Alchemist [#5]: Umh, What?

It was agreed by Stiles that he would start his work soon, his work was generally easy- Well, of course Peter asked him if he had any knowledge on self defense, to which Stiles threw Chris into the ground easily. I mean, Stiles' past life wasn't the most peaceful one, and as a skinny guy who had to deal with bigger, tougher, and heavier guys, he learned how to use their strength and weight against them. Stiles' pay would be weekly, about 500 dollars a week, more or less 20 dollars an hour. 

I mean, it was good money and would honestly help, but Stiles would be a millionaire in the future and all this money right now is being used to pay the debt his family got in the bank- I mean, his dad had to literally put up his own fucking liver at stake! Stiles honestly never understood why there were banks that accepted organs as a viable form of payment? His dad did ask him where he got the money, so he said he became the babysitter of a rich guy, and when he confirmed via phone that Stiles was nothing more than a babysitter ("You're too adorable my son." He said, smugly: "Of course you are, you're your mother's son, of course you're beautiful! I need to know if you somehow became the sugar baby of some rich old man!") he allowed Stiles to keep working for Peter. 

After three days, Stiles finally returned to the game! His character materialized into the beginner area, and this time it had more people- Normally the Beginner Area has a limited amount of people that are there due to the fact that to get out of the beginning area you just had to open the Beginner's Kit, which is why Stiles hasn't opened his yet. In the beginning area you could unlock classes, no one really knew about that by now but Stiles does know, in fact, he's going to unlock his main class and a secondary Subclass today as well as get a few extra stats. "Must be here..." He saw Bastet guiding another guy, when he passed by her he waved and she looked shocked at him, the other guy called her before she could run at Stiles and Bastet had to do her duties. 

With a small smirk, Stiles went to the training dummies, where there was a guy there? Anyway, the training dummies here were a way for players to get basic skills and stats! 'Better start now, else that crazy guy comes here- Oh fuck.' And there he was; Tall, red haired, muscular and wearing this weird bikini armor that revealed too much! Here he was called by players as Instructor A, but Stiles knew his name: "Oh fuck." Stiles had to look away, but it was too late! "So you're the one that B was talking about!" Freezing, Stiles smiled as brightly as he could and nodded- Ares, God of War and Instructor for players that want to learn a few skills with a sword or shield. "Hi Ares." Stiles could help but sigh heavily, really now? Ares was one of the most eccentric Gods because of his relationship with Aphrodite- She made him wear weird shit since she topped him and was his dom or something. "I just want to learn how to properly [Parry] and [Dodge], that's all I'm here for." These two skills were obtainable here at the training area, you could ask the Instructor Ares to teach you these skills! 

"I'll do you one better- Let me be your teacher, like the old man was!" Stiles grimaced and shook his head- although the legendary class he'd get from it would be nice, it didn't work with Stiles' style of gameplay he worked on for years! "No thanks... However, if i change my mind and want someone else to have that class, I'll just tell you. I have some things i want to get anyway." Stiles saw how Ares deflated before nodding with wettest, saddest, most pathetic puppy dog eyes one could ever have- Which is why Stiles turned around, grabbed a wooden sword from the many around, and hit the dummy with all his strength. 

[+1 Strength]

The echoing slap of wood on wood was rhythmic, it took Stiles a while but he knew that it would be worth it! He started to get really tired really soon, but he continued hitting the dummy as he went on, increasing his stats as well: 

[+1 Strength]

[+1 Endurance]

[+1 Vitality]

"So, you are?" A voice came from behind him startled him so much he accidentally put too much force on the sword, when the sword impacted against the dummy it completely shattered! This effect was called 'Sudden Strength', and it was more of a bug than a feature, a bug Stiles didn't really enjoy because it made him hurt himself in the game a few times in his past life. This time, however, it did some good:

[Achievement Unlocked: Shatter Sword!]

[+5 Strength]

[Description: You shattered the training sword in the beginning area, a hard to do feat!]

"Fuck-" Stiles' hand was bleeding due to the sudden increase of strength the character received, his hand was full of splinters and he cursed the sadist developers that designed this game to allow the sensation of pain to be locked at 90% of the pain one would feel! Thankfully the update soon will change that too, allowing the pain to be increased or decreased freely. "-don't you startle me, fuck!" Stiles clenched his hurt fist, mostly because he was angry and didn't care, but also to do something not many knew yet- The game was realistic, but not that realistic, so splinters will fuse with his character and vanish into his body when he naturally heals! "Sorry, oh Gods, sorry-" The guy that apologized looked frantic, and Stiles saw a face he knew very well- He saw this face in his dreams sometimes, mostly wet dreams because hot damn, but also nightmares where he watched Derek Hale tear someone in half. The video was on the internet, the ruthless and cold Hale Patriarch decided that the youngest son of the Argents who happened to have raped a member of his mob, deserved to die by being torn in half.

By Derek's hands. 

That was both the hottest and scariest things Stiles saw on the internet- Hot because it was Derek Hale, and Stiles has had a crush on him for a long while too. 

Don't judge him! 

"Huh, what do you want..." Looking up and down at the guy, Stiles noticed he was a replica of young Derek Hale, meaning he chose the human race right? "Sorry, i was just curious why the Instructor guy came to talk to you." Stiles knew that the class [Descendant of Ares] or [Ares' Descendant] (He isn't sure about the semantics) was a really overpowered one, as was all Legendary Classes, on their own ways, but the guy who had this class in his past life was a Douchbag who would brag 24/7 about it all the fucking time. He dominated the PvP and the future Competitive PvPs that are going to come once money can be made- I mean, it was really profitable to be a professional Magic and Might player. 

So what's better than to give a Legendary Class to Derek Hale? (Shut up, its not because Stiles still has some infatuation with him... A little crush maybe)

"He just wanted to give me a quest." Stiles rolled his eyes, exasperated: "So... Hey, what's your strength?" Derek looked at him confusedly for a moment before reading his stat: "Uh... 15?" 

"Well, it'll do." Stiles gave Derek a wooden sword and pointed at the dummy- now, to trigger Sudden Strength, one had to be startled, scared, or otherwise frightened in some way while doing an action! Which was why when Derek swung the sword toward the dummy, Stiles used his own piece of wooden sword to attack, which had Derek's body tense and the effect of 'Sudden Strength' to activate and make him hit the dummy with a large amount of, as the name suggests, sudden strength! "Fuck." Derek cursed lowly, not like Stiles' scream of pain, he only winced a little as his sword broke. "There, now you have 20 of strength-" Stiles grinned, just because he liked Derek didn't mean he wasn't going to be a little shit about it! "I reccomended you learn the skills [Parry] and [Slash] from Ares, you'll need it." Without saying anything else, Stiles just turned to leave, he had [15] in Vitality, Endurance, Agility, and Dexterity, Strength he had [20] now. The reason he got more stats than Derek was because he hit continuously, not stopping to take a break once! "Ah, and big guy?" Stiles turned to look at Derek from his shoulder: "I'm so sorry." 

Derek didn't understand what he was talking about until he did. 

Because Stiles set loose Ares on him- With 20 Strength he had enough to at least pass the test Ares is going to put him through, because Stiles just told Ares that Derek was a good option for a Descendant due to his impressive strength for a newbie, so Derek was tested by Ares in a simple and quick way- Ares took out this large two handed wooden sword and dashed towards Derek, who just had enough time to use his tiny sword to use his newly learned [Parry] skill. 

Don't worry, he survived! 

The sword broke, sure, and he had only [1] HP left, but he survived! 

And he literally would unlock a Legendary Class, so Derek didn't loose anything. 

"Now... Onto my next class."

Coughing, Derek felt pain throughout his whole body- it was an agonizing pain, it was like all his bones were shattered and turned into paste. "Fuck..." Derek coughed up some blood, looking down at his own hands he barely had time to think before the Instructor NPC picked him up with a crazy grin! "You're perfect! Become my Descendant, human!" 

[Do you accept 'Ares, God of War' as your teacher?]

[Reward: Legendary Class - Ares' Descendant]

"Uhm... Yes?" 

After that, Ares ("Call me Ares kiddo! Imma be your teacher and show you how to become the most feared warrior in all of the realms!") started to just teach him shit and test him for the shit he was doing- The weird plant guy that 'Reccomended' him was long gone and all that Ares could say about him was how "grateful" he was that the guy found him a suitable Descendant. I mean, having a Legendary Class was nice... But why did he give it to him? That was weird! "Now, slash, step forward, step backward, slash again, and parry!" It was like a dance, fighting against Ares' shadow was the weirdest thing that Derek has been through yet. 

[Passive Skill - Sword Play lvl 8 - has leved up!]

[Passive Skill - Parry lvl 8 - has leveled up!]

He had to dance around the attacks of the shadow, his objective was to land a clean hit on the shadow so he could complete the quest. If he died, he could try again, he couldn't just give up because giving up was the "sign of a failed warrior!" as Ares likes to put it. Derek had never felt such a thrill in life as he was feeling right now! The rush, the adrenaline, the cold of fear in his heart was the best thing he ever felt- He learned how to fight with his uncle Peter, the man always taught him that survival was the goal and killing your enemy the secondary objective.

Which was why Derek was using [Parry] to decrease the damage taken by the attacks of the shadow, instead only counterattacking every single time the shadow attacked- It worked really well, until the shadow suddenly had this red glow around it! "Fuck-" Ten tentacles and sharp blased grew from the shadow that once again started attacking him- Derek fought tooth and nail, each and every time he even used his own hands and feet to fight like he always did, and like that he even learned the skills [Sweep] and [Punch], which were Common Skills. With only [1] of HP left again, Derek sank the sword into the shadow, killing it after his 7th attempt that week.

It took him a long while to get this thing on the ground, but he sowed the fruits of his hard work because instantly he became [Lvl 10] and received a notification:

[Achievement Unlocked: Level Up!]

[+10 Unassigned Stat Points]

[Description: Level up while in the Beginner Area]

[Achievement Unlocked: Apprentice of a God]

[+50 Unassigned Stat Points]

[+1 Godly Skill you were taught]

[Achievement Unlocked: Blessed One]

[+5 Unassigned Stat Points]

[Description: You were blessed by a God!]

[Ares' Crazy Fighting (Lvl 1)

Type: Passive Skill

Rank: Legendary 

Description: Taught by Ares, you know how to fight like a true mad warrior, always knowing how to damage the enemy with the highest amount of damage in the most unusual ways possible!


Whenever fighting, decreases your Dodging [DOG] by 50% but increases your damage by 50%

The owner of this skill can use any type of weapon, regardless of class restrictions. 

HP and SP are 15× your Vitality and Endurance.

Has a slight chance of learning a fighting skill in the middle of battle, the chances increase with every level up of this skill.

[Your Class in Now Ares' Descendant]


Name: Ares' Descendant 

Class Lvl: 01

Type: Combat

Rank: Legendary 

Description: Taught by Ares himself, you are the best warrior in the battlefield, always capable of growing stronger with each fight.

Skills -

[Unlock At lvl 5]

[Unlock at lvl 10]

[Unlock at lvl 25]

[Unlock at lvl 50]

[Unlock at lvl 100]

"This... This is crazy." Derek whispered, the strength and potential he just got were amazing! 

To think he'd get that from a random guy... What was his name again? 

[Friend Request sent to Glory Edge]

Glory Edge: Is this the FBI? I don't have weed, I'm just a weed.

Hail: Uhm, what?

[-Scene End-]

Want to read the rest and many other stories? Check out my AO3!

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