Weird Shit [#1]

"Next!" A voice called and the door opened by itsefl, he had no other choice but to walk forward as the line behind him was rxtremely long. "Soul N° [Redacted], welcome to the Reincarnation Center, you have three choices on three powers. One active, one passive and active, and one passive. You can choose to come to your body at birth or at the fine age of 6 as well, these are the only things you'll have to do, the rest is handled by this-" The formless being made out of energy talked and a sphere appeared in front of them: "-This will choose the world you'll go to. Whatever you do, we here at the Reincarnation Center don't care, go apeshit." It wasn't really easy to choose powers, but for the Passive power he'd have he definitely chose Regenerative Healing Factor, because he doesn't want to die as soon as he is reborn! The difference between activate and passive+active ability was that the second one was always activate and could do more once he actively uses it, and after some consideration he took as his active power the Shape-shifting ability, since he knew this ability had lots of potential and was only really limited by his imagination.

As for his passive+active ability, he took the Shield Generation ability, because he knew a way to use it that could be deadly! The passive effect of this ability was that his mind was constantly and always surrounded by a powerful shield, protecting it from any invasion or attack, or even Manipulation, the active part of thjs ability was that he could then generate shields at will, the formless being was even kind enough to show him that he could choose the color of the generated shield and he chose black, because you can never go wrong with black. "Now put your hand in the sphere." And as he did so, he felt his body beig picked up by the scuff of his neck before he was pulled inside the sphere- The last thing he heard was the formless being saying: "Next!"

He opened his eyes, already had chosen to wake up at the tender age of 6 when his human brain was fully developed, only to realize he was... In a rainbow room? He looked confusedly around and saw there were no other kids around, only him surrounded by a few toys, he scowled as he tried to get up only to feel dizzy as a pain throbbed through his arm- It was painful, but he didn't feel like crying, mostly because he didn't have any tears to cry anymore and his eyes were really dry right now. 'The kid must've cried a lot...' He turned his wrist to look at what pained so much and he saw a tattoo there, in black ink that branded him: [002]. What does that mean? He didn't have enough time to think before heard footsteps approaching him, his body started to shiver as he felt a horrible sense of fear before he saw another man walk inside the room... He was blond and his eyes were... closed, as if he could not see. Whatever happened he has done to the little boy scared him, which made the now inhabiting adult soul wary and untrusting of the older boy: "Where are you, 002?" That voice made him feel chills running down his spine, he felt his body tense in response to whatever was happening.

"I know you're here..." The creepy way he talked made 002 shiver before- A black glass-like barrier surrounded his body, keeping safe from whoever the fuck this guy was. "Well, i just wanted to say... I heard that soon... There will be more kids to play with. More... Friends." He did not like that grin at all! "But since i can't seem to reach you, I just want you to know, Papa called you, playtime's over." There was a ominous feeling deep within his mind, he got up from the ground and walked as further away from the blond guy as he could- There upon his wrist he saw the number: [001].

He needed to get out of here, and fast.

-Scene Cut-

(Year: 1972)

Well... His power over barriers was clearly seen by the doctors, or rather, Papa, since there were cameras on the Rainbow Room. They first thought his powers were the Regenerative Healing Factor he had, regrowing body tissue faster and faster each day, the only mental ability they knew he had was the immunity of havig his mind invaded since 001 said he couldn't get inside 002's mind! To even get the number of the skin of 002's arm they had to burn with hot metal until the skin bruised and turned black, after that they watched as the black skin regenerated over until only a scar slowly formed over the blackened skin- they then tattooed that scar, which imbued the ink deep within the boy's body, making his whole arm itchy- They had to redo the tattoo every week because it would fade fast if they didn't repeat the process over again. It hurt, badly hurt, but 002 started to get used to it after the first month after he manifested the new ability to create that black shield...

It was interesting, the first year they had 002 here the boy was shy and introverted, but after he manifested that shield ability he started asking questions, questions that made Benner not happy! He answered some of them, like the year and whatnot, but after he kept on asking questions he had to shut down that mouth- So they created special punishments for the boy, since he would just go back to normal in less than a week afer! Now he seemed almost cold to the scientists, well, he couldn't exactly blame him since they were the ones to punish him... Electricity was his least favorite, as well as fire, drowning wasn't too bad since he could hold his breath for much longer than they thought he could, in times of punishment for when he lashed out or used his ability to try and escape they would punish him until it became clear they couldn't tame him! So they had to give him a Soteria injection, just like 001, to suppress his power. He could still create barriers, except they were thinner and weaker, not so resistant to bullets like they originally were.

And after giving him the Soteria injection, he became less aggressive, but they still punished him if he did not do well on his tests! The punishment itself was the test, if he couldn't create a barrier to stop a bullet, he would get shot. Simple and easy, right? It took him a whole year of constant "training" to get his barrier back to the level of stopping bullets with the Soteria Suppressant Pill on his body that weakened severely his psionic ability to conjure shields, Thankfully it only worked on his psionic ability, and not his ability to Shapeshift- which he had to train in secret by manipulating his bone structure and muscle whenever he was alone, it hurt badly because sometimes he would make mistakes and break a bone, a tendom, or even damage his nervous system but it would fix itself back for him, which gave him another chance to keep trying.

The years went by and now, 3 years later (1975), at the age of 9 he was very much not alone anymore. There were other kids here, he knew them by their numbers: 003, 004, and 005. They each had different abilities, which was most definitely why they were brought to this hell! 003 was 13, he didn't talk and would not say his name as if afraid of it, 004 was a little younger, being only 10. 005 was a young girl, she was 7 years old- The oldest of them all was the creep 001, whixh 002 avoided with all his might, ignored whenever he talked to him and stood as far away from him as physically possible! Even with the suppressant pill on his body (Which he had already found), his ability to make barriers was growing stronger and stronger, it almost made him think of the pill as a weight for his power, a weight he lifted every single day for a whole year before it slowly started to become easier to lift the weight... and now? Now it didn't feel like a weight, but more like a feather on his ability, which he had to obviously fake so they wouldn't notice.

He only had to wait for the perfect opportunity- His past failed attempts at escaping helped him with planning this new one, and the punishments? They only made him stronger! Traumatized? Sure, but stronger than ever. His body was literally adapting to new situations weirdly, and it won't take long until the scientists notice it- he had to manually undo whatever change was happening with his shape-shifting ability and it was a pain in the ass.

More time.

That's all he needs- A plan was already formulating inside his mind.

-Scene Cut-

The year was 1976, and at 10 years old, 002 had finally had the perfect opportunity to leave! He saw it really, there was something wrong with the weather, a storm was coming and a lightning bolt must've struck somewhere important becaysethe lights went off and that was enough for him! He touched where his pill was and willed his skin open, and with a single tear it fell right off. Remember when i said that the suppressant wasn't a weight anymore? Well, i lied. As soon as the red pill fell on the ground, 002 felt a rush of power through his mind, he felt his body breathe for the first time in 4 years and he felt... Free. He grinned as his body changed, at his mere wish his eyes adspted quickly to the lack of light surrounding him in his cell- He looked at the window and held his hand out to it, a shield platform manifested on his feet and he was right up to it, his body bent and in a single and fluid motion he was a rat.

Shape-shifting was so much easier now that he didn't need to focus on his innards anymore! His rat body easily went through once he shattered the thick window with a small pointy shield, his body went through the iron bars on the other side and he ran. It was raining, he could see lightning flashing in the sky and people in far away- His tiny black rat body grew in size as fur was switched to feathers and he flapped his newly acquired wings without thought in his mind, he only knew one thing: He was free.

No, fuck that, he knew three things: He was free, he was angry, and hw would get his revenge on them all for the burning alive, being electrocuted, drowning, being shot, poisoned, drugged, and more. Thankfully now he has such a strong resistance to most things- His body would subconsciously Shapeshift into the most desired form in subtle ways to survive whatever was happening to him at the moment, which was really useful.

'Finally... the weird shit's over.' Oh, how little did he know of this universe, after all, he had never watched or seen anything about Stranger Things! He only assumed he was in another world, similar to his, but in the past and people had powers here, he did not know that there were more things to happen. Plus, he also did not know this was a Crossover world, another world smashed together with this one...

Well, the other world was yet to be discovered, after all, he had yet to explore the world.

-Author Notes-

like the namesake suggests, this will have a lot of weird shit and twists, some that even I consider weird. But you gotta believe me and follow my line.