Home [#8]

Newt Scamander received news from his Magizoologists friends in Europe that a new speicies of magic beasts were recently found there, which greatly excited him, and when he learned it were reptilian creatures that could fly and spread fire from their mouth and body, he was static! New speices of dragons, together with his suitcase and magic beasts, Newt decided to visit Europe once again after spending years in the jungles of South America to learn more about the magic creatures from there- like the Will-'O-Whisp, a little blue hummingbird of the Phoenix family that has a blue fire that burns every time they flsp their wings! They are adorable and they feed on fruits and meat being omnivores with great stamina, being able tonfly over continents easily.

But now he was more interested in the new species of dragons!

He would go there and learn more about them.

-Scene Cut-

"Oh, its majestic..." Whispering in awe, Newt stood before the large red scaled beast that, according to his friends, could set itself on fire! It had a large wingspan and strong jaw, with a lare tail at the end that was used for sharp turns. For now, the beast was asleep due to Newt's sleeping charm that he cast upon the beast so he could analyze it closely. "So beautiful- Oh, these are big!" Looking at the teeth of the beast before him, the jaw of the beast was also large, capable of swallowing a whole human in a single bite. "What are you doing here?" He suddenly heard the voice of someone from behind him, he tensed and turned around just to see a tall blond man with a blond beard looking at him, he was wearing regal clothing, almost like a victorian noble with the brightest color being red on the coat that reached his ankles, the front shirt was black with a few white lines that formed a single pentagram? Yeah, the man also had these black earrings on his left ear- His eyes were bright red, and Newt knew he was before a vampire.

One that was wearing strange clothes.

"Dear, i think he's messing with the dragons." The vampire turned to looked behind Newt and for a moment he froze, at the same time he felt afraid of turning to look at the person behind him, if there was any, he knew he couldn't simply turn his back to a vampire! Theybare dangerous things. "So he's one of those humans that like to mess around with what they don't understand...?" Suddenly, a low and deep voice spoke from behind him, making his whole body tense in fear and stress. "They are a bunch of idiots..." The vampire sighed as he turned to look at him again and said: "But this one doesn't seem that bad..."

"I can smell it in him, and well as see it, he has a lot of beasts on him... Collector?" The tone of the person behind him turned into a curious one as Newt turned around- He saw the absolutely biggest man he's ever seen in his life before, standing close to the dragon he was studying moments ago. "I-i'm not a collector... I'm more of a walking sanctuary!" He technically wasn't wrong, he healed the beasts he found, putting them inside his suitcase for protection and in case they want to, they can stay! He has several habitats inside his suitcase for this exact scenario, where a creature wants to stay with him or cannot live on the outside world due to their low population, being hunted, or simply being unable to live due to the shortening of its habitat. "Huh. Well, i am a collector, and this one's mine." Newt raised his eyebrows curiously as the huge man said: "Up, boy, let's go home."

As if the beast was bewitched, it shot up and sat down, broken from the spell Newt had put it on. "Home?" Newt whispered to himself for a second, he was dying with curiosity- And that was what killed the cat, but he is not a cat, he knows he is extremely curious about things but mostly about magic beasts, and if this man says he is a collector of them... "Uhm... Excuse me?" The large man turned to look at him and only then did he notice that the man was wearing muggle clothes just like the vampire behind him- no, the vampire was sitting on the large man's shoulder, resting his chin on the man's head as they both looked down at him. The large man had this short beard on his face, green glowing eyes, huge muscles... Oh, he was wearing a rather tight sleeveless white shirt with the words [World's Best Husband] written on black letters, he also had a black pair of pants that hugged his large lower body tightly, exposing his thick thighs and lare bulge- Okay Newt, stop staring!

He looked away as the vampire on top of the man's shoulder said: "Good coiche, it helps keeping your eyes on their sockets." As soon as he said that, Newt felt a terrible shiver run down his spine and the sensation of terrible dread overcome his senses- "Eras, dear, it's fine... He can't control himself even if he wanted to, you know that." Newt slowly understood why- He had this urge to look at the man once again, which was strange and yet enticing to him... He wanted to look, touch, feel it- "Oh, he's being affected... I hate that, you should make yourself uglier, I'd love you in any way, shape, or form anyway." He heard he large man chuckle as he resisted the urge to look-

"My name's Alpha, this is Omega. We're here to bring our little ones back home." Newt looked up to see the large man- no, Alpha hold Omega like a kitten, by the neck. "Oh, uhm, can i come with?" It was a long shot, but he tried and- "Sure!" The large man chuckled as he threw Omega over his shoulder and carried him, slappig his ass on the way as they walked past Newt, the red dragon following them.

-Scene Cut-

Zehanpuryu had taken Erasmus to another world before returning to the Harry Potter world, a world without magic or supernatural thing, neither a world with great technological advancemensts, a simple world that was a non-anomalous earth. There, they spent a whole year, where Zehan taught everyhe could about modern society to his beloved darling, and he loved how humans romanticized supernatural events and creatures, making them into these beasts to be loved, or just feared! He has an IPhone where he keeps all the photos and videos he took with Zehan throughout the year- He experienced every food he wanted, he experienced every place he wanted to go, he experienced every sex position they could try in every place he wanted to-

It was their honeymoon.

Oh yeah, they were married in both human, vampire, and werewolf ways- Erasmus gave his blood to him while Zehan showed him what he meant by "proper werewolf marriage" by knotting and claiming him with a bite, a bite that Eras reciprocated- that bite became a scar on their neck, with Eras' scar looking like a beast with large teeth bit him while Zehan's looked like a small bear trap bit on his shoulder, because fun fact: Erasmus found he could make his teeth into shark-like teeth! He could also turn into a bat now, but that's another story.

In their year spent on earth, Erasmus decided to put on some piercings on his left ear- three black rings on his ear, one on the upper and one on the lower half of his ear, and one on his earlobe. He also wore this intricately detailed golden ring, which he loved so deeply that it literally fused with his finger, becoming a part of his bone- Apparently love is one of the strongest powers in the universe. Zehanpuryu also fused the ring on his finger to his bone, burning it through till it melted through his skin and entered his bone, making part of it.

That night they had the wildest sex they've ever had, full of raw emotions and raw dick.

Now they were on their little merry way to their "entrace" to a new world, being followed by one of the dragons Zehan let loose to catch this guy's attention so he could copy his things... Eras still hates that Zehan grew in power aftet that year they spent on earth, and his body grew in a few different aspects, such as physical beauty and reflexes, which were increased by a lot. It was safe to say, Zehan's beauty was beyond human, sometimes Erasmus just can't help but watch him sleep in the middle of the night and wonder how the fuck did they get together? Even though time is meaningless to those who cross universes and dimensions, he still can't help but think how fast their love bloomed, how quickly he accepted him the way he was- Eras even went on his own little adventure for 1 week on another world, where he wanted to test his abilities, since they slowly became stronger.

He was completely immortal now, physically only things that are designed to destroy existences can kill him, but even if he dies, Zehan said he can bring him back by copying his body and transferring his soul- he asked how would he know he was the original and not just a copy? Then Zehan made the copy before his eyes, and he noticed it- It was lifeless. Just a body, without a soul inside.

He still remembers what he said- "I cannot make copies of you because you sre unique to me." He never felt so loved than that day. But backtracking here, the fact that Zehan's beauty aspect increased, he was extremely handsome in mortal standards, he was absolutely handsome! So much, that his physical appearence acted like a Veela's magical aura of attraction, making people look at him and be seduced by his presence alone- he dumped it down, sure, or else everyone would be on their knees begging for his dick! Now people would only look at him and think he's hot regardless, which mean Eras had competition to come that he would slaughter before they can even touch him- And then he'll burn their bodies, for even dying with dignity before his love was blasphemous- "Honey?"

Hearing his love voice, he smiled and broke off his murderous thoughts as he said: "Yes dear?" He loved this man, he brought him back from a dark time, he would die before letting anyone even dare to take what is his from him- "You're going murderous again." Oh, he chuckled awkwardly as he kissed Zehan's cheek, earning him a blush from the large man- He nerver changed, still shy when it comes to love, and shameless when it comes to sex, i mean, he was fucked dry on the sands of a nudist beach in South America for hours through the day and night regardless if they were being watched or not! Whenever someone would try to make it a threesome, he would just look at them and shoo them away before he continued to fuck him silly. It all started because a little guy (He was only 5'7, he's not that small) curiously looked between Eras and Zeh before he asked who was top and bottom as a joke, to which Eras pointed at Zeh as bottom, and he responded by fucking him for hours on end.

It was amazing.

"Oops, sorry." He remembered how Zehan said he would love him till the end of time, and they lived in a place where time did not exist, so therefore he would never stop loving him- And people say romance's dead. "We're getting there!" His asshole clenched with the buttplug still inside it, he still had cum deep within his guts that his body was absorbing- Life energy became something he could now manipulate, being able to do a lot of things with it from healing to even fighting with it, as a creature between life and death, his existence was balanced and unnatural, so therefore he also had a lot of death energy within his soul that he could use to wither and kill things.

it took him a while to master the use of both energies, but it was worth it now since he was what Zehanpuryu called a powerhouse. He promised to take them both to the Wanderer's Library later, a place he never heard of but his husband knows of, so he just... Trusted him.

His love knows a lot, and he teaches him a lot, he learned about many universes that exist and they can access, many thing capable of destroying existences and worlds, and he learned of powers beyond mortal comprehension- Only to learn that they could comprehend some of it, since they weren't mortal. "Oh, we're here!" Standing before the large cavern, Eras looked down at the small wizard who in his opinion was weak, and said: "Ignore the skeletons, they are mine." And soon enough, several skeletons came to greet them. Oh, right, forgot to tell you!

Eras was a Necromancer.

-Author Notes-

Ah, there's many things i want to do, but write smut is one of them- But I also want to write plot, and events, and cool shit.

Regardless- Look through my profile, you can see some images there, beware! There's NSFW ones.