Portal [#10]

The world changed thanks to the Kenóans and their Emperor, Kryvo Vélo Kenós, who took down the Pure Blood system imposed in the world and took over it, establishing although not knowingly, the first world under the reing of the Kenós Empire. Now, Charles Francis Xavier watched and scanned the minds of thousands of Mutants and Allied Humans alike, and they all were thinking good things about the man he saw inside his head, but the Pure Bloods who were captured had only hateful thoughts and even plans on how to destroy the new surprising freedom and temporary peace.

He also felt power, power emanating like ripples in a calm lake that aggressively turned into waves! The man that he saw taking down statues, barriers, walls, and every single building that represente the might of the Purebloods with just a wave of his hand, and all the destroyed buildings would reassemble and change into new buildings! Metals, cement, dirt, rocks, wood, glass, and everything he will was under his control! Erik stood beside him as they floated above the city being rebuilt by the will of a single person, the streets changed, the trees blossomed once again in luscious greens and yellow as leaves naturally adapted to the actual season, a fountain surged from the center of the new park, it turned into pure gold before shifting into a majestic figure wearing a gown and a crown of leaves.

Adam shifted the statue over and over again, making it more like his mue, his love, his Emperor... His Kryvo. 'Ah...' He sighed internally as his mind wandered to the night he had with Kryvo and how wonderful it was- He lost himself in the pleasure so much that he didn't care when the walls cracked around them or when his bones were no longer feeling fine, but starting to hurt a little, he felt so blissful with his prostate sore and throbbing inside him- His whole body was throbbing from pain and pleasure, making him moan and gasp every second, and if he closed his eyes he could feel his love still inside him, his cock absolutely destroying him in ways he couldn't even think it was possible! 'It needs a little more... Red.' He willed it and in a single instant, the golden hair of the statue turned red, just like the beard and hair on the arms and exposed legs.

His fingers gently brushed against the smooth surface of the gold, the red color was more of a crystal-like element and it had a rough texture- He just thought about that time, when he was being rough with him, his hairs were the most he remembered besides unending pleasure but the texture of them burned his skin so good he couldn't help but think of it every time he closed his eyes. 'Ah... I've been completely corrupted, haven't I?' He smiled, his cheeks going pink as he focused more on the thought of being ravaged when he felt his mind being touched- Instantly he reacted, for this was not a mind pattern he recognized! He felt the mind retreat quickly before he prepared himself, using his power over matter to change the ground around him, gathering the matter around him and shaping it into a weapon over his might- A large blade of concentrated air floated beside him as he prepared to defend himself, every single Mutant above Alpha level was taught by their only Omega Level Telepath how to retaliate against an unknown mind attack and how to feel it, each mind has a pattern, a feeling to it that they were taught how to feel, and by using their powers they can retaliate against unknown minds to protect information from being taken away.

Kryvo said he would take care of that for the Apollyons, which was something his little girl was a lttle excited about, since she likes every gift Kryvo has ever given him and even calls him dad too- which, when the man heard it for the first time, he looked like he had been struck in the chest by a powerful force that made him stunned. That was the second time Adam ever saw Kryvo cry, even if only a single tear going down tbe corner of his eye. "Show yourself. I know you are there." He spread his senses over matter, energy bursting out in a wave and he could feel every single thing with matter in it- which was everything in a kilometer radius! He could feel the entire planet if he really wanted, but he could get easily overwhelmed, 1 kilometer is his limit right now. "Young man." He turned around quickly and saw an old man floating down from the sky, a red cape flowing behing him- Well, he looked younger now that he could feely rearrange his own matter, making him essentially immortal since he could gather and transmute matter to resurrect his own dead body if he wanted.

Or at least that's what Kryvo said.

Now, looking like a fine young 24 year old, he still kept some of his original charm okay!?


At least Kryvo said he'd be beautiful in any age. "So, which one of you two did try to enter my mind?" He might've spent too much time alongside Kryvo watching him, because he tilted his head to the side as he looked at both floating men with a frown: "It was me." The bald one in the wheelchair said and before he could say anything or react, there were thousands upon thousands of sharp solid weapons made out of thin air against the man's throat, the air beneath his feet solidifying and raising him to the air as he walked on it: "So-" he stepped up, like walking on stairs, both hands behind his back as his eyes stared at them: "Why did you try to get in my sweet little mind?" He would've cringed if it wasn't for the fact that Kryvo always calls anything related to his 'sweet little [insert thing here]', which made him too used to saying it inside his head- And now? Out loud. "Well, i wanted to communicate with you, try to reach out so we could potentially speak to your leader-" He cut him there as he released some of the seen weapons of sharpened matter, since they were in his range, with some concentration, he could just completely scatter their matter around, leaving a gushy mess of red. It would be easier if he could touch them, but at a distance is still doable.

(Imagine Chisaki from My Hero, but not limited to touching)

"Very well, tell me your names..." He carefullly used the device Hephaestus created, used to detect the level of strength of individuals, classifying them in the standard Mutant ranking of Epsilon > Epsilon-Beta > Beta > Low Alpha > Alpha > High Alpha > Omega > High Omega > Apollyon, and according to hid readings... These two men were an High Alpha Mutant and an Omega Mutant! 'Telepathy and Magnokinesis? Potentially threatening to our Empire.' He notified the headquarters of the reforming team, which consisted of him, Gabriel, Emanuel, Ulysses, Serena and Kaleb who were here on Earth to reform it and remove the buildings and ideals of the Anti-Mutanf propaganda spread by the Pure Bloods! They had full authority on which punishment they could give the Pure Bloods who never thought once they were wrong, which they chose to execution and/or torture depending on their crimes. The message he sent was simple: [Code Yellow: Tea Party, I-2, O, H-A. Code House Protection HA] which meant [Code Yellow: Everything's fine, but there might be some trouble- Tea Party: People wanting to meet Kryvo, I-2: Two Individuals, Omega Strength and High Alpha Strength. Code House Protection: Telepath incoming, High Alpha]

The moment he sent out this message, the other five members of his group also responded with a simple message: [On], which meant they were ready and getting to his coordinates to fight or else. It also meant they got in contact with Emperor Kenós, because seconds later a portal appeared before Adam and out of it walked Gabriel, Emanuel, Serena, Ulysses, and Kaleb, aka Vulcan, Zeus, Poseidon, Enlil, and Apollo. The five had each one region to take care of, but now they were all gathered here by the will of their Emperor who could cross billions of light years in a single tought! "Greetings." Serena, the only one who was given permission to engage in politic conversations between the six of them, spoke carefully: "It has come to my knowledge that you both request an audience with our Emperor, am i right?" The response she received was a simple nod from the man in the wheelchair who was frowning, Serena smiled gently which just seemed vicious for everyone else as she said: "Ah, you must be Charles Francis Xavier, Professor X and High Alpha Telepath... I am Poseidon, Apollyon, and Head of the Division of Rain, pleased to meet you... fine gentlemen."

After that, they were "guided" by them to meet their Emperor, of course they travelled through a detector made by Hephaestus to detect any and all weaponry within their person, which did not detect anything that could potentially be used to harm their Emperor. And there he was, sitting on his throne while a line of people walked in, asking for his wisdom on decisions- "Your highness, I found my wife cheating on me." A large reptilian man with green scales and a long tail stood before Kryvo, kneeling and not daring to look up, beside him stood a woman with another man, both looked nervous to his eyes, but to everyone else they just looked like they didn't care at all: "And when i caught her, she told me that 'You are just a Beta, he is an Alpha, he has more power than you.' as her reason to cheat on me." Even though his words were spoken through gritted teeth, his body language showed that he was feeling way worse, betrayed, hurt, and humiliated. "Detector." Detector was a young woman with short hair, her Mutant power was simple as a Low Alpha: Detect Lies! She could tell if someone was telling a lie, thanks to that Kryvo gave her a position on his court, so she could help him on cases like this.

"He is telling what he perceives to be the truth." That was the fault of her power- if the target thought, genuinely thought they were telling the truth, then her powers also perceived it as a truth. It also didn't work on peolle with Mind shielding, which was Shield Breaker's job- Shield Breaker was actually Detector's girlfriend and fellow lesbian, a thin and seductive tall femme lesbian with long ivory hair and an Omega Telepath which job was getting Detector past the Mind Shields oon those who have it, and if necessary, read their thoughts and memories. "Very well..." His red eyes zoomed into the two, the cheating wife and the one she was cheating on her husband with, so he decided to hear their side of the story as well! And... It was bullshit, she confessed cheating on the Beta man for an Alpha man with a greater degree of power and social standing due to Alpha being more respected than Betas, Epsilon-Betas and Epsilons due to their weak mutations. 'Another problem...' Kryvo decided to begin a new reward-punishment system then and there, a smirk came to his face as he said: "Very well... Come forward you men." They both walked forwards, and kudos to the Beta who stopped himself from attacking the Alpha Mutant Instantly!

"Your Punishment has been decided." His hand pointed towards the Alpha Mutant, a red aura connected him and the other Beta Mutant, Kryvk was doing this for a show of power: "You shall loose your status as an Alpha Mutant-" On the Alpha Mutant he used his [Power Negation] in a special way, weakening him permanently, doing the opposite to the Beta Mutant: "And you shall rise in ranking!" He powered him just enough to his mutantion to evolve in a High Alpha- the reptilian man's body grew a few inches, his scales took a menacingly darker hue and his tail grew a sharp pointy spike at the end. "You marriage with her is now annulled. You shall receive a position within the Army of Beasts as a reward for your self-control and good work-" this was all bullshit, since he was just empowering the man to set an example to everyone who was watching that he could give, and he could take, and it's better to work hard to receive than have what little you have taken away.

A basic form of powerplay.

-Author Note-

[Powers: Kryptonian Physiology (Super Strength, Speed, Invulnerability, Flght, Energy Absorption, Energy Control, Energy Control), Powerlessness Inducement (Power Negation, Power Deactivation, Weakening), Portalmaster (Omniversal Knowledge, Portal Creation, Take and Make), Immortality (Poison Immunity, Reincarnation, Agelessness), Authority (Increased Charisma, Aura of Power), Power Augmentation (Power Increase, Physical Augmentation, Mental Augmentation, Power Inducement)]