Perception and Perspective [#2]

Billy Hargrove was an unlucky bastard.

By the age of 8 years of age, he was left behind by his - Fuckint bitch - of a mother, left behind with that - Asshole, Bastard, Abusive, I WISH HE WOUPD JUST FUCKING DIE- man that was his father and ran. He couldn't blame her now that he was older, but he could resent her, and that he did- Flashes of red lightning, a dark shape approaches from the horizon as a voice whispers to him: "I want you to build-" His own face, his own body, walks up towards him slowly: "Build what you see!"- He was 9 when his father started abusing him, it first was a simple slap to the face when he misbehaved and his father was drunk, but it escalated from there when his father learned or found out he wasn't... Normal.

He didn't know why, but while other boys would drool at the sight of the other girls, he found himself staring at the older boys, kids taller and stronger than him, kids who found it weird and would bully him- "Faggot!" "Queer!" "Pussy!" "Bitch!" - He never told his dad, but i guess rumor spread huh? The first lesson he was taught with a belt was to not be a faggot, or rather, to hide it- Be with girls even when you can't even get it on at their sight, fake it, fake it, lie, lie, lie! "NO SON OF MINE IS A FUCKING FAGGOT!" He kept these words on his heart- He didn't know if it was because he wanted to be his son, or because he wasn't his son.

Flashes of red lightning- He stood upon that same fucking mall, his body limp as he was impaled in the heart- Weird, he doesn't remember dying, but he doesn't remember waking up either. He just remembers... Pain. So much pain, and red, red too, red lightning as a hand touches his chest and the hole where his heart once stood is now back, his heart no longer there as it was gone, instead his whole body trummed and beated like a heartbeat once every minute, his blood flowed inside his veins by itself, for no longer it was blood, but his body- He didn't need a heart, but he made one for himself, he made a heart out of flesh and muscle, because he wanted one- "You are a heartless scum, Billy Hargrove." Emily said, tears on her eyes as she cried- Why was she crying? Billy wants her to smile! That memory goes away as he remembers Max, how she told him, she told his father about him and Anthony, she told him about their little secret meetings and about them being alone together too- She told him because she was petty, and because he didn't buy her ice-cream.

He remembers it.

How his father came, found his faggot of a son, head down onto Anthony's cock, sucking it- He pulled him by the hair, the hair Anthony would hold as he whispered like it was a secret: "I love you, Billy." He pulled him by the hair, and bashed his head on the concrete, that was the last thing he remembers before he woke up home, his wrist broken, and Anthony gone. His father screamed, screamed and beat him up good, he didn't respect him so he had to take responsibility for his actions, he had to suffer the consequences of being a faggot! But it was also her fault, Max- He remembers now, how they met... He was 11 years old when his dad came home with another woman, he thought she'd be like all the others before her, a simple one night stand, to he used and and thrown out like a glass bottle or a beer can- Billy actually had his first beer when he was 10, he also was beaten half to death for the first time when he was 10 for drinking something he shouldn't, but he still drank beer later on when he was older, when his father didn't care anymore- But she was different.

She brought a girl with her- A young redhead, Max was her name. "This is Max and her mother, and from now on she's also your new mother Billy." He remembers how he first froze, then shook his "sister's" hand and refused to even look at the woman, she wasn't his mother. He ran away that day, it took him five hours to find his mother again, for she was still in California! He smiled when he saw her, only to freeze in cold realization that she was walking in a park in San Francisco holding the hand of a small little black haired boy while she held on her arms a toddler, a little girl with blue eyes and blond hair. That day, Billy learned a lot of things- Never trust the police, they'd bring him back to his father, never run away without a plan because you can't escape me Billy, never tell anything to anyone because they can use it against you as did the policeman he tried convincing to not take him to his father, and the last and final lesson was to never cry loudly when Max was close.

Flashes of red lightning, he now stood on an endless field of ash and rot, where his feet touched, so did that thing- It was made of flesh! He felt it crawl inside him, he felt it grow inside him, plant a seed that took root and grew into a plant of blood, flesh, and rage! He remembers it whispering his fears, whispering- Then, before him, stood an endless green field. Beautiful, full of lush green grass and beautiful dandelions, poppys, and several other flowers and plants! In the distance he saw trees, and in the trees, fruits and even other foods- Bananas, Mangos, Berries? But they don't grow on trees, or do they? Strawberries, Blueberries, Blackbarries, Star fruits, Watermelons, Melons, Coconuts, Pears, Apples, and more. This was weird... But he kept walking, every step, and it seemed to grow and get closer, until his feet touched the endless lush grass and he looked up- The sky, grey full of clouds and red lightning in one side, and blue and clear on the other- When he looked down, the same applied, ash and rot in one side, green and life on the other side.

He couldn't resist it anymore- How long has it been ever since he touched grass? How long ago did he breath fresh air, or say, how long ago did he drink water or ate a fresh fruit? He was always between this jail within his mind where he was forced to live every memory and regret, or he was being tortured, brainwashed, or experimented on by those crazy sons of bitches that were those damn Russians! He still thought of Eleven sometimes, was she okay? He wondered as his feet kept touching the grass, the wind blew on his body and he soon found himself naked, he didn't know why, but he sat down on the soft grass as the gentle breeze psssed by- He started to feel light, chuckles escaping his mouth as he rolled around the grass as a sense of peace filled his entire being, he felt euphoria for the first time in years! "I'm glad to see you are having such a good time." His body froze, and in an instant, he was up and looking at where that voice came from- There, just between on the tall grass, stood the devil himself.

His father always said him and his kind- Meaning, the Queers- would go to hell where the Devil would do many evil things to him and he used to believe amd fear it, but that was old story because looking at this devil? He wouldn't mind if he did many evil things to him at all. Tall, taller than him, green emerald eyes with black pupils, red skin and black hair on his head and face, forming this beard too, and oh- He had hair on his body as well, his chest and hard muscles, or his shoulders and arms and right above his- Oh... He was also naked. Is this hell? Because thinking about it, Billy can see how giving him everything he wants and then taking it away would be something the devil would certainly do to torture him in hell. "Would you like an apple?" The devil smiled, and Billy understood the meaning of devilish then and there because- Damn, don't judge him, the Devil is the literal personification of temptation and Billy is feeling really tempted right now! "Or maybe some water... You seem..." The guy looked down at him before smirking with a toothy grin, Billy could see the sharp canines and the forky tongue as he licked his ruby lips, his crimson skin reflected the sun's light almost too perfectly to show him the swinging tail on the Devil's back- It was swaying like a cat's tail, a cat who found a prey.

"Thirsty." He finished his sentence, and only then did Billy Hargrove look down at himself- Billy Hargrove is not a lucky bastard, but to have a hard on in front of the devil was pretty lucky in his honest opinion!

-Scene Cut-

"No, I'm not THE Satan™, my name's Lucifer though." That was how their conversation was started. "But I am a demon."

How the hell did their conversation turned into this?

"But i think that Paradise Lost satan really said "i tried to do something and i failed, and now i realize that i was always destined to fail, and i want revenge for that but i also see that my every effort to spite authority will just satisfy that authority more. so i guess i will just be as good as i possibly can be at the role that i now know i was always meant to play, in which the more i succeed, the more i'll disgrace myself. i cannot escape. i never could have escaped. i am going to be the adversary, and i am going to destroy myself, and there is nothing i can do about it. ok. ok. let's get started." in a way that made the poem so filled with daddy issues that you could make a full list of it!" Lucifer, as he was called, ironically enough, smiled at the end of his sentence and emphasized by making a gesture with his hand and rolling out an endless piece of parchment paper that stretched across the horizon, and Billy no longer could see it.

They've been talking for days, weeks, months even, and Billy found himself enjoying the company- Whenever he was hungry, he'd eat, whenever he was thristy, he'd drink, and whenever he was tired, he'd sleep. But Lucifer (Still can't get over his name) explained to him- Lucifer had a power, the power to control perception, so he could make 1 second look and feel like a whole eternity if he wanted to, which made healing himself mentally to much easier being here- However, he was warned that once this came to an end, he'd be back inside his body and would wake up in the real world. Lucifer would grant him anything, ANYTHING if he agreed to once out of here, he'd do one thing for him: Break his shackles.

Billy agreed- He's already here, why not take the Devil's offer and make a pact with him? "I don't make pacts, Billy." Lucifer chuckled, a grin flashing on his face as he teasingly pushed the long and blond curls out of his and put it behind his ear, whispering on his ear: "I make deals, contracts, unbreakable by my will..." Aaaaand...

Billy was hard again.

-Scene Cut-

Living a thousand years in a second was easy for Lucifer, but he gave Billy time and help to heal- How? He slowly taught him how to first control his emotions, his consciousness was here with Lucifer while his body was asleep somewhere, his mind wiuld be trained but his power not, which Lucifer would help with as soon as he was free! At first, Lucifer enjoyed Billy's presence because he asked questions, he was a curious young mind searching for answers, some he had and some he didn't, to those he could only give a promise of an answer in the future while archiving the thought inside his mind palace, a place he had full control over.

Building one was easy to him, but teaching others to build one? Not so much.

Billy seemed to have some form of Telepathy, weak and untrained, but they had time- Powers that work with the mind would continue to grow as they trained them, and even if Billy's hard work is wasted once he returns to the real world, his experience with it will certainly help... Experience. Lucifer smiled as he looked at the Garden of Eden, a garden created inside his mind to be his own form of Heaven where he had anything he wished, here he decided- Maybe he should teach Billy something new to give him the experience? He could train muscle memory later, but the knowledge and experience would be there when he goes back to his body!

Oh, to be a teacher...

It ain't easy.