding blue light that quickly faded away as Stiles received a notification:

[Due to special circumstances, you received the skills:

[Mana Shield lvl 1: Protects you from physical and magical damage at the cost of your MP. Reduces MP consumption by 1%]

[Mana Manifestation lvl 1: Directly manipulate the mana inside your body, bringing it out and controlling it, solidifying it, using it to your will. Controls increased by 1%]

Stiles got lost thinking about all the uses he could get from [Mana Manifestation] if he could create more mana-based skills, but now he had a book to look at. As soon as he opened his eyes, a notification arrived saying he completed the quest and he got a new class level, but he was focusing on the floating blue shield in front of him, Stiles choked when he saw the triskelson (?) on the center of the shield. "Even after those years... I still love you." Stiles chuckled sadly to himself as-

[Emotions suppressed by Gamer Mind]

[Emotions suppressed by Gamer Mind]

[Emotions suppressed by Gamer Mind]

[Emotions suppre-]


[Gamer Mind cannot suppress the emotions]

[Gamer Mind failed to suppress the emotions]

And then came the tears, they couldn't stop flowing, like a gentle rain that hit his head, raindrops slowly running down his head, down his cheeks, down his throat, chest, abdomen, legs, and to the ground it went... Stiles got up and went to take a bath, his tears mixing with the water that ran down his head, like his previous imaginary gentle rain, but now warm and much more intense, he sighed and looked down at his trembling hands, realizing how weak he was without his skill suppressing his emotions was a hard hit, but he couldn't help but miss Derek, and miss what could have been between them, what could have happened and yet didn't...

When he was out of yhe bathroom and laying on his bed, he pulled out his new skill and began to learn about it... It was interesting, he could only learn [Lvl 1] to [Lvl 2] spells because of his class level, and he has to learn the skill on his own, the system wouldn't help him, and only when he learned on his own will the skill be added to his system... Those five initial skills were more of a gift to him, now he has to earn it.


[Sage Wisdom lvl 10: Increases MP regen by 10% out of combat.]

[Elemental Damage Resistance lvl 2: Reduces the damage taken from Fire, Water, Wind, and Earth magic by 2%]

[Crafting lvl 27: Increases the chance of success, quality, and durability of items created by yourself by 27%]

[Magical Talent lvl 1: Increases magical damage by 1%]

[Draining Touch lvl 20: Does [Death] Damage and heals you 20% of the damage done.]

[Ghost Transformation lvl 10: Physically changes your body temporarily to become a ghost, the transformation is painless. Lasts 10 Seconds]

[Thunder Clap lvl 10: Clap your hands to create a thunderous sound, causes no damage but has a 10% chance of stunning all enemies around.]

[Telekinesis lvl 10: Uses MP to control the world around you via thought. 10% Energy reduction.]

[Telepathy lvl 10: Uses your MP to communicate with other intelligent beings, read their thoughts, and much more. 10 Meters Limit]

[Minor Illusion lvl 10: Create an illusion, it can contain image, sound, or smell. Lasts 10 Seconds]

[Magic Missiles lvl 10: Creates 10 little missiles out of pure magic, they do little damage but will always hit its target unless blocked by an obstacle]

[Wizard's Book of Spells: A wizard's book that can be used to learn magic, from the simplest [Cantrip] to the strongest [Reality] level spells, those that can affect, as you guessed it, an entire reality.]

Derek couldn't believe what he was seeing... His sister, Cora, just brought a guy home! 

And worse, he smells like vampire. 

Growling, Derek kept looking at him in a threatening manner while Cora just rolled her eyes at him before saying: "So, this is Ben-" 

"Your parents must hate you to name you Ben." A voice chuckles from behind Derek and he doesn't have to look back to see his uncle Peter smirking at the man, who just shifts uncomfortably on his feet. "But i guess they aren't alive anymore, are they?" As cruel as it sounds, the man doesn't seem to react at the soft provocation Peter tried, poking him and learninf what makes his braim tick so he cant use it if the man is a threat to his family. "Well, we don't know that, maybe they are alive." Malia, just like her father, has a smirk in her face as she says: "Maybe they're like him you know... Little leeches." 

Cora knows what they are doing, she just huffs and sighs before as calmly as she can, say- oh, he's interrupted: "Oh, why must you betray me, my love!?" An overly dramatic Erica enters the room with an annoyed Jackson, a gently smiling Boyd, and a tired-looking Isaac, who all freeze when they see the man beside Cora. She points at the man and quickly says before she interrupted: "As i was saying! This in Ben, short for Benedict-" Derek smirks and interrupts her: "Cumberbatch?" Cora has to control herself to ignore what he said, but the man himself doesn't, chuckling at that and saying: "Well, I've heard this before, but it's funny because he's a descendant of mine." 

"""You're lying. Really!?""" Three voices shout at the same time, Isaac, Cora, and Erica, who all look shocked at this- While Peter and Malia just find it amusing, Derek is surprised by this while Boyd and Jackson are ignoring them while looking at each other. "What is this ruckus about?" Chris Argent enters the room, followed by Allison, Lydia, Aiden, Ethan, Danny, and another man, who smiles warmingly at Isaac who blushes a little. Aiden and Ethan are holding hands with Danny, who looks a little tired, Lydia and Allison are also holding hands... Chris approaches Peter and takes his hand while looking at the man Cora brought to their home. "And who would you be...?" 

"Ah, pleasure to meet you Mr. Argent, the name's Benedict." Ben smiles a little too wide, exposing his sharp fangs, the Banshee and the twins just raise an eyebrow at this, but visibly the twins took a defensive position around Danny who looked a little confused at this. "Ah, do not worry, I'm here because i contacted Miss Cora on a very special matter!" The man opens his hands and his ring glows red, transforming into a silver box embroidered with little precious stones, the man bows a little while Cora smirks, saying: "Well, what i wanted to say was that this is Benedict, he's from that agency i talked about, remember?"


"Oh!" Isaac, Boyd, Jackson, Derek, Peter, Malia, Chris, Danny, Allison, Lydia, Aiden, Ethan, Erica, and the unkown man stading beside Isaac all realized who this man was. They sheepishly look a little embarrassed about their attitude, humming as the man in question chuckles: "Not to worry! I've hard way worse, you all are a very united pack, so that's why i am tasked with finding those who have been lost. After all, Lookout is always happy to help you findind someone through magical or mundane means." Derek nodded, if they knew about Lookout before they searched for Cora, but this agency is too secret, too hard to find and get in contact with, but they are good on what they do. 

"So about the person we asked for you to find...?" Derek couldn't help it, knowing he was closer to finding Stiles made his heart beat faster, after leaving after giving out his Alpha Spark to save Cora, he thought he wasn't worthy of Stiles anymore, scared and sad he ran away, soon the others followed him as he searched for a pack, going to join Cora's past pack in South America before the Alpha Spark inside Derek returned out of nowhere, and he had to leave that pack and create his own. Isaac, Boyd, Erica, Lydia, Peter, Malia, and Jackson were the ones that followed him, on the way back to Beacon Hills they met Danny who had both Aiden and Ethan with him, the twins had lost their Alpha Sparks and needed to be part of a pack, so regardless of the past, he offered a place on his pack for them, and they accepted.

They also met Edward, Isaac's mate. The tall 6'6 latino man was at Beacon Hills when they arrived there, an Omega who approached Derek and practically begged him to accept him as his Beta when he found out that Isaac was his Mate, and not wanting to keep this from them (As he kept it from himself), he let them be together and part of his pack. Peter and Chris were a surprise to many but Lydia- I mean, nothing can make Lydia Martins surprised anymore- they were together since Derek left Beacon Hills, and since Scott didn't want Peter as his Pack mate, he was going Omega so Derek offered a place on his pack to them. Now there's only one last person they are looking for, his Mate, Stiles Stilinski.

But should've known not to leave his Mate behind- He wanted to wait until he was 18 so he could try and get together with him- because when they came back, he was no longer there... His dad had died on duty according to the official documents, and they couldn't find anything else on this... His house was sold, other people lived there now, his Stiles was gone and no one knew where he was. When he went to confront Scott, the man just scoffed and said: "I kicked him out, his dad had died, he was a danger to this place... He was not needed here. I don't kill, but I don't care if he's dead now." Oh, how he enjoyed beating the shit out of him, but knowing his Mate was out there, possibly dead, made Derek almost break again- It was his fault for leaving Stiles behind, what if he killed himself after? Knowing he was alone, all his friends left him, his dad was gone, and he lived with the guilt of being possessed by the Nogitsune and watching as he killed several innocents wearing his face...

"All the information we found on the target Mieczyslaw Stilinski is resumed to this." Benedict, the vampire, took out a folder from the silver box and placed it on the coffee table as he said: "We couldn't find more than this, sadly, it seems like he doesn't want to be found." Derek took the folder, he could feel everyone getting behind him to read as well, and inside the folder was only one single paper showing Stiles' last known location as New York, and that was 2 years ago, a few weeks after hia dad died he bought an apartment and began to work at Starbucks before moving from apartment to apartment, until he simply vanished. No more information, only his last apartment... 

"I'm sorry we couldn't find more about him, our magic casters cannot Scry on him, they say his Will is too strong and he has been resistant to the spell. Our mundane methods all lead to a dead end... He is almost impossible to find, we wasted a lot of effort on finding out his last apartment, and no matter what we do, we cannot find him... Unless we get an arrest on him and make him a wanted man, if that's what you want... This is normally our last method." Benedict explains how they could put a bounty on his head as well, but only alive too, so kidnapping was the method. "No... I don't think we'll need this." Lydia said, Derek waa in no condition of talking, he was packing his things. 

As Cora thanked Ben, she turned around to see everyone running around, packing things in bags and suitcases, it seems they are going to New York.

All of them.

Oh shit...