GID: Son [#7]

"Now." As he said so, so it was- A simple wooden baseball bat moved in a blur, hitting the head of the undead walking corpse that was the zombie, bashing its skull and scattering the brains everywhere!

"D-did I do good?" Panting, Alex used the baseball bat to support his body, lowering his head as his sweat fell upon the dusty floor. "I'm level 15 now…" He sighed softly to himself, but due to him being close, Zyos heard his baby. "You did good, baby." Praising him automatically activated the skill [Words of Praise], making Alex feel a powerful shiver go down his spine- Naturally all of his three babies had praising kink, thanks to the skill.

"Alpha!" Running with a grin on his face, Zack stopped right before him- Behind him was his (although he would never say it) favorite bitch, his own father, Brian. "Alpha…" He greeted him with a soft smile, making Zyos grin back at them both. "You both are level 15 too?" When he asked that, they both nodded.

Level 15 was essential because at level 15, they would unlock their classes!

"Look through the lists and tell me your options, I will help you choose based on your own capabilities and what your role will be." Zyos' words were both to reassure his babies that they'll have a place with him, but also a subtle order, activating the skill [Command] as he said so, so no one could disobey his orders. It was essential for them to have a class that suits them and their own innate abilities, such as Alex's [Soft Voice] skill, Brian's [Enticing Tears], and Zack's [Naturally Silent] and [Quick Movements] skills… "Tell me your options, please." He was still polite, because that's who he is, he loves them and won't be rude to them unless they ask him to or such a thing is necessary.

"Uhm, Alpha?" Zack looked at him with wide eyes for a moment- Zyos' eyes focused for a split second as Zack showed him his screen:

[Class Selection - Please Choose One

Assassin King - With soft steps and quick movements, you are able to quickly perform assassinations. Your damage is target based, only affecting one target at a time. Grants the skills [Stealth], [Backstab], [Assassination], [Hyper Damage], [Critical Thinking].

Poison Thief - With abilities that increase Dexterity for a time, this class can perform various stunts safely. Grants the skills [Resistance to Poison], [Poison Make], [Steal], [Stealth], [Dodge], [Climb], [Pickpocket], and more.

Thief - With abilities that increase Dexterity for a time, this class can perform various stunts safely. Grants the skills [Steal], [Stealth], [Dodge], [Climb], [Pickpocket], and more.


There were many options that Zack could take, but taking in consideration his inner abilities [Naturally Silent] and [Quick Movement]... "Take the Assassin King class, Zack… I know you'll be very good at it once you train hard enough, okay?" Zack simply nodded, taking the class his Alpha told him to. His level was reset back [01] as he got his class and all the skills that a beginner would have - [Critical Thinking] and [Stealth] were the only ones he got at the moment, more would come later.

"Alpha, my turn?" Brian's eyes carried a barely hidden arousal every moment he looked at his son- Only the image of him bouncing on his big cock was what came to mind every single time. "Sure baby, show me." And wow- Looking at his dad, he saw some classes that really showed how much of a slut he was.

[Class Selection - Please Choose One

Sex Slave - You live for your Master's pleasure! Rejoice, for a toy is everything you are and always will be. Grants the skills [Sexual Pleasure], [Cum Storage], [Cum Digestion], [Sex Slave's Mark], [Toy], and others.

Taboo Breaker - You are a disgusting living being that broke the social or existential laws, doing something no one should. Grants the skills [Depraved], [Broken Mind], [Cosmic Knowledge], [Society Reject], [Taboo Reveal], and others.

Crybaby Hysteric - You are pathetic, crying is everything you know how to do, so why not do it right? Grants the skills [Humiliation], [Center of Attention], [Resistance to Embarrassment], [Crowd Control - Literally], [Pathetic Presence], and others.


Zyos felt that this was a heavy decision… His dad loved him, and he loved his dad. For him, his dad was not a toy, but his baby! He does not wish to share his daddy with others, so the first option was as tempting as it was to choose that one. The second option sounded like it came out right off a H.P Lovecraft book, so it was also out… The third option was tempting, seeing as it gave his dad a few useful skills and also complemented his natural skill. [Enticing Tears] is a skill that when used, his dad will shed tears and those tears will [Taunt] enemies to attack him but also make Zyos lose control and fuck him as hard as he possibly can, just to make him cry louder.

They both loved it.

"...take that one." But he also didn't want his dad to have the third option, so he looked further down the long list and- He found one that could work. Brian did not hesitate to follow his Alpha's word, selecting the option he told him to:

[Attention Seeker - You love being the center of attention, you can also keep the eyes of all right towards you. Grants the skills [All Eyes on Me], [Listen to Me], [After Me], [Me First], [Dazzling Presence], [Charming One], and others.]

This was the perfect option for his dad, not only it allowed him to use his charms, it also granted him a few good skills and even a way to fight. He can charm others, making them stop fighting and start fucking him, which is something Zyos is… not exactly okay with, since every time he thinks of someone else he doesn't approve fucking his dad, only murder comes to mind. Like, very violent and aggressive murder- and a lot of it too. "Alpha, can you kiss me~?" Immediately, Zyos felt his cock hardened as he looked at his baby's pink eyes- He immediately snapped out of it, a new notification appearing before him:

[New Skill!]

[Passive Skill - Resistance Skill] [Mental Resistance lvl 1: Your mind is stronger and tougher, being able to handle mental manipulation, debuffs, and attacks easily. The higher your [Willpower] and this skill's level, the easier you can resist mental debuffs, manipulation, and attacks.]

" little rascal." His dad sighed softly but his lips never stopped smiling as his Alpha lifted him by the throat. His skill almost worked… "Thanks to you, I've developed a Resistance to Mental attacks, manipulations, and debuffs. But you also tried your skill on me…" With a sharp movement, Brian moaned as teeth sank into the mark on his shoulder, making him go boneless in a single moment. "When we get home, your punishment will start… You won't have sex with me and no one else for a week." Brian's face paled and he looked like he was just sentenced to death by a judge.

"...okay…" His face was gloomy, he looked so depressed that Zyos almost went back on his word, but he steeled his heart. This is for his baby's own good, because he can't keep trying to use his skills on his Alpha, that's disrespectful and Zyos only wants his babies respect to give them his love- He could feel how disappointed his dad was through their bond, he shut down his own channel so his dad couldn't known what he was thinking or feeling, this was his punishment as well. "Alex, and you?" He lowered his hand on his baby brother's head, ruffling his sweaty hair a bit. He didn't even say anything, he just smiled and showed him the list:

[Class Selection, Please Choose One

Spell Singer - With your smooth and soft voice, call upon storms, ice, fire, and lightning! Grants the skills [Voice of the Tempest], [Voice of the Flames], [Voice of the Tundra], [Voice of the Storm], [Voice of the Sea], [Voice of the Earth], and others.

Bard - Using your charismatic personality and your ability to play instruments, you can charm, confuse, and even use magic! Grants the skills [Inspirational Music], [Duet of Combat], [Trio of Escape], [Quartet of Demise], and others.

Pop Idol - You are a good singer and good dancer, go forth and become famous! Grants the skills [Stage Dance], [Beautiful Voice], [Songs of the Heart], and others.


The choice was very obvious! Zyos smiled as he told his brother: "Select the first option, it's perfect for you." He kissed his baby's forehead and pulled Zack and his dad closer as he used [Dungeon Destroy] to leave the dungeon. His dad still looked a little sad, but when he saw Victor his eyes were filled with hope- Only for that to also be killed when Victor jumped towards Zyos and vanished inside his chest, going back to him. "Also, Victor won't be fucking you as well…" Brian felt cold, his whole body was completely numb as Zyos used [Command] on him, ordering him: "You won't leave the house, you can't please yourself, you can't cum, you can't even try to make someone else help you. You will stay in your room, in your bed, thinking about what you tried to do… To make this harder on you, you'll have this inside you." Now Zyos was being flat out a sadistic asshole, but he didn't care- He shoved inside his dad's pussy hole a large butt plug that vibrates.

The controller? In Zyos' hand.

"You'll sit still." Activating it on the 1st option, there was a small but pleasant sensation in Brian's hole as the big butt plug vibrated. "When I'm back, you better not have cummed, or else I'll put a cage on you… In fact, I'm doing this after I come back." Brian could not do anything but sit down and be still, like his Alpha told him to. Both Alex and Zack left the room alongside Zyos, who turned to them with a warning glare making them both nod- They were not allowed to fuck daddy, they were going to stay here and stop anyone from trying to fuck daddy if somehow someone tried to.

As he left the house shirtless, Zyos could feel the gazes of many people on him- As said previously, they live in a rather calm neighborhood, with a bunch of old people, but you know who else? Mr. Peeping Tom, the pervert with the binoculars that watched him give Zack and Alex a handjob and a kiss before sending them to school… Talking about Zack, apparently his dad is quite homophobic, but Zyos has a solution for that too. First he's going to see the peeping tom, have some fun with him and his son, and then see Zack's dad… It'll be fun.

As he walked towards the house where the peeping tom lived, Zyos' eyes and ears focused onto the home- He could only hear one heartbeat and see only one person inside the house, and that was the Peeping Tom's son-

"Knock Knock…" He whispered as his fist made the same sound on the door- He knew that knocking would work because the son was in the kitchen, and the kitchen was close enough to the front door to open it. Zyos let his [Musk] skill free, releasing this masculine scent all around him. He also prepared himself to use [Eye-catching] to make anyone who looks at him feel attracted to him- He heard him first, as he came walking towards the door from the kitchen, cursing lowly beneath his breath about "annoying door to door sellers" and what-not. When the door opened, Zyos had to look down at the boy that opened the door…

They made eye contact, and immediately Zyos activated his skill [Eye-catching] to make the boy feel attracted to him, which just served as gasoline to the already lit fire! The boy also got the [Dazzled] effect on him thanks to Zyos' skill [Dazzling Gaze], soon another second passed and the [Dazzled] effect became the [Hypnotic] status effect -

[Hypnotic: While under this effect, the target will be confused. Additionally, they will believe anything you tell them, changing in any way you want them to, having memories that they never had, and even creating different personalities just to become whatever you tell them they are.]

"Hi, you're a friend of my little brother Alex, you know me as Alex's hot older brother. You have had sexual fantasies involving me and your dad, you are a submissive hidden cockskut, who wishes for nothing but to be dominated by me and your dad that you call daddy." Zyos couldn't help but grin- The skill [Command] activated as well, making sure that what he just told the boy became part of his now altered psyche. Why not save a relationship? The wife and husband have a "loving" relationship don't they? I bet that they have… That's why the husband keeps peeping on others, right? Because his marriage life is very healthy. "You'll be free from hypnosis once I snap my fingers three times." Zyos did so, and soon the boy's eyes returned to their focused estate-

"Oh, you're Alex's brother…" The boy whispered for a moment: "Uhm, hi? Can I- uhm, help you?" He looked so adorable when blushing like this! Zyos smiled softly to the boy, making him just look back at him with this red tomato face: "Well, I came here because Alex told me he made a new friend, so I wanted to meet them… You're quite adorable, I must confess." Being the perfect gentleman that he was, Zyos lowered himself to enter the home as the boy opened the door for him with a clear invitation. "Your parents aren't home?" The boy, still blushing but smelling like extreme lust - seriously, he could smell the boy's precum leaking from his tiny cock from here! - said with his gaze locked towards the kitchen: "Uh, no… Dad left to go buy groceries and mom left to do her nails…" Zyos followed the boy to the kitchen, humming as if in thought-

"Aren't you a little young to be home alone?" Zyos' voice carried his teasing tone, making the boy blush before saying with a serious tone: "I'm 16, not 5." The kitchen was clean and tidy, the boy was clearly making himself a sandwich as the ingredients for a simple sandwich was on the counter. "...huh, I came here to talk to you about my little brother, but now I can't help but want one… Care to help me make a sandwich?"

"Uh, no, I can help-" The boy quickly offered his help, handing Zyos a piece of bread- The moment his fingertip touched Zyos' hand, the boy blushed even hard, making him look so fucking adorable that Zyos couldn't help but reach out and touch the boy's cheek with a smile: "Thanks cutie."

[+50 Affection with Victor Kannir]

[Victor Kannir - Acquaintance - Affection: 50/100 (Crush)]

'This… just a simple touch was enough to update the Relationship Meter?' Zyos couldn't help it- He lowered his head and whispered in the boy's ear: "You look adorable." Before pinching his little ass, earning himself a squeaky moan. "Oh?" He did it again, this time he used his whole hand to grasp the boy's left cheek and hold- This time the boy just groaned and pressed himself closer to Zyos. "You like this? You're really a natural slut huh? Letting this stranger touch you…"

"I-it's not like that!" The boy, now named Victor, cried out in embarrassment: "I-it's just… I-i… I just-" Seeing as he couldn't say it out loud, he lowered his head and avoided eye contact as he whispered: "It's just you…" Zyos couldn't believe how efficient his skills were! "I just like you…"

"You, a 16 year old boy like me, a 20 year old man?" Zyos whispered in almost delight, purring the words; "That's just… So illegal, isn't it? I'd be going to jail if someone were to find out, wouldn't I?" Victor nodded, his body shivering as Zyos' voice in his ear made him almost boneless: "So… what am I going to do now? What do you think should happen?"

"...kiss me?" There were tears in the corners of his eyes as he asked that- he had been sniffing Zyos for too long it seems.

[Your skill [Musk] has driven Victor Kannir into a state of [Lust]! He won't be able to do coherent actions until that has been taken care of.]

"Gladly." Zyos picked the boy up and pushed him against the wall- His right thigh came to rest between Victor's legs and the boy rested there, his body completely boneless as his first kiss was taken by someone older, hotter, and honestly? His dream man. "Fuck baby, you want me to fuck you?" Zyos loved the sensation of power he had every time he dominated and fucked someone- He wanted to fuck the dad today, but the son works fine! Maybe the dad can find them? Zyos felt himself filled with lust when a plan came to mind.

Vladimir Kannir was a busy man trapped in an unhappy marriage, he was forced to be married to a gold digger just because his dad couldn't make him "grow into his unnatural urges" just because he kissed a boy once… I mean, he enjoyed it more than anything he ever enjoyed with his wife, and now trapped in this marriage because they have a son, he distracts himself by looking and peeping at attractive and younger men, who he lusts for… He has fapped many times by the thought of cheating on his whore of a wife, who he had to force himself to fuck and impregnate so he could have done his "husband deeds" or whatever that old man has in his mind.

He went to "buy groceries", which was just an excuse to go peeping into other homes from afar in other neighborhoods- Adrian Honners is a very hot young stud, he'd be the guy he'd cheat on his wife with. There were several candidates for that actually- Adrian Honners, Herbert Gill, Wei Yong, Ian Garen, and the most known slut: Brian Zachary Zane. Vladimir knows he is a slut because his few escapades to the nearest gay bar, he found and chatted to many people who fucked him- The guy loved cock, be it flesh cock or plastic cock, it didn't matter really.

Vladimir wanted to fuck him too- But surprisingly, Brian has not been seen going to clubs anymore, and that had everyone wondering if someone tamed that wild pussy somehow… Sighing softly, Vladimir looked at his own phone to see his wife's text:

[Going to get my nails done, back at 6]

"She's probably bouncing on that hot black guy's cock… Lucky." Groaning at the injustices of the world, Vladimir opened the door to his house, he entered and stretched himself for a moment before he heard the sound of flesh on flesh and small moans of lust- Sex, in his household? The only one here besides him is his son. Victor was very adorable growing up, he inherited many of his mother's features, making a very handsome boy - he admits that he thought of trying to have sex with his boy, but that thought left his mind when he found out about Brian Zachary Zane. 'Is he watching porn?' The groans were very manly, meaning he was watching gay porn or having sex with a guy! 'I can use this…'

Following the sound, he went upstairs and towards his son's bedroom- The moment he opened the door, he saw the hottest scene ever: His son, bouncing on a monster cock while the owner of said majestic monster cock smoked a cigarette. "Oh, hi." The strange man said- Vladimir's cock was already completely rock hard as the man smirked confidently: "I was curious about the peeping tom that was watching me and my boys… But you weren't home, but your son was." A hand pulled his boy's black hair back, making him look directly at his daddy: "Look, he's a big slut- Your daddy's here, why don't you greet him?" The way his boy looked was the hottest shit ever, he looked so beautifully fucked, his cock hard and leaking as he moaned out in a crying voice: "Daddy~"

"Fuck, boy…" Vladimir couldn't help it, he pulled out his 7 inch cock and approached the duo, taking his clothes off, rock hard and leaking precum already.

He was going to fuck his son.